
Friday, May 16, 2014

Clean on Friday ~ A "Little House" Cleaning Inspiration

"The sunshine came streaming through the windows into the house,
and everything was so neat and pretty. The table was covered with a red cloth, and the cookstove was polished shining black."
~ Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little House in the Big Woods

Have you ever had a "Little House" cleaning day? One where you didn't rush or hurry? Where you placed extra special touches as you went along? Perhaps you put a pretty cloth on the table. Maybe you lit a scented candle? Did you ever go outside and pick some wildflowers to display?

"Each day had its own proper work. Ma used to say:

"Wash on Monday,
Iron on Tuesday,
Mend on Wednesday,
Churn on Thursday,
Clean on Friday,
Bake on Saturday,
Rest on Sunday."

~ Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little House in the Big Woods

What little they had, they loved. The idea is to treat each room with thoughtfulness.  It isn't about modern, new, fast and extravagant but about being practical, content, careful and calm. It means to gently cherish and nourish your home with love. To tenderly dust and polish, sweep and mop with graceful strokes, perhaps even humming as you do your duties. You want to make your home "neat and pretty" so that all who enter find comfort, coziness and peace. Prepare your rooms as if the rush doesn't exist outside your "little house"… 

"After Laura and Mary had washed and wiped the dishes, swept the floor, made their bed, and dusted, they settled down with their books. But the house was so cozy and pretty that Laura kept looking up at it."
~ Laura Ingalls Wilder, On the Banks of Plum Creek

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Do you clean house on Friday? What special touches do you prepare?

Housecleaning Inspiration:


  1. I love the simplicity of the house, it remind me of home! I tried not to do harder work after Friday evening until Sunday. I clean my house Friday morning, do laundry and bake Friday evening. Sunday late afternoon, we do laundry and fold them together. On the weekend I focus with the kids sport activity and cook and eat together. Thank you for visiting me my dear Jes!! Blessings and hugs to you!~

    1. Your schedule sounds like an excellent one. Thank you for sharing Sara. I try and focus on most of the work before Saturday too. Have a wonderful weekend :)

  2. loved this post-thank you sharing on fb

  3. There is no real 'day' for cleaning over here ~ when it needs to be cleaned, it's cleaned. Laundry day for us is Thursday. I know it's just wrong, but I can't rest on Sunday if there is a huge pile of laundry waiting to be done on Monday. I like heading into the weekend with the house, laundry, and lawn in order. There is a peace of mind to that. Everyone does what works for them I suppose. What a beautiful post ~as always:)

    1. Yes, we all have our schedules that work best. We maintain everything during the week and do the deeper chores on Friday. We try to keep the rest of the weekend free as well although sometimes I end up mowing on Saturdays but that can be therapeutic so I don't mind so much as long as everything else is in order. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I do clean the house on Friday! I need to remember this while I'm cleaning! Very inspirational! Thanks.:)

    1. We have cleaned on Friday's ever since I was a wee-babe and probably will continue until I am a wee-older :) Have a wonderful weekend in your nice and clean house :0

  5. This post was very inspiring to me. Not only did it get me feeling enthusiastic about cleaning our home but made me want to go back and re-read Laura Ingalls Wilders' books.

    This time of year I find that I let cleaning in the house go longer because there are things that must be done outside in the yard/garden within a certain time frame. After working(playing) in the garden, preparing food and cleaning up after that, I am usually ready to just relax. My energy always runs short before my to-do list does. There will be time to clean inside the house soon enough. Springtime in the garden flies by too quickly.

    1. Thanks for sharing your days Susie. I love to hear how other women do their duties. Prioritizing for our individual and specific needs and seasons of life is key :)

  6. Clean on Friday is my motto too, that is if nothing urgent gets in the way. I love going into the weekend with a clean house. Love the quotes from the Little House books. Hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. Glad to hear from a fellow Friday cleaner :) Clean house = clean slate for the weekend :)

  7. I need inspiration like this! It seems that it's never ending (because I suppose it is), especially with all those little ones running about. But boy am I thankful I have a house full of stuff to tend to and clean.

    1. True, true! If we owned less, there would be less to clean... And dirty dishes mean a well fed family... Thanks for pointing that out Katie :)

  8. What what a refreshing post! As always I love my visits here. I typically clean one day like that its usually Friday. Nothing like the freshness of it! I get fresh flowers and light a candle. It completes it!

    1. Once the house is clean, I love to curl up with a book and some green tea. It is glorious :)

  9. Do you know that I often think about implementing a regular cleaning schedule just like 'Ma'. The gentle rhythem of caring for and loving your home brings great comfort and contentment to my soul ;o). I loved your words in the paragraph after the picture of the old iron - words to think on for sure!

    I absolutely LOVED this post - has to be one of my favorite's {but then I think that about most of your posts lol},

    1. Thanks for sharing Shirley. I appreciate your kind words :) and regarding Ma's cleaning schedule, if we can at least "rest on Sunday", then we will be blessed :)

  10. This is very inspiring! Just lovely!
    Mrs. White
    The Legacy of Home

    1. Thank you Mrs. White. Your writings always inspire me ;)

  11. Hi Sara! I am visiting your blog for the first time through Roxy's link-up today and I LOVE what I am seeing. I love the housekeeping schedule and wish I was able to stick to a routine like that! I have always loved "Little House" and the simplicity of their lives. I long to be more disciplined when it come to keeping up my house better and reading this post has certainly sparked inspiration! Blessings!


