“Of all the music that reached farthest into heaven,
it is the beating of a loving heart."
~ Henry Ward Beecher
Love languages in the home…
- freshly baked desserts
- coziness (throw blankets!)
- a welcoming smile
- freshly picked flowers or greenery
- diffusers running
- tidiness
- a gentle squeeze
- meals together
- candlelight
- folded laundry piles
- pie (savory and sweet)
- a bedtime story
- prayers
- hugs
- encouragement
- your undivided attention 📵
“Let all that you do be done with love.”
~ 1 Corinthians 16:14

Pumpkin pie is my husband's love language or pumpkin desserts in general! And to have a nice supply of pumpkin pie spice makes baking day a bit more smoother. If a pumpkin related recipe calls for a bit of ginger, a bit of cinnamon and/or a bit of cloves, etc., I simply add up all the ingredient amounts and conveniently use that total in "pumpkin pie spice". It takes less time for me to individually measure out each one and less time to dig up the individual spices in the cabinet.
Pumpkin Pie Spice Recipe:
— 1/4 c. ground ginger
— 2 tbsp. nutmeg
— 2 tbsp. ground cloves
Stir ingredients together until combined.
Yield: approx. 1 cup
For the printable recipe, please visit HERE.
And dessert doesn’t have to be unhealthy. This clean eating recipe is from The Transformed Wife and uses maple syrup (or honey) as a sweetener and coconut milk for creaminess. My husband absolutely loved it. She shares her recipe HERE if you’re interested. The nicest thing is that it is so easy to make! All the ingredients go into the blender and then poured into the pie shell.
Note: She has since shared an alternative to the recipe which includes these changes which I made: I used maple syrup in lieu of honey, used only 1/2 c. of coconut milk (per a change she made when using maple syrup) and I added 1 tsp. vanilla. I also used 1 1/2 rounded teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice in lieu of the spices shared.
I’ll also point out that I’m not the best at making “beautiful” Pinterest-perfect pies but I continue to post pictures of them because my family thinks they’re wonderful ☺️. We are often our own worst critics and yet, when we do these kinds of things in our home (“flaws” and all for our family), they are so grateful! They don’t require perfection from us, just simple acts of love or simply love in general.

Here is another healthy pumpkin recipe for pumpkin cake which I shared long ago. It uses honey as a sweetener and whole wheat flour. It is nice and moist and with your favorite cream cheese frosting, everyone will love it! You will find the printable recipe HERE.

Lastly, in the event that you have no fresh eggs, milk and/or butter (or are trying to economize), you can still make a delicious and moist cake thanks to our Depression Era ancestors who came up with the crazy cakes. It is also dairy free for those who have allergies. This cake is easy to make, doesn't make a mess and is surprisingly good! You will find the recipe HERE.
You can use pumpkin or butternut squash or any other orange-fleshed gourd in any of these recipes. But one thing is necessary, your homemade pumpkin pie spice! 😉
It may seem simple (though sometimes it can be "oh-so-hard"), but it is a beautiful life, full of love and for that, I am grateful.
"Thank God, O women for the quietude of your home, and that you are queen in it. Men come at eventide to the home; but all day long you are there, beautifying it, sanctifying it, adorning it, blessing it. Better be there than wear a queen's coronet. Better be there than carry the purse of a princess. It may be a very humble home. There may be no carpet on the floor. There may be no pictures on the wall. There may be no silks in the wardrobe; but, by your faith in God, and your cheerful demeanor, you may garniture that place with more splendor than the upholsterer's hand ever kindled."
~ T. DeWitt Talmage
Happy autumn homemaking,
P.S. I got behind once again in my newsletters, I am wondering if they are still worth publishing? Would you rather have a long post or none at all? I know time is valuable for everyone and I am not sure this blog is useful anymore with all the information that has already been posted all over the internet. It feels like there is nothing new under the sun as Solomon says.... I do appreciate your feedback. ♡ JES
Please continue with both! I enjoy and learn so much. When I see that you have a new post, it calms my day as I know I will read a voice of encouragement, joy, and peace. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your input! That means a lot :)
DeleteYes! Please continue!!!! I Iove your tender, sweet spirit and quiet heart. You provoke me.
DeleteYes! Ditto!
DeleteI feel exactly the same. It’s like an anchor in a crazy world. Pam
DeleteI agree! I love these posts! more, more!
DeleteI, JES!
ReplyDeletePlease, continue with your posts or newsletters! Your blog ALWAYS has precious information and it shows me eveytime I read it, that a simple life is the right life.
I have to say that I'm always eager for your everyday posts, rather than a monthly newsletter, but I understand that you have a busy life and that you have to prioritize.
Praying for God to give you the right direction! ;)
Have a blessed weekend!
I forgot to comment with my Google account. Sorry!
