
Friday, January 8, 2016

The Purpose of this Blog ~ Your Creative Calling

"What a grand and auspicious work a woman is called to; how significant and far-reaching is the scope of her vision. When she understands the breadth of her calling, generations will have their faith ignited, and those who seek truth will find it within the walls of her home."
~Sally Clarkson, Own Your Life:

This has been on my mind for some time to write (especially with all the Pinterest-perfect perceptions out there). I hope to clarify some things with you, dear reader. The purpose of this blog is to create an excitement to be "a keeper at home". I have heard many young ladies in the last few years claiming they were "bored" at home. This always broke my heart because the Christian home is everything but boring! It is the beginning of a godly union, a place where future Christians are discipled, where merry meals are created and the body is nourished, where God is studied and the soul is nourished, where man can rest his weary body at the end of a toilsome day. It is our sacred place to care for and "keep" as given by the Almighty. Being a "keeper at home" is quite the creative calling!

This blog is meant to inspire you to love your home, to create in your home, to nourish in your home, to actually enjoy being home. But by all means, I am not saying that all the things I share must be done in your home. The last thing I want to do is overwhelm or discourage you! My desire is to light a candle of love in your heart, to burn a desire to serve in and illuminate your home. If you are in the season of small children, then I do not wish to add any more to your plate other than a smile and a cozy place to rest during a short break.

And lastly, to remove any "perfect" appearance, I do not do it "all" (and neither does anyone). We all lack in some areas and are strong in others and each with different family dynamics. But I will share a little bit more about myself so you understand.

#1 ~ Homemaking

Our home is never "sparkling" but always tidy, neat and organized. I don't make fancy meals, sprout my own grains or grow my own wheat. We aren't involved in gymnastics and soccer or any other extra curricular activity. We don't go to church functions during the week. We rarely go to town to shop, especially to window-shop for things we can't afford. We don't take lavish vacations or partake in expensive amusements. A large part of our life right now is spent at home which gives me time to invest in it.

Our days with little one's has been at a standstill for some time. Though my heart is open, my arms remain empty (so please remove the idea that I write this blog with a little baby in my arms, a toddler playing quietly in the corner and a dozen children sitting obediently or mischeviously at school desks). God has given us a small family.

#2 ~ Homeschooling

Our schooling does not resemble the public school system but embraces much learning from the reading of lots of books, real life experience and much grace. You will find our eclectic style of home education here. By noon, our "school day" is complete and there is time to pursue other interests (such as this little blog).

#3 ~ Homesteading

On our homestead, my husband does the gardening (it is his joy), my oldest takes care of all the animals (it is her joy) and I take care of the rest (it is my joy). Many hands make light work.

Because I am home most of the time, I have the time to write this blog. Any project I share will take less than 10 minutes (unless it is canning related) because that is all I have time for and I assume that is all you can manage as well. And so, with this "behind the scenes" information, I pray this website doesn't discourage you but only encourages you to love your home and the glorious opportunities we have in our creative calling.

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places
where other people see nothing."
~ Camille Pissaro

Dear ladies, your family can use your talents and gifts! They will serve to embellish your home life. What better investment of your time than contributing to your surroundings and the ones that you love!

For the accountant mind, it is the most important place to do financial planning and management, prepare a budget and practice economy.

For the doctoring soul, it is a place to treat minor sickness, learn about natural healing and the wisdom of prevention.

For the gourmet cook, it is a place to prepare beautiful meals that physically nourish the souls in our care and a place to practice healthy nutrition.

For the writer, it can be a place to journal your life. Perhaps something to publish and encourage others when things slow down in those later years.

For the pre-planner, you can maintain a storehouse pantry, preserve foods for the future, practice meal planning and make home schedules and charts.

For the organizer, you can fine-tune your home, your inventory and every cabinet and file drawer can be a place of perfection.

For the teacher, it a place to educate your children and educate yourself on all kinds of valuable information that would benefit and bless your household.

For the artist, it is a place to beautify, a canvas for you to create your own private paradise.

And yet, the world portrays the homemaker as a mundane job!?

Why then does Martha Stewart get glorified for her career in home economics?

My only guess is that she is paid.

But you should already know your worth. You needn't a weekly pay-check to prove your value. For your price, virtuous homemaker, has already been assessed by God and you are worth "far above rubies" (Proverbs 31:10).

