“Style isn't what you have---it's what you do with what you have.”
When we first started our
Create Your Own Home Pharmacy ~ Art of the Apothecary Series, I had mentioned there would also be some crafting projects. Without further adieu, may I present this make-your -own-apothecary-jar tutorial. The possibilities are endless with these fun and useful jars! They can store herbs, favorite tea blends, laundry room sundries (such as soap, clothespins, etc), decorative items from nature (like sea glass, pinecones and such) and dry goods in the bathroom. Whatever you desire! And they are so easy and practically free to make!

To begin with, you will need some jars (recycle, recycle). If you want to make a set of three, it is nice to have three different sizes. I also tried to use three different kinds. The first jar was used because of its larger size (quart size) and the second jar had a wider opening than the first to give it an identity. The third jar was chosen because of its hexagon style while also being a bit shorter than the rest. You could also use the exact same kind of jar and line them all up, nice and neat, for an apothecary store look.
1. You will need some cast-off drawer/cabinet knobs. I used some old ones that came with our house which were dull, rusted and quite ugly. Some glass ones would be divine (but I was after thriftiness)!
2. Using a thick nail and a hammer, drive the nail through the center of your jar lid to make a hole (sorry I don't have better step-by-step photos, I made these with my daughter and didn't want to drop everything to get good pictures).
3. Once hole has been created, place knob through the hole and firmly screw them onto the jar lid to keep it in place. If you are handy, you could probably use a tool to cut off the excess screw. Note: A shorter screw would be better (and invisible) but I just used what I had on hand! :)
4. Paint your refurbished lids to match your decor and let dry.
5. All finished, just place on your jar!
There are many ways you can decorate these sets (Think pink lids and sparkles for a girls room while holding rubber bands, hair clips and ribbons)! You can also leave your jars plain or attach some pretty labels like we did.
If you want to use the same antique set that we used, you will find our free printable below. Thank you to the
Graphics Fairy for the antique images! We affixed our labels with a good old fashioned glue stick (you could also use decoupage).
We placed cotton balls, bandaids and q-tips inside our jars making them a bit of a first aid station and beauty area in the bathroom.
The best part about this project is that it didn't cost us a dime. The jars are recycled and the knobs were cast off from our cabinets. The paint was found in our homeschool craft area. The only thing that costed a few cents was the printer ink and swipe of glue.
These are so versatile, frugal and fun. You can prepare something for the schoolroom such as a jar set for markers, glue sticks and crayons. In the sewing room you can feature buttons, threads and ribbons. In the bathroom, you can store your homemade
bath salts and
bath powders. And in your
home apothecary, you can simply store your dried herbs. Can you see yourself making something like this and to what purpose? To use these vintage perfume labels, simply visit
You can either print them out on plain paper, cut to size and affix to your containers with glue (or decoupage) or print them out on
sticker paper and cut to size. Happy creating!

All the fine print. This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: The Art of Home-Making Mondays, Modest Mom Monday's, Monday's Musings, Make Your Home Sing Monday, Good Morning Mondays, The Scoop, Titus 2 Tuesdays, Tuesdays with a Twist, Raising Homemakers, Wise Woman Link Up, Homestead Blog Hop, Wow Us Wednesdays, Coffee and Conversation, Homemaking Thursdays, Home Sweet Home, Our Simple Homestead, From the Farm Blog Hop, Awesome Life Friday Link Up, Five Star Frou Frou Friday, Shabbilicious Friday, Simply Natural Saturdays and Clever Chicks Blog Hop. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these. This post may contain affiliate links (which are merchant links that help to support this site at no additional cost to you if you purchase an item through them).