I enjoy reading your blog. Please don’t stop. Nancy in Washington state.
ReplyDeletePlease keep posting! I look forward to your posts! In my experience, homemade pies made with love are mostly ugly pies! So few make homemade baked goods now that it matters little that they look like all those food blogs out there. I have made some of their recipes and they are not good like our tried and true uglies!
ReplyDeleteI love all of your posts! Your blog is one of my very favorites and I often check to see if you have you have added a new post. Please continue!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your posts. They brighten my day or night which is usually when I get around to reading my emails. ;) I think it’s ok to be sporadic with your posts. I never know when I’ll get one and it’s a nice surprise!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your encouragement!
I like the surprise, too!
DeleteI second what Lisa said!! You have a unique take on life that no one can replicate. Thanks for all you do!
Thank you for your lovely blog and newsletter. Please continue if you have time! I have been reading since about 2014, and I often think about your posts as I try to live frugally but beautifully. I really appreciate what you share as you find time, and I always look forward to new posts.
ReplyDeleteJes: I hope you will continue blogging. I have loved reading your posts through the years. I have learned so much, and been inspired in my journey to be creative. I have incorporated many of your ideas in my gift giving with great success.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and yours always.
Please continue. I enjoy stopping by to visit. Your site is such a lovely, peaceful and friendly place to be.
ReplyDeleteI love ALL of your posts, whether long or short, on a schedule or sporadic! Thank you for sharing your heart. It always brings me to a good place and helps me refocus on what is important.... and motivation to try something else!
ReplyDeleteYes, please keep these posts. They are a refreshing and welcome break, plus inspiration, for this frazzled mom of 4 year old twins. I find your content so calming :)
ReplyDeletedear friend, you can never publish too many posts!!!!!!! you are an oasis in the desert, a pure, fresh breath of Heaven in a world of filth....we need to hear more from you, anytime you can spare a moment!! you are our favorite, and the Lord's favorite :).
ReplyDeletepeace of Christ to thee and thine!!
I was just thinking, before I saw your message at the end, that I am uniquely thankful for your posts. They are unlike most all else I've found online. I often am so encouraged by what you write towards finding beauty and thankfulness is the simple things. And your little examples of how you found beauty and a way to draw others into it often inspire me to do similarly.
ReplyDeleteThe frequency or size of posts doesnt matter as much. Even a short post, very sporadically, would be valuable. If life's busyness ever takes you away from writing, I hope you will know that what you share is valuable enough to take up the pen (or keyboard) again.
I look forward to your newsletters! Unless it's "one more thing off your plate" please don't stop!
ReplyDeleteI, for one, am certainly pleased whenever I open my inbox and see your newsletters. I so quickly lose my vision for our home (there is a lot of mental illness in our house and it's a struggle sometimes), but you inspire and remind me all over again to keep trying to set the stage for a Godly, ordered, and beautiful home life. Please keep writing!
ReplyDeleteI, too, am always thankful for a bit of loveliness and peace in my inbox - when it comes, I save it to read last, after I've slogged through the rest. It's a gift!
ReplyDeleteI love reading all of your posts. It doesn't matter how many places will post such information...I enjoy reading yours. Your encouragement of homemaking has been an encouragement and inspiration to me for many years. So...if you do find the time to write, I will always find the time to read.
ReplyDeleteYes, please keep publishing your posts. As has already been said, even a short post here & there is always worth it because they brighten my day (far away in England). There are many "information" posts out there but yours have a unique perspective of encouragement and inspiration and I always feel more motivated for reading them. Thank you & God bless you
ReplyDeleteDear Jes, I miss your blog posts...even though I know you post every day on IG, not all of us are there. IG, unfortunately can be so fast, impersonal (and also selective due to algorithms) ... but from my own experience I've discovered there's been a resurgence in those who read blog posts, who want to 'know' the blogger, and enjoy (sometimes need) that familiar sense of welcome and loveliness when visiting the blog than they do on social media.
ReplyDeleteI felt on IG the lack of authenticity was growing stronger with many I followed, and so I made the prayerful decision to walk away. The numbers of followers do not matter, great or small, but to be truly one's self matters a great deal.
Often when I'd read your IG posts I'd think, oh how I wish Jes would simply cut and paste this to her blog so she would lift and bless those who are fed through her example but only read blogs.
I do miss reading your IG posts, but that is not the right reason for me to have another account there. I dearly hope you continue to blog, but ultimately, dear girl, it is your choice and I have high respect for that.
Bless you ALWAYS,
Oh please don’t stop!! It’s an absolute joy to get “happy mail” from you! You are such a blessing and encouragement.
ReplyDeleteI love your posts! As others said, your words bring calmness and kindness to busy days.
