Hello dear reader! I thought it would be fun to share a monthly newsletter of sorts in which I talk about books I have read, things I have watched, projects I have been working on and any other ponderings which really don't fit into its own post! At the same time, I would love to hear what you have been reading, watching and doing! Recommendations are much appreciated! It will be based on the reflection of the month before. It is essentially some homemaking chit-chat...
💕But before I begin, I want to thank everyone for the warm welcome! Your prayers and encouragement mean so much! Your sweet comments are greatly treasured in my heart! 💕And I send a huge embrace your way! 💕 For some reason I am having trouble commenting. There must have been some kind of glitch or update I didn’t get during my time off but I hope to rectify it soon. Thanks for understanding!

Without going into all the nitty-gritty details of last month (as you all have lived through it yourself), I found that my instinct is to burrow into my little Hobbit hole, pour myself a hot cup of coffee and nest! I enjoyed this little book --
Cozy White Cottage, 100 Ways to Love the Feeling of Being Home by Liz Marie Galvan -- the title itself being very appropriate in so many ways to the theme of this blog! The author shares lovely photographs to inspire you and writes to encourage you to love your home, ways to decorate it and invest time and energy into it. I like how each concept is given a number and a few pages. This way, I was able to sit down and peruse a few inspirations a day without the feeling of needing to "finish a chapter". It was light reading and just what I needed at that time! You may be able to find this sweet little book at your local library or on
Finding books to read has been a lot more easier than finding things to watch! Now to give you some background, we haven't owned a television for many years so I haven't been kept up to date on the latest shows and so forth. What we do is judiciously choose movies and old television series to watch on the computer. I can’t tell you how many television series we have started that appeared to be “clean” only to find out there were disturbing scenes and themes in the later seasons. What is frustrating is that you get into the plot and it takes some willpower to walk away from the show (and never finding out what happens!!!). But alas...
What we ended up enjoying (and in my opinion was completely appropriate -- and I know that differs with each household) was
Sue Thomas, F.B.Eye. We were able to enjoy all 3 seasons! It was such a heartwarming and exciting series with extremely likable characters! It is especially nice that it is a show that both husband and wife can enjoy together (and not just a sappy romance you need to beg hubby to watch). The first few episodes are a bit slow as it sets up the stage for the main character to begin work for the FBI. The neat part is that this is based on a real-life deaf woman's career. I would call it an inspirational FBI drama with a splash of comedy and clean (squeaky clean) romance. Sue even shares about her faith to encourage the characters in the show. Have you ever watched this series? I feel like it is a diamond in the rough as I had never heard of it before (but remember, give it a chance into the first three episodes and then it gets exciting).

Some excerpts from
Amazon -- "Inspired by a true story, Sue Thomas is a deaf woman hired by the F.B.I. to use her ability to read lips as part of an elite investigative unit. She meets her professional and personal challenges with her trademark common sense, humor and faith."
I have been dabbling with the sewing machine again. You can see from the seams that I am a beginner! But grandmother always taught me to iron in every step and I do hope that redeems the crazy stitching I ended up with! I like to make up
burp cloths in my spare time so I always have something to give to a new mother when visiting her new bundle (I also add some all-natural baby products to round out the gift). The leftover fabric I used to make dusting cloths (from the idea found
here). I purchased the soft flannel at a thrift shop and it appeared to be brand new but I always wash and soak them really well when using fabrics from second-hand stores! Placing your purchases in a hot dryer for 20 minutes will sanitize everything (I received this tip from an exterminator). The sun is also a wonderful sanitizer!

Pantry maintenance has been a daily upkeep! Six months ago I actually freed up two extra sections for food storage (where I used to store my linens) and opened up lots more space. I was very happy I did that due to our current circumstances! I bought a used cabinet on Craigslist and made that into a stand alone linen closet so we were able to increase storage tremendously. Ever since then I have been trying to fine tune everything, decant what I can and assess the "zone" areas (what foods to keep together and so forth). Honestly, it is still a
hobby I enjoy. I tell my husband I must be a weirdo but he says a woman who is placing time and value on areas to store nourishing items for her family is not a weirdo (love is a wonderful thing!).
In the Garden...
zucchini season! As I have mentioned in the posts of zucchini pasts, I feel it is my homemaking duty to share at least one zucchini recipe each season! This month I will be sharing this very simple crustless quiche. You can actually use any summer squash in this flavorful casserole.
As the old adage says, "April showers bring May flowers"... and with that came lovely hydrangea blooms that we continue to enjoy in June! These are the planters of flowers that produce for my
kitchen table. I love being able to have my own free flower market on my front porch!
I noticed I was starting to feel a little loopy (not my same positive self). It turns out I am low on vitamin D! It wasn’t too surprising considering the current situation and the fact that I lost my clothesline which was my daily fellowship with the sun. The truth is that vitamin D deficiency does affect your mood. Please consider this if you have been feeling “emotionally off” lately. Other symptoms can include getting sick more often, fatigue and tiredness, bone and back pain, depression (uh-huh), impaired wound healing, and bone loss
(source). I began taking brisk,
20-minute outdoor walks (in addition to my normal health routine) every day I am able (I used to do this daily on the farm but our current situation in the city hadn't made it so appealing). I also have started taking a
supplement. I am already beginning to feel some positive results from this and I share this information in the event that it may help someone else going through a rough patch as well.
And finally, if you haven't entered our
"Happy Homemaking Giveaway", you still have a few days to do so! I am really enjoying reading what everyone’s favorite part about homemaking is! It looks like cooking is high on the list by many which kind of surprised me! My favorite parts would be organizing, pantry building/maintenance,
fluffing the house and setting the dinner table. Though my meals are usually simple, I love to make the setting look abundant through colorful salads, any toppings or sides that would compliment the dish and using pretty serving bowls and platters to bring about loveliness and fulness to the table.
Now, what about you dear homemaker, what have you been up to?

Verse of the Month:
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and of love
and of a sound mind.”
~ 2 Timothy 1:7