
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

"The Months" Copywork and Coloring Booklet ~ Free Printable

This copywork printable is a sweet way to teach the calendar, promote language art skills, poetry, art and penmanship in your homeschool. Featuring our favorite black and white monthly drawings by Kate Greenaway, your children may also enjoy coloring each regency inspired page featuring past-time play.

These sheets will compliment our "Teaching the Calendar" Unit Study. And, if you are new to the benefits of copywork in your homeschool, I invite you to visit here for some explanation. It is such a burden-less way to teach language arts!

Each page features a seasonal drawing and two corresponding lines of poetry from "The Months" by Sara Coleridge (1802-1852). Perhaps this booklet would be useful in your homeschool? You will find our FREE printable HERE.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Monthly To-Do Lists ~ Free Printable

"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task."
~ William James 

I am forever creating to-do lists. The feeling of crossing off an entry is delightful! It seems like there are two women in this world, one that loves the list and the one that shuns it. Lists are excellent if you are a Mary-minded person but can be a detriment to a Martha-minded woman (if not properly prioritized).

With that in mind, here is our monthly to-do list printable that may help to organize your days.  Unlike daily lists, monthly lists focus on larger projects and need to do's that often get neglected. They give you the ability to see what needs to be done on a larger scale and from there tasks can be delegated into your daily routine. The fun part is that these lovely images can also be colored!

These sheets can be utilized for your homemaking, homeschooling and homesteading projects. They would certainly make a nice addition to your home management binder. I three-hole punched ours and inserted them inside the "monthly work" section. What will you do with yours? You will find our free printable HERE.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

6 Kate Greenaway Monthly Printables for Home and Homeschool

Alas, a new year is on the way and I would like to thank all of my readers with some organizational and educational goodies. We are sharing with you, a set of Kate Greenaway inspired printables for homemaking, homeschooling and homesteading (in black and white for frugal printing).

Included are a (already linked and ready to use): 

I hope these add joy and delight to your daily duties!

“Go on with your work as usual, for work is a blessed solace.” 
~ Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

Friday, December 27, 2013

An Organized and Orderly Home ~ Inspirational & Printable Helps

Along with spiritual resolutions, the new year often brings practical ones. We are sharing some posts from the past to get your dwelling place in order. A fresh new start will give you a great feeling. Take a few minutes each night when the children are sleeping and slowly make your way to an organized home...

"Order is the shape upon which beauty depends."
~ Pearl Buck

One doesn't need mounds of money to make a beautiful abode, but a few moments to streamline and organize everything into its proper place. An orderly home filled with love is the prettiest of all homes.

Note: If you have any problems printing our items, please send me an email and I can send you a PDF file, or leave your email address below and I can send what you need :)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Welcome Winter ~ A Collection of Posts

Here is a collection of inspiration and ideas on what to make and do this winter, happy homemaking!

    Buy at

    Drift off to Dream by Daniel F. Gerhartz

    And finally, for some cozy winter reading and/or sharing, visit our weekly link up,
    The Art of Home-Making Mondays!

    In seed-time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy."
     ~William Blake