"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
She looketh well to the ways of her household,
and eateth not the bread of idleness."
~ Proverbs 31:10, 27

"The aged women likewise,
that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness,
not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;

That they may teach the young women to be sober,
to love their husbands, to love their children,

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home,
good, obedient to their own husbands,
that the word of God be not blasphemed."
~Titus 2:3-5


  1. Jes, so well written! I love being the "creator" of our home! It was impressed upon me many years ago that the Lord loves beauty and since we are His creation what better way to express this God given authority than being the "keeper of the home!"

  2. Fabulous post Jes (as always.) I can't remember the last time I was bored, but I can certainly understand in a society that seems to think everyone needs to be entertained at all times. As you said - the garden is your husband's joy, and the animals your daughter's, I would ask those who are bored, "What is your passion?" Many can't answer, nor should they if they don't know. Perhaps something to ponder. I adore your blog as an inspirational resource ~ helps me not to forget that little things matter and add up to so much more.
    Thank you.

  3. Excellent post! There are so many opportunities in homemaking to grow. Each year I try to work specifically on a certain skill and grow in that particular area.

  4. Thank you for sharing and for keeping the blog. I have been encouraged so much by it.

  5. Dear Jes,
    Thank you for being honest and transparent. In this world of Pinterest-Instgram-Facebook-Blogging - so often the poster's life looks picture-perfect when in reality, it's just as normal as the reader's. I think we all know that, but it is nice when someone is honest to share their reality. And let me encourage YOU. You have a wonderful way of inspiring! Your posts are lovely and your ideas creative and helpful. Thank you for sharing your wisdom via this blog. :-)

  6. Wonderful and uplifting post, JES! My soul has been encouraged. I am blessed beyond measure to be a homemaker. However, currently, I do feel a bit like a floundering fish. We have seven children ranging from one to thirteen. Five of the seven are school aged and are home schooled. My youngest two are a handful. A beautiful handful....but a handful. I am blessed to still be nursing my 14 month old. She wants nothing to do with solids and just wants momma :) thank you for this refreshing perspective!!! God Bless, Angela

  7. JES, I never cease to be amazed at how beautifully your thoughts transfer into gloriously written pages. And more still, that you are willing to share them with us. The Lord has blessed you with such a gift with words and a heart to help others that we are happily encouraged and inspired at every turn.

    I have loved each post I've read here and been blessed so much that I really feel a bit guilty that I have been so blessed by them and given so little in return. I know you appreciate our comments, but they are so pitifully small in comparison to what we gain through your sharing your heart and home with us. Thank. you. so. very. much.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Dear Jes,

    You blog has encouraged, challenged, and helped me regain my focus. The Lord is using you!!!!! Blessings!

  9. Dear JES, Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Your website has been nothing but encouragement to me, and as a young lady who has only been a homemaker for five years (truly my happiest years), I can't tell you how much I appreciate your biblical wisdom and example. The home is a beautiful place to live, work, play, create, and serve, and your posts always illustrate that for me. I think one of the reasons I am drawn to your blog in particular is the fact that you post things that are practical and attainable, while still very lovely. I can relate to that much better than any "perfect" magazine spread. I hope that is an encouragement to you. With much love, Kelsey

  10. I've been a homemaker for nearly 25 years now. I came home when my first son was born. For the last couple of years, I've helped my husband with his restaurant a bit as needed. In October, November, and December, I helped a lot more. I also was driving everyone to work etc. I was gone a lot.

    Now the restaurant has closed. I'm now seeing the results of my neglect of home chores. It's a lot of "homemaking" debt. There is rebuilding to do. It's going to take me awhile, but it will be worth it.

    Hugs to you Jes! I'm still waiting for that picture!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  11. I am a new reader and I am finding so much encouragement here. I never understand those who are bored at home since I find there aren't enough hours in the day to do all the things I desire. I feel blessed beyond measure to a keeper at home!

  12. I love your blog~ and I love/appreciate what you wrote here!! Always so very encouraging and full of grace!!

  13. Such encouragement- I love how you described your home. I have to admit I thought it would have to be perfect and you have put me at ease.
    I just posted about the chores me and my husband have divided up - we work together as needed but we each have our own work.
    Thanks so much for posting.

  14. So well said Jes! I love your blog and heart to share all that you have learned. I have never felt like you have portrayed yourself as someone who has it all together but rather has learned the blessing of taking care of your loved ones and the place where you dwell. I have not tried any of your recipes or projects as of late because I am in the small children years still but I am so inspired by them! My husband also loves to garden and I love to care for our home. We also finish school around 1 and after I am done cleaning up and if the baby is sleeping I find so much joy in sharing my heart on my blog and learning from other seasoned woman like you! Keep encouraging and being a blessing to so many of us!

