This marks the second segment of my "Bible in Art Series of Studies" for children (
first segment here). These are meant to incorporate basic knowledge of the Scriptures along with a taste of art through picture study. Try one of these lessons a week with your children and watch as they gently teach them a variety of information in just a few minutes or if you aren't a homeschooler, you can see if you can glean anything yourself! Who says we stop learning once we leave "school"?
Rembrandt's Mother Reading the Bible by Rembrandt
Have your children study the painting above by Rembrandt and discuss the following with them:
- Have you ever heard of Rembrandt? He painted the picture above of his mother reading the Bible.
- He is a Dutch painter. Can you find Dutch on the map? (No, we call the country that the Dutch people reside in, Holland.) Can you find Holland on the map or globe?
- Rembrandt is considered one of the greatest painters of all time. He spent a lot of time with his family and included them in much of his art. He also liked to dress up and paint fun pictures. Do you enjoy doing that as well?
- What colors do you notice in the painting above?
- Open up your Bible, does it look similar to the one his mother is reading?
- Do you think the woman in the picture will ever learn all there is to know in the Scriptures?
- Did you know that the first five books of the Bible are referred to as the "Law" or "Pentateuch"? Pentateuch comes from the Greek term meaning "five volume book". The Jewish people call this the "Torah" which simply means "instruction".
- Can you locate these five books in your Bible and name them to your mother?
Memorize the following Scripture and discuss the meaning together:
"Thy word have I hid in mine heart,
that I might not sin against thee."
Guessing Game:
Rembrandt painted many pictures of Biblical scenes. Can you guess the Bible story that corresponds to the paintings below? Be sure to look at all the details like a detective. I will place the answers at the bottom of this post:
Continue with your discussion using the questions below:
- Now that you have seen some of the artwork of Rembrandt, do you like his paintings?
- Why or why not?
- Ask your children if there is a difference between the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh and Rembrandt (whom were both Dutch). What makes them different? Do they both paint with the same moods? Do they use the same colors and style? Do they prefer one artist over the other? Why or why not?
Books for Children about Rembrandt: |
Instruction from Scripture ~ A Poem for Children by Isaac Watts
How shall the young secure their hearts,
And guard their lives from sin?
Thy word the choicest rules imparts
To keep the conscience clean.
When once it enters to the mind,
It spreads such light abroad,
The meanest souls instruction find,
And raise their thoughts to God.
'Tis like the sun, a heav'nly light,
That guides us all the day;
And through the dangers of the night,
A lamp to lead our way.
The men that keep thy law with care,
And meditate thy word,
Grow wiser than their teachers are,
And better know the Lord.
Thy precepts make me truly wise:
I hate the sinner's road;
I hate my own vain thoughts that rise,
But love thy law, my God.
The starry heavens thy rule obey,
The earth maintains her place;
And these thy servants night and day
Thy skill and power express.
But still thy law and gospel, Lord,
Have lessons more divine;
Not earth stands firmer than thy word,
Nor stars so nobly shine.
Thy word is everlasting truth,
How pure is every page!
That holy book shall guide our youth,
And well support our age.
- You can finish up this study by reading the poem above by Isaac Watts to your dear students.
- Review the information above through a few minutes of oral quizzes.
- Have your children repeat their memory verse.
- It might be fun to show a variety of paintings to the children and see if they can point out the ones that they think belong to Van Gogh and which ones belong to Rembrandt.
- Bring out some paints and have your children do their own masterpieces.
The answers to the Rembrandt paintings are (in order):
- Moses Smashes the Stone Tablets with the Text of the Covenant
- Haman and Ahasuerus visit Esther
- David and Saul
- Belshazzar's Feast
- Samson tells a Riddle at his Feast
- Storm at the Sea of Galilee
Part One: Featuring Vincent Van Gogh is here.
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