Who doesn't love strawberries? Sometimes, it is pleasant to do a relaxed summer study (less writing, more oral and fun work) with the children to keep them occupied in healthy pursuits. Here are some books and activities that I think everyone in the family will enjoy. Your children will love to learn this way!

Chapter Book to Read Aloud:
Strawberry Girl by Lois Lensky (This charming chapter book about frontier life in Florida has a "Hatfield and McCoys" storyline which will entertain the children while teaching lessons in forgiveness and neighborly love.)
Picture Book Choice:
Saving Strawberry Farm by Deborah Hopkinson (This picture book shares about the hard times and the good times during the Great Depression.)
I would suggest reading together from the above chapter book for 1/2 hour a day. Have your children do some of the listed activities below each day according to their abilities. For this simple study, include any work inside a file folder for each child. Have them decorate them with pictures of strawberries. When finished, the folders will make a nice educational keepsake of your summer.
Bible/Family Discussion: What does Scripture say about "fruit"? Read a passage every day and discuss the spiritual meaning of "fruit".
Bible/Art: Have your children write out the
fruits of the spirit, decorate the paper and display on a wall until memorized.
Language Arts/Word Scramble Game: See how many different words the children can come up with using the letters that spell "s t r a w b e r r y". Give them 3 - 5 minutes. 5 letter words and up are 3 points, 4 letter words are 2 points and 3 letters words and under are 1 point.
Strawberry Jam
I went visiting Miss Melinda,
Miss Melinda Brown.
She has a cottage out in the country;
I live here in town.
“Guess what I got for your dinner, dearie,”
Miss Melinda said.
"Strawberry jam," for my nose had guessed it!
"Strawberry jam and bread."
Strawberry jam in the corner cupboard,
On the middle shelf.
She let me stand on a chair and tiptoe,
Get it down myself.
Somehow, visiting Miss Melinda,
Time goes by on wings.
"What do you do all alone," I asked her.
"I make jam and things."
When it was time to go home I kissed her.
"Thanks for the lovely day!"
"Thank you for coming," said Miss Melinda,
"Come again right away!"
Language Arts/Grammar: Read the poem above to your children. If you like, you can also have them copy it in their best handwriting, making sure to use all proper punctuation for summer practice.
Language Arts/Grammar: See if the children can point out the nouns in the poem above, followed by the verbs and then the adjectives.
Language Arts: Have your children make up their own poems about strawberries.
Science/Nature: Read about strawberries in a picture book or encyclopedia.
Science/Nature: Plant some strawberries in your backyard. Read about what area is best to plant them and any gardening tips.
Science/Nature: Draw a picture of a strawberry plant with its leaves and stems and
label its parts.
Science/Health: Research the health properties of a strawberry and have students give an oral report of their findings.
Geography: Using the information shared
here, find out which states are strawberry growers and have your children point them out on a map or globe, each taking a turn.
History: Read
Saving Strawberry Farm and discuss the Great Depression with your children. Do you have any family stories to share in this time period? The children would love to hear them!
Family Field Trip/Geography: Go to a
u-pick strawberry farm or festival. If you have an older child, see if they can map out the route for you.
Home Economics/Art: Teach your daughter(s) to
embroider using this
strawberry image from
The Graphics Fairy. Younger children can use this picture as a coloring page.
Home Economics/Math: Make
strawberry jam.
Freezer jam is easy for small children. If you have older children you many want to try canning some jam. Have the children do all the measuring.
Home Economics/Math: Make a strawberry pie, strawberry shortcake or chocolate dipped strawberries together. Have the children do all the measuring.
Garden Strawberry by Joseph Redoute |
Art: Draw and color a botanical strawberry picture like Joseph Redoute and Elizabeth Blackwell. Have children include the Latin name of strawberry on their illustration.
Arts/Crafts: Have your children do thumbprints with red ink or paint. Once dry, decorate them with black dots and a green stem. Use these "strawberries" to create custom jam labels, etc.
Foreign Language: Learn how to say "fruit" and "strawberry" in the foreign language you are studying. Use the words daily as you study this topic.
Still Life with Strawberries by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
Art History/Art Appreciation: Study the strawberry paintings by Renoir (shown above). Have the children point out all the different colors used in the painting. Have them point out all the details in the painting. View some of the other strawberry paintings by Renoir such as
Still Life with Strawberries 1880,
Still Life with Strawberries 1905, and
Strawberries. Explain to the children that he did many other paintings on strawberries as well. Practice makes perfect!
Art: After reviewing all the Renoir paintings of strawberries, bring out the paints and have your children create their own strawberry masterpieces. Have them prepare a still life scene on the kitchen table using some dishes, etc., as props.
Art History: Read some information about Renoir to your children now that they have some knowledge of his artwork. What type of painter was he?

“One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.”
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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