  15. Oh goodness! Any lifestyle can seem boring and some-old, same-old if you let it. I have two children, am married - but I work full time outside of the home using my MBA (I'm an accountant) in my job working for an urban public school district. Prior to that, I worked as a local politician's aide.

    Even that - having a fancy degree and working for Very Important People in Government has puh-lenty of days that are boring where I feel I'm wasting away. The grass is always greener in the other person's yard. Full-time homemakers shouldn't lament about how bored they are. Career women like me fall into our ruts, too. Believe me.

  16. JES, your blog has been a huge blessing and encouragement to me- thank you! Also, as someone who feels a bit 'creatively challenged', I really appreciate all the ideas you give for creative homemaking :-)

  17. Your blog is such a blessing!

  18. Jes, yes, you are a sweet soul and a very beloved blessing in my life! I only wish to see what you look like! I have an image of you in my head but have never seen a photo of you ... :) I understand, privacy is wonderful, but it would be precious to "meet" you.
    Keep up the fantastic, godly work of your blog. It is a true encouragement.

  19. I have also felt called to blog! I've enjoyed being on your blog. I just started on January 1. I'd love to have you stop by and check it out. Also, I'm hosting a linkup today at

    Lexie Robinson

  20. Thank you for being so open and honest. You are a breath of fresh air ❤

  21. My sons are grown and out on their own. I don't recall being bored as a young mother,far from that. I guess it is like the saying, "a mother of sons is up from son up to son down". Something like that. You have a beautiful blog and I so enjoy reading your posts. Thank you for all your hard work. I very much appreciate it.

  22. Very nice! Beautifully said, encouraging and assuring that NO woman has it all Pinterest perfect 100% (unless the has a lot of help from others.). I'm so glad you have time for this beautiful blog! I enjoy it so much. God bless you and your sweet family.

  23. This is such an encouraging post Jes, thank you for sharing so honestly and openly about your blog with us. "They will serve to embellish your home life", I really love and completely agree with this statement you made. I think I'd be the 'artist' home keeper, with hopefully a little of the others thrown in! I really enjoy your beautiful blog and look forward to reading more through the year. Blessings to you!

  24. I do love reading your posts. So calming and inspirational. I love your honesty and painting a realistic picture for women reading here. I love that you are sensitive and considerate to think of others. You're blog is a blessing to read throughout the week!

  25. Thank you for sharing Jes. I've always enjoyed your blog, the illustrations, quotes, printables, and love for God, family and home. Blessings to you dear one, Abby

  26. Thank you for all the encouragement ladies! :) The last thing I wanted to do is give the wrong impression! Have a lovely week!

    Love, JES

  27. Jes,
    I loved this post! I sometimes feel that I could spend months in my home and never leave and never be bored. My home may not be my dream house but I have made it the house of my dreams. When I come home from a long night of work, I feel my home envelope me in it's arms.
    I am both a professional worker and a home maker. I do long for the time when I can retire and stay home all the time. Thanks so much for doing this post. I loved it!!
    And thanks for stopping by!!


  28. Jes once again you have brought tears to my know just how to say exactly what I need to hear most days!

  29. Thank you for your wonderful words !

  30. I love posts like this, JES, because they remind me that we are all human. None of us can do it "all."
    Your blog certainly does encourage me to love my home and the opportunities I have to express my creativity in it.

  31. Your posts always inspire me. Thanks so much.

  32. Jes, your posts always bring happiness! Lori

  33. Wonderful! Such a blessed post to inspire the lover of their home..xo

  34. your posts are an inspiration thank you so much.

  35. Dear Jes,
    You have encouraged me so much and I come here to feel refreshed and uplifted. It works every time!
    In my view there are never enough hours in the day and no time to be bored. I even hate the word bored. If people know the importance of their work and their mission it is an exciting and wonderful job. I love it! Thank you so much! love

  36. My favorite blog of all time...I read them over and over....I am always encourage with what you write...In the busy world we live in,I am always reminded that its okay to be the best home maker I can be..and I enjoy all that I do for our home and family..Thank you please keep sharing your wisdom

  37. Oh - so true! After reading all the comments, I see that so many of us feel the same way! Thank you for your honesty and integrity. I have learned so many things from you!