ReplyDeletePlease, please continue to write. It is such a joy. It just warms my heart to know there are ladies out there that share the passion and blessing of being a HOMEmaker. I am 78 and would not have changed that part of my life for anything. You continue to be my inspiration to see the best of things despite my current monetary situation. God has blessed me greatly with other things.
ReplyDeleteI missed your blog so much those few years you were gone and was so happy when you started up again. I always enjoy your posts and hope you will continue. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into your beautiful blog. ~Beth
ReplyDeleteOn yes dear Jess! Your ponderings and shares always brighten my day, and I so appreciate your time and efforts to encourage. May you be as blessed as you are to others!
ReplyDeleteJess, I love your blog, please continue!
Jess, I am among the many homemakers who have been, and continue to be, blessed by your helpful, encouraging posts and the lovely wealth available on your website. Please know that every comment posted here expresses the loving appreciation of both the one who comments and of many others, too. . . .and all of us are very grateful for this gentle gathering place. Thank you for your years of sharing. Please do continue to post.. inviting us into your heart and home. :)
ReplyDeleteI have read all the comments before me, and I am smiling at the love and gratitude we all have for you and your writings. I hope you feel it! I only "see" you on your blog. But I can tell you that you bring peace and calm and faith and encouragement to my world. You remind me each post, what is important. Perfect pies are not what is important. You show us what love looks like! I do hope you continue to post your blog and show us your imperfect baking. It is so depressing to see the perfection and professional staging and know you can never achieve that. Authentic, that is what you are and you show us what authenticity looks like. That is a rare gift in this crazy world. I think you need to do what is best for you, but if possible, please know how many lives you touch and how loved you are by your blog. Thanks for all you do!
I always look forward to your blog posts. I appreciate the time you put into these posts. They are a blessing to me. So please do continue if you feel like you can.
ReplyDeletePlease always post. It may seem as ordinary as what is already out there to you but I enjoy reading your blog so much. I look forward to the descriptions that are oh so accurate. It may be late but I am looking forward to it arriving.
ReplyDeleteI am new to your blog and I love that it's not full of ads or trying to sell me on some "perfect" kind of life. I don't do any social media and only follow a few blogs (since few people blog anymore it seems except the ones trying to turn their blogs into an income). Please keep up your blog and newsletter! I look forward to some good and beautiful "news" in my email :) -- Rebecca in Alaska
ReplyDeleteI'm a new subscriber and look forward to every newsletter. There's always something new or even something old that needs to be revisited because so many young woman have no idea how to make a pie crust or sew a seam. In case you think I'm one of them, I'm 73 and your blog is like getting a letter from a wonderful friend who encourages with the Word and common sense, practical advice. Please, please continue. I've found so many "new" things on your site that bring me joy. And some old things that remind me that "new" isn't always the best way. Thank you for blessing my life.
ReplyDeletePlease do not stop. They are so encouraging
ReplyDeleteOh yes please continue you offer quiet in a crazy world.
ReplyDelete1 Corinthians explains so much for us all in our "doing"..."Know ye that he are not your own." We show forth God's nature in our missions whatever they may be in our lives, I feel. if we feel we are overhwhelmed with something , we need only to look to God , be still, and get the answer HE wants. for us, You surely show forth God's Divine Love and Nature in all you do . If you feel burdend with doing the newsletter, well , there is an answer, but if you know it is feeding you the loaves and fish ..surely it is feeding all in the multitude with God's nourishment....I thank you from my heart as those above..who commented. When I see a post from you ..I always feel it is God speaking to me..to calm down..to realize what is important in life..and to pause..be grateful for what IS ..as our grandmas and grandpas taught us to.....so thank you dear one ..and God bless you . I just rejoice in your depth of Love and understanding of God, and family and it seems a holy place here , this space of love you write within. Thank you from my heeart for it..as it heals me deeply to return to Truth of our Spiritual Nature..and to not ever doubt God , His mission for me..and my own purpose which is to glorify HIm with my service.....which you do so beautifully. Lots of love, Merri
ReplyDeletePlease don't stop. Even if they are only monthly or seasonal, please don't stop completely. You are the only "female presence" in my life, and I miss you terribly when you don't post. Thank you so much for all your inspiration! smb
ReplyDeletePlease don't stop posting. Even if it's monthly or seasonal posts, I miss you dreadfully when you aren't there. You are the only "female presence" in my life, and I dearly love all your inspiration. smb
ReplyDeleteLooks delicious and it all sounds so cozy! I enjoy your posts.
