Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Autumn Crazy Cake (No Butter, Eggs, Milk or Mess) ~ Inspired by the Depression Era Recipe (aka Wacky Cake) w/ GF Option

“The magic of autumn has seized the countryside; now that the sun isn't ripening anything it shines for the sake of the golden age; for the sake of Eden; to please the moon for all I know.” 
~ Elizabeth Coatsworth, Personal Geography

With each season, I am determined to make a crazy cake to compliment it... Because they don't require milk, eggs or butter, they are a perfect (and frugal) recipe to keep on hand for a rainy day or have ready in the spirit of preparedness or make for someone with food allergies or simply because they are an "everything from the pantry" creation (which you know I am obsessed with)! With items not always being available at the supermarket these days, I love to have these kinds of recipes as beautiful back up. So far I have shared Apply Crazy Cake, Banana Crazy CakeZucchini Crazy Cake, Chocolate Banana Crazy CakeCarrot Crazy Cake, Lemon Crazy Cake and Orange Crazy Cake. May I now present to you the crazy cake that can be prepared with either pumpkin or butternut squash puree? You can make them with a canned good from the pantry or pick a pumpkin from the patch! Either way this cake is an ode to fall and is a perfect seasonal treat.

To begin, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and grease an 8 by 8 inch square baking pan. I was fortunate enough to find this pumpkin shaped pan for a dollar at the thrift store and I couldn't resist it! 

Dry Ingredients:
  • 1 1/2 c. + 2 tbsp. flour (all purpose or gluten-free flour blend) 
  • 1 c. white sugar 
  • 1 tbsp. Pumpkin pie spice (use only 1-2 tsp. if you're not into those kinds of spices)
  • 1 tsp. baking soda (use 1 1/2 tsp. is using gluten-free flour blend) 
  • 1/2 tsp. salt 
Wet Ingredients: 
  • 5 tbsp. vegetable oil (we use sunflower) 
  • 1 tsp. white vinegar (use apple cider vinegar for gluten-free version) 
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract 
  • 1 c. water 
  • 1 c. Pureed pumpkin or butternut squash 
Measure out and mix all the dry ingredients together in your prepared baking pan (or in a large baking bowl if you have an odd shaped pan like I used). Make three wells in the baking pan, making sure one is large enough to contain the oil. (You will find more detailed pictures in the apple crazy cake recipe in case this is a new concept for you.) Pour the oil into the largest well and the vinegar and vanilla separately into the other impressions. Pour water over all the contents, add the puree and carefully mix your ingredients until combined and smooth. 

Bake for 35 - 40 minutes (it is finished when a toothpick inserted inside the center comes out clean). Cool on wire rack. Once it is completely cooled, you may frost it.

I used the recipe for icing from Sally's Baking Addiction and simply opted for the version using one cup of powdered sugar, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract and 3 Tbs. heavy cream. This had a thicker consistency when using cream (rather than milk) which I liked for the heavy drizzle effect I desired. The nuts of course are optional but I felt the pecans added a pretty touch.

While I did include a printable link for this recipe HERE, some people have been having problems accessing our printables so I inserted a picture of the recipe below. Perhaps it can be printed directly from the picture? I would love some feedback to see if this works... or if you are able to access the file and print it via Google Docs with my recipe link. Either one I would be quite curious about! 

Now, this recipe can go inside your basic recipe book. It can also go into your preparedness notebook as it is a purely pantry recipe that can definitely come in handy. Or, it can go into your garden cookbook under winter squash. Decisions, decisions! What are your thoughts? To be honest, I will place it in all three as I don't like having all my eggs in one basket. 

“I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself,
than be crowded on a velvet cushion.” 
~ Henry David Thoreau

And that is all there is to it my friends. This recipe comes together in minutes and is so very moist. I do hope you give it a try as baking is what autumn is all about in my world... As well as a cozy sofa full of throw blankets, hot cups of creamy liquids, candles, warm sweaters... I could go on and on! But I know you have much to do so I will leave you with a "happy homemaking"! 


  1. Hi JES. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this blog. I enjoy it so very much and visit every day in anticipation of each new entry. Just to let you know, I was able to access and print the printable page for the Autumn Crazy Cake, Thank You, but the other Crazy Cakes you mentioned were not accessible. -- Linda

    1. Okay thank you! That is very helpful! I am going to have to go in to each printable (yikes!) and see what is going on... I think there is some kind of privacy block. At least I know the current printables I am sharing are going through...

      Thank you for the feedback dear Linda!

    2. You have so many printables, that's a LOT of WORK for you! I'm sorry that you have to do all that. I made your apple crazy cake a few days ago. I wrote it down off the blog. Everyone loved it!! I made it without frosting or any type of sugary sweet stuff on top, so I could put it in my husbands lunch without a mess. He actually called me just to tell me how good it was and that it didn't need a topping. Thanks again.