    1. Hi Debby, thank you for stopping in to chat. We love the "Little House" over here too :) I am glad this has sparked some cleaning inspiration, that way the words have done their work :) Have a wonderful week! ~ JES

  12. Love you mom's schedule thanks for sharing the story with us. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  13. I love the photos! I live in a log house and sometimes I think we spend too much time worrying about how things look instead of enjoying our nice, simple (and clean) abode. Great reminder to focus on the action with love.

    1. How neat to live in a log home! Thank you for sharing your sentiments ;)

  14. Dear Jes, I read the whole series of Little House on the Praire as a child and with my children growing up! The sweetness of life and living close to home and off the land! I think I clean something around my home everyday to keep it tidy and my heart is able to see what needs to be done daily. I think whatever works for each lady is fine, But I pray she is diligent and not a messy keeper of the home!
    Thanks so much for Linking up this week! We all glean so much from each other!
    Blessings Always, Roxy

    1. I agree, whatever works for each keeper of the home, as long as we ARE keeping our home :)

  15. When I was a child, I read the "Little House on the Prairie" books dozens of times. I still love the feeling after the house is cleaned. It is more cozy and inviting. But I clean on Thursdays, not Fridays, so we can appreciate a tidy home all weekend long.

    1. Sounds good to me! Thanks for sharing Maureen. We are huge Little House fans over here as well. In fact, once we finally finished the series, my daughter asked when we could start them up again :)

  16. Love the post!
    Thanks for posting on my link-up at!
    God bless,

  17. You have inspired me tonight. Thank you!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  18. The LIW books are some of my favorites and I've read them over and over. My husband gave me the set several years ago. The way they lived is indeed an inspiration for us today. I hope to one day visit the museum in her honor. Have a blessed day, Heather

  19. This post reminds me of when I was reading the very same quotes, and felt so inspired. Thank you for sparking that inspiration again with pictures to boot! I think I wrote the same words down in my little journal :). I loved how Ma took pride even in sweeping her dirt floors before Pa "installed" wood. She didn't like having dirt floors, but she swept them and cared for them just the same. I dislike so many things about my "city" house that sometimes I let things get yucky when I should be a diligent home-maker, even if I don't like my carpet or the color of my kitchen cupboards. Blessings and hugs, Mrs Jes!

  20. While I don't clean my house on Friday, typically, unless I have company coming, I do clean on Mondays, because after the busyness of the weekend, the house needs cleaning. But I love the idea of having one day set aside to do certain things, as it helps my motto "A place for everything, and everything in its place." Beautiful reminder JES of joys that can come even when doing mundane repetitive tasks!

  21. No, I really never do have a day where I clean but don't rush around anymore... and I miss that. Life has gotten so busy all of the time and I don't like that. I am asking God to show me what things should be cut out of my schedule... this is a good reminder for that. Thank you.

  22. Hi here from ROI, Just loved, loved, loved this post!!! Thanks so much!!!! Have so much work to do but will take my time! Thank you!

  23. Thank you for this. I am in a serious homemaking rut from house cleaning to meal planning and preparation. I will go through the links you provided, savoring the wisdom of others and being open to the inspirations of God to rejuvenate my soul in my vocation.

  24. Yes, I do clean on Fridays. I love the work schedule that 'Ma' had, although I don't follow it exactly...seems there is laundry every day ;-) I LOVE Little House on the Prairie - happy to know that you do to Jess! Have a great day.

  25. Oh JES, I just loved this post! Are the images from your charming home?

    I do tend to clean my home on Friday because I love having a clean home over the weekend for my family to enjoy. Although I don't bake on Saturday....I craft! :) And Sundays are always a day of rest here - it's a day I always look forward to.

    Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Enjoy your day!

  26. What a lovely post! These pictures are what my next imaginary home looks like. Beautiful!

  27. Hi from the UK, I clean on a Friday too but I've never thought about why, it's like a previous comment I think it added calmness to the weekend, I used to have more time to add special touches and it was good you are right, I may get back to that one day, but for now it's going to be a mad dash round again today! Thanks for a lovely post.

  28. Good and informative post to clean house areas, i also recommend to clean house without using harsh chemicals for this we need to prepare homemade cleaning supplies like vinegar, baking soda etc.

  29. It's really cool what you say about cleaning home with love and passion. I think this is new-old idea of do what you do with love. No one in cleaning service doesn't do this. Only house owner.

  30. As I was reading this posting I remembered a poem from my childhood: WHEN YOUNG MELISSA SWEEPS
    When young Melissa sweeps a room
    I vow she dances with the broom!
    She curtsies in a corner brightly
    And leads her partner forth politely.
    Then up and down in jigs and reels,
    with gold dust flying at their heels they caper.
    With a whirl or two
    They make the wainscot shine like new;
    They waltz beside the hearth,and quick
    It brightens, shabby brick by brick.
    A gay gavotte across the floor,
    A Highland fling from door to door,
    And every crack and corner's clean
    Enough to suit a dainty queen.
    If ever you are full of gloom,
    Just watch Melissa sweep a room!
    Nancv Bvrd Tunrner
