“Of all the music that reached farthest into heaven,
it is the beating of a loving heart."
~ Henry Ward Beecher
Love languages in the home…
- freshly baked desserts
- coziness (throw blankets!)
- a welcoming smile
- freshly picked flowers or greenery
- diffusers running
- tidiness
- a gentle squeeze
- meals together
- candlelight
- folded laundry piles
- pie (savory and sweet)
- a bedtime story
- prayers
- hugs
- encouragement
- your undivided attention 📵
“Let all that you do be done with love.”
~ 1 Corinthians 16:14

Pumpkin pie is my husband's love language or pumpkin desserts in general! And to have a nice supply of pumpkin pie spice makes baking day a bit more smoother. If a pumpkin related recipe calls for a bit of ginger, a bit of cinnamon and/or a bit of cloves, etc., I simply add up all the ingredient amounts and conveniently use that total in "pumpkin pie spice". It takes less time for me to individually measure out each one and less time to dig up the individual spices in the cabinet.
Pumpkin Pie Spice Recipe:
— 1/4 c. ground ginger
— 2 tbsp. nutmeg
— 2 tbsp. ground cloves
Stir ingredients together until combined.
Yield: approx. 1 cup
For the printable recipe, please visit HERE.
And dessert doesn’t have to be unhealthy. This clean eating recipe is from The Transformed Wife and uses maple syrup (or honey) as a sweetener and coconut milk for creaminess. My husband absolutely loved it. She shares her recipe HERE if you’re interested. The nicest thing is that it is so easy to make! All the ingredients go into the blender and then poured into the pie shell.
Note: She has since shared an alternative to the recipe which includes these changes which I made: I used maple syrup in lieu of honey, used only 1/2 c. of coconut milk (per a change she made when using maple syrup) and I added 1 tsp. vanilla. I also used 1 1/2 rounded teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice in lieu of the spices shared.
I’ll also point out that I’m not the best at making “beautiful” Pinterest-perfect pies but I continue to post pictures of them because my family thinks they’re wonderful ☺️. We are often our own worst critics and yet, when we do these kinds of things in our home (“flaws” and all for our family), they are so grateful! They don’t require perfection from us, just simple acts of love or simply love in general.

Here is another healthy pumpkin recipe for pumpkin cake which I shared long ago. It uses honey as a sweetener and whole wheat flour. It is nice and moist and with your favorite cream cheese frosting, everyone will love it! You will find the printable recipe HERE.

Lastly, in the event that you have no fresh eggs, milk and/or butter (or are trying to economize), you can still make a delicious and moist cake thanks to our Depression Era ancestors who came up with the crazy cakes. It is also dairy free for those who have allergies. This cake is easy to make, doesn't make a mess and is surprisingly good! You will find the recipe HERE.
You can use pumpkin or butternut squash or any other orange-fleshed gourd in any of these recipes. But one thing is necessary, your homemade pumpkin pie spice! 😉
It may seem simple (though sometimes it can be "oh-so-hard"), but it is a beautiful life, full of love and for that, I am grateful.
"Thank God, O women for the quietude of your home, and that you are queen in it. Men come at eventide to the home; but all day long you are there, beautifying it, sanctifying it, adorning it, blessing it. Better be there than wear a queen's coronet. Better be there than carry the purse of a princess. It may be a very humble home. There may be no carpet on the floor. There may be no pictures on the wall. There may be no silks in the wardrobe; but, by your faith in God, and your cheerful demeanor, you may garniture that place with more splendor than the upholsterer's hand ever kindled."
~ T. DeWitt Talmage
Happy autumn homemaking,
P.S. I got behind once again in my newsletters, I am wondering if they are still worth publishing? Would you rather have a long post or none at all? I know time is valuable for everyone and I am not sure this blog is useful anymore with all the information that has already been posted all over the internet. It feels like there is nothing new under the sun as Solomon says.... I do appreciate your feedback. ♡ JES