ReplyDeleteDear Jes, I so missed your offerings when you were gone awhile back. I would never claim to be tech-savvy and do not FB or IG. THIS format of personal contact is friendship in action, as well as stewardship for truth and peaceful living. Please continue in whatever manner or time fits YOU. I remain your reader and supporter,
ReplyDeleteShirley in So. Oregon
I check your blog at least once a week. Keep up the posts please - it’s a ministry that’s important
ReplyDeleteOh yes, please continue to Blog! I'm just now getting around to reading this when I have more time on a Monday morning than the weekend. I enjoy the slowness of reading posts while having a cup of tea. Taking the time to print out something I want to have in my files.
ReplyDeleteOne thing, did you put up a link to the Crazy cake recipe (no eggs, milk or butter)? I did look up online to get an idea of what the ingredients would be.
Thank you so much for all that you share with us. I realize it takes time, but we do appreciate it so much.
Thank you for including the link to this recipe. You're very clever at mixing up these ingredients for a Crazy cake.
DeleteI LOVE your newsletters! They are NOT just a re-hashing of things that are already out there...they are uniquely you, and fun to read, just like a real letter. xx Jen in NS
ReplyDeletePlease continue to post! I often revisit your older posts. This is a great encouragement to me. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI am new to your blog, and always find it such a bright spot in my day when there is a new post. I hope you will continue with it. :)
ReplyDeleteI found your blog a few months ago. I spent so much time on it reading lots of articles and learning so much. One coming thing I felt throughout the blog was peace. That was so refreshing. I thank God for your blog. I hope you don’t stop. In fact I wish you would write more. 😊
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of the comments .You are an inspiration and a wonderful teacher.I don't do any kind of social media so I do look forward to your writings here,Thank you for all you give ,I enjoy reading and rereading your posts.
Please continue your blog! Someone mentioned feeling peace - yes, and so encouraging! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI do hope you continue your blog. It’s inspirational and beautiful. As others have said, it’s peaceful it encourages, and soothes a woman’s soul.
I check in every few days to see if you have posted anything new! I have enjoyed EVERY SINGLE post you have made, especially all the book quotes as you go. You are very appreciated! Thank you for the time and effort you put in each post. Please continue to encourage us stay at home wives and mothers. ~commenting from Pickens, South Carolina
ReplyDeleteI check in every few days to see if you have posted anything new! I have enjoyed EVERY SINGLE post you have made, especially all the book quotes as you go. You are very appreciated! Thank you for the time and effort you put in each post. Please continue to encourage us stay at home wives and mothers. ~commenting from Pickens, South Carolina
ReplyDeletePlease don't stop!! I have a huge family...all grown...with 25 grandchildren...I come to you for peace and a cup of teatime. You are a rare gem that I anxiously wait to thank in heaven....We are losing traditional homemakers....please stay...so much love to you...Shirley
ReplyDeletePlease, please don't stop! I've been away without internet access so wasn't able to read or reply when you posted this lovely blog entry, but be assured, I generally check several times a week. I do not have, nor wish to have, IG or Pinterest accounts, so it is a special blessing when you post here, whether short, long, or anything in between. Thank you JES for your beautiful writings and the time you put into this for us.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me but I consider you a valued "FRIEND". Friends are important in this day and age. Someone who you can count on. Someone you value. Someone who is there for you. Please keep this 'friendship" alive.
ReplyDeletePlease keep posting! Your blog has been a blessing to me for many years now!!
ReplyDeleteDear JES- I love your blog. Such a wealth of wonderful, useful, lovely ideas and thoughts. It is wonderfully motivating. Makes one appreciate the beautiful simplicity of life as a homemaker. Keeping a lovely, loving home and raising God’s warriors is the most important job there is. Please keep your blog. I also enjoy your Instagram posts too ❤️🤗
ReplyDeletePlease keep sharing your lovely thoughts on life and homemaking. There is such warmth and serenity here on this blog. I love it!
ReplyDeleteShare share!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDear JES, We MISS YOU so much!!! We pray all is well? Please don't give up on this glorious work. It is needed more now than ever, please. ~Angelina (and daughter Beth) from Maine
ReplyDeleteOh, Jes!
ReplyDeleteI wish that I could explain what your blog is to me. I have been inspired by it since 2013 or so, and I believe it has helped shape me and how and what I teach my children. It is a balm to my soul. There is no other blog like yours. Yours is truly one of a kind! I hope you will consider continuing it, but even if you don't, I wanted you to know that.
I am so glad that there is so much to learn here that I still feel like I have new things to look for and make or do from your blog. It might hold me over for a little bit longer. (Wink)
💝😊 Hope all is well and hope to see you here again sometime soon!
You don’t post often so I don’t check often but for years I do check. I do read it. And I am inspired by it. There is no one else on the internet like you. Keep posting. Please 🙏
ReplyDeleteHI , loved seeing your beautiful site on again. Blessings and you are so loved and appreciated for your loving comments, and photos and way of life we all are searching for ...especially right now. Thank you for all you do to make the world a better more calm and loving place. Merri in Minnesota