    3. Yes I know 😐 It will take some time... But I am going to try and go through a few posts each morning until I get through. I am not sure what happened but it's life I suppose!❤❤❤ As far as the apply crazy cake being enjoyed? That makes my day and inspires me to fix the recipes if I know that they are getting used! Thank you so much for the feedback!!! ❤❤❤

  2. I will sure try it! It looks delicious and because I like everything Fall, the pumpkin pan is a bonus! :)
    Thank you for the recipe. I tried printing other recipes from you before, via Google Docs and wasn't able, so this is very helpful.
    Have a blessed week and thank you for the recipe!

    1. Excellent! I am going to go through the other printables as others have had the same problems. I appreciate your feedback! Also, I wanted to let you know I did respond to your comment yesterday. I hope it helps!


    2. Yay! I'll print the other recipes, too! I'm trying to go back to simpler foods and these cakes are what I'm looking for.
      I just saw your answer and answered it! You were a big help, JES. I already made up my mind and just needed a last nudge.
      Thanks and please keep on helping us grow as godly housewifes, like the scriptures say!

  3. Oh I bet your home smelled delicious as this was cooking. I love just about everything that has to do with autumn spices. I was just tormenting myself: make spice cookies, no don't make spice cookies, oh but they are delicious, yes, but you don't need them. . . okay I'll stop :-)

    1. Oh no!!! ❤❤❤ Now you put it in my head!😂 I must make spice cookies ❤❤❤

  4. I love your apple crazy cake, and think that shredding the apples is the key. Today I made a similar recipe to your crazy cake, but used persimmons that I foraged. I love to forage because its free food! I've never used persimmons before, so I'm excited to see how they turn out. There's apparently a lot of things you can make from persimmon puree. My cake is not cool yet, so I can't verify its taste. But the batter and the persimmons by themselves had a sweet potato flavor to me. For reference, about a gallon of well-ripened persimmons yielded 5 cups of puree.

    1. I love that and I love foraging also!!! Free food is so exciting 😊 I look forward to hearing how your cake turns out and am so glad you enjoyed the apple crazy cake also ❤❤❤

    2. Debra, thank you for sharing about the persimmons. We have an abundance on our property and I would love some ideas for using them.

  5. This looks interesting, thank you! When I was growing up we made cakes like this but called them wacky cakes. I was wondering if you knew JES, what spices should be used in place of pumpkin pie spice? I'm guessing mostly cinnamon, with probably a bit of nutmeg and cloves?

    1. Yes I did put wacky cake in the title too 😊 that is correct! As far as the spice goes, shared this for a substitute:

      1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
      1⁄2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
      1⁄4 teaspoon ground cloves
      1⁄2 teaspoon ground ginger (scant)

      Hope this helps! 🧡

  6. I love your crazy cake recipes and have made all of them many times. I've also made them into cupcakes and just lowered the baking time. Looking forward to making this one too.

    1. Awww 🥰 thanks so much for sharing that! I’m so glad you liked them and hope this one works out too ❤️

  7. I made this today and the whole family loved it. I made the gluten free version and no one could tell. I topped it with a simple powdered sugar glaze with a little cinnamon added. It's a keeper for sure! Thanks much!

    1. Wonderful 🧡 thanks so much for sharing!

  8. Oh, I will definitely be trying this! I have everything I need and love all things fall. 🍂💛

    1. Thank you friend 😊 I loved how yours came out!!! Just beautiful ♥️

  9. This is such a wonderful recipe JES! I always enjoy your blog and posts on IG. You share such wonderful tutorials and printable! May the Lord bless all you do richly!

    1. Thank you Marilyn ♥️ You are such an encourager 😊

  10. This type of cake is so good! I was a cook in the Navy, and we used to make this type and the recipe was Easy Chocolate Cake. I'm guessing it was developed due to lack of eggs and butter back during the depression and the war. I love it with just a basic vanilla buttercream frosting. Yum!

    1. Yes, it was created during the Great Depression with lack of supplies I believe. I am having so much fun tweaking them to the seasons ♥️ and you are right, delicious with a basic buttercream!

  11. Dear Jes,

    I found your blog several months ago and it has helped me so much. Thank you for all of the knowledge and wisdom you share with us. It is a haven. Thank you! 😊 Amber

    1. Dear Amber, thank you so much for taking the time to share! It really brings me joy to hear that ♥️ happy homemaking!

  12. Jes, this cake just looks like autumn! I had no pumpkin or butternut squash, but I did have a few remaining yellow squash in my garden (the die-hards), and they made a lovely puree. The cake is so delicious--moist and hearty (I used spelt flour). Now I have my eyes on the yams in my pantry for the next cake. However, if a homemaker is going to expend time and energy in baking, not to mention running the oven, it only makes frugal sense to double this recipe.:) I loved the Apple Crazy Cake when I made it in the past, so clearly I have my baking cut out for me. Thank you again. Nancy

    1. I like the way you think Nancy ♥️ I am a doubler on most days myself!!!