  38. Such a beautiful post, dear JES! You are never discouraging...I always find inspiration and comfort here. You are a blessing, and I can't thank you enough for the kind, sweet comment you left on my blog the other day. It truly meant so much to me. God bless you as you continue to obey His voice. :)

  39. Your posts are always top-notch JES! Coming here to visit is always such a delight, and I learn so much! Your creative labels that you generously share are a great blessing, and I want to thank you for the many times you have blessed me with your posts and encouraging words! May the Lord continue to bless you in all you do my friend! :)

  40. Jes, I enjoy your blog and a call to home so very much!!

    I loved the days of homeschooling and miss them now in my empty nest years. (Although my nest isn't so empty now with my daughter, son-in-law and grandbaby living here.) :-)

    I appreciate so much the reminders of what a high calling our life as wife, mother and homemaker is; a way to model Christ to those around us.

    Your blog has been such a blessing to me. I appreciate you and your passion for homemaking so very much.

    May God continue to bless the work of your hands.

  41. Excellent post! It is a shame that the world does not recognize the worth of a faithful woman at home. I hope many women will read this and see their own worth as a keep of the home if they are not already convinced of it. My favorite part is how you demonstrate how one can use their gifts to serve. Thank you very much for sharing!

  42. Excellent post! It can be so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that to be a 'proper homemaker' we need to do everything that everyone we ever see, hear, or read about does. I often fall prey to this false belief! I'll feel guilty for not making everything from scratch, sewing our own clothes, mending every torn garment, canning, preserving, cleaning, organizing, planning elaborate lessons and experiments, taking field trips and nature walks, teaching all of my children to cook and clean, and reading aloud to my children for hours each day, all at the same time. Why? Because I see each of these things mentioned on somebody's blog, page, Facebook post, tweet, or pin, so clearly I must do every last one of them to be a truly Godly homemaker, right? In the end it comes down to comparison. I know not to compare our home to others. I know it will steal our joy and bring nothing but strife. Yet every time I vow not to compare, I end up right back there again comparing what I do (or don't do) to what I think everyone else is doing at all times. Thank you for the reminder that God isn't calling me to do everything everyone else is doing, but to use the gifts he's given me. Now to figure out how to use sarcasm and candy-eating to serve me family, lol. When you get time, I'd love for you to come check out my corner of the blogosphere at

  43. Deareest JES...oh, this was simply the sweetest post and a true encouragement to me...Strangers and Pilgrims is one of my very favourite places for, although I do not yet have a family or home of my own, I am living as a stay at home daughter, and I too need much encouragment to keep pursuing the Lord in this calling of being at home till He shows me otherwise... I agree with you that being a keeper at home is far from being mundane! My! There are always a thousand and one things happening at once and there is seldom a moment of peace, especially if you homestead too. There is true satisfaction to be found in keeping a home, and it is my sincerest prayer that the Lord would grant me the desire of my heart the meantime I want to read much, learn much, try many new things and add to my 'real' hopechest...the one within my heart! Thus, your blog is a special place, and I appreciate your writing very much... Our families also sound very similar in that we seldom go to town, lead a quiet lifestyle and homeschool in a completely different way to the school system...reading forms the greater part of our education, as well as simply living! 'Life school' we call it! Thank you dear JES for this beautiful, honest post! I truly enjoyed my visit to your little corner of the web today!
    Oh, and I wanted to tell you that when I was considering deactivating my Facebook account a few weeks ago, I thought of you and how your blog was your only ''home'' on the web! I realised I didn't need all sorts of social media platforms to keep connected on the net, and since deleting my profile, I have enjoyed much more free time to invest in the most precious of relationships...those with my family and with Christ! I was inspired by your example... Blessings and much love to you!

  44. I love how you mentioned Martha Stewart! It's so very true that society does not see homemaking as a valid life choice, yet there are many people on TV who make a career of televising their homemaking advice.


  45. Speaking for myself, you NEVER discourage me by a 'perfectionist' mentality! That is why yours is the only blog I subscribe to and I won't touch Pinterest with a 10ft pole! You do not portray yourself as having it all together and being perfect, but rather being thrilled to be who God made you to be - His child, a wife, a mother, and a friend to your readers.

  46. JES, I don't see your email address here anywhere. Can you please drop me an email at mediumsizedfamily at gmail dot com when you get a chance? Thanks!


    1. Hi there -- I just sent you an email... Hope you get it!

  47. I love all the images you use! Where do you find them all?


    1. Hi Christina, All the artwork is pretty much found the hard way, GOOGLE SEARCHES :( Such as "Victorian family paintings", etc.) If I do find a painting I really love, then I try and Google the artist's name and see what other items he/she has painted. Paintings earlier than 1923 (I believe) are no longer under copyright. Hope this helps! :)
