
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Strawberry Patch of Posts

"Mrs. Elton, in all her apparatus of happiness, her large bonnet and her basket, was very ready to lead the way in gathering, accepting, or talking — strawberries, and only strawberries, could now be thought or spoken of. — “The best fruit in England — every body’s favourite — always wholesome. These the finest beds and finest sorts. — Delightful to gather for one’s self — the only way of really enjoying them. Morning decidedly the best time — never tired — every sort good — hautboy infinitely superior — no comparison — the others hardly eatable — hautboys very scarce — Chili preferred — white wood finest flavour of all — price of strawberries in London — abundance about Bristol — Maple Grove — cultivation — beds when to be renewed — gardeners thinking exactly different — no general rule — gardeners never to be put out of their way — delicious fruit — only too rich to be eaten much of — inferior to cherries — currants more refreshing — only objection to gathering strawberries the stooping — glaring sun — tired to death — could bear it no longer — must go and sit in the shade.”
~ Jane Austen, Emma

In honor of strawberry season, here are some posts from the past which pertain to this favorite fruit of mine {titles are linked}:

  • How to Freeze Strawberries
  • Raw Strawberry Refrigerator Jam
  • Strawberry Honey Jam Recipe
  • Strawberry Honey Jam (No Pectin Recipe)       

  • two round mason jar labels
  • two gift tags
  • one garden gift tag
  • three round strawberry "scrap" pieces
  • two rectangular strawberry "scrap" pieces
  • twelve strawberry bunting flags

"We are to walk about your gardens, and gather the strawberries ourselves, and sit under trees;—and whatever else you may like to provide, it is to be all out of doors— a table spread in the shade, you know. Every thing as natural and simple as possible."
~ Jane Austen, Emma


  1. Jes,
    I couldn't get the titles to link.?.? Frozen strawberries make the best smoothies...just add milk and a bit of sweetener. Have a restful weekend.

    1. Hi Lori, the main heading includes all of the below in each title :) And yes, strawberries smoothies are the best!!!

  2. Oh Jes, those are beautiful. Mine are just blooming. I don't care for strawberries, but love the leaves and blooms. Oddly, I don't usually have troubles finding someone to eat the fruit:)

    1. Not care for strawberries??? I have never heard of such a human ;) If you have any leftover fruit, you know who to call! :)

  3. What a pretty, happy post! We love strawberries over a slice of angel food cake topped with real whipped cream. And strawberry smoothies are only made better by a 20 second squirt of chocolate syrup. O.O Homemade syrup is so good! I saved commercial bottles so I could squeeze my own. ;) My strawberries are nearly gone now. From one raised bed we got several quarts. I'm planning to expand to two beds for next year. Those labels are so nice, thank you!
    Have a sweet weekend!

    1. Thanks for sharing! My daughter made a shortcake with freshly whipped cream and the strawberries. It was divine! :)

  4. Beautiful post! My husband planted strawberries earlier this month. Strawberries usually produce sometime in June where I live. They are a favorite with my family. : ) I love all of the label resources you have shared. Thank you!

  5. Oh, I am SO thrilled to find a strawberry jam recipe that is made with honey!! HOORAY! Thank you for these wonderful recipes and also for the labels. We just went on a homeschool field trip to a local strawberry patch the other day, and oh, were they sweet and tasty! Makes me think of God's Word that says He satisfies our mouth with good things. He is so faithful!

    1. Yes, yes! And I do hope you find a recipe you like :)

  6. Oh, I love those strawberry labels! Next jam season, my labels are going to look so pretty! I will definitely need to try the recipe with honey too. Thanks for all the strawberry goodness!

    1. Jam making seems more fun with pretty labels, doesn't it? :) Have a lovely weekend!

  7. Gorgeous labels thank you Jes. I will be using this in summer. I often get a tray of strawberries for jam. The color is beautiful. What pretty gifts they would make.xx

  8. I enjoy making stuff with strawberries so need to try your jam with honey. I will eat strawberries some in desserts and jams/jellies but I do not care for them fresh. Hubby and son put a patch out last year picking them now.

  9. Good morning dearest JES! Oh, what a lovely, summery post and truly enjoyable, for I am a strawberry lover of note...:)
    I loved how you included quotes from lovely 'Emma' of my favourite parts of the book for it is, oh, so funny!!
    I would love to try a few of your delicious strawberry recipes...even though we are almost in winter here in South Africa, we have one or two strawberries gracing our odd and delightful is that??
    Have a blessed and beautiful day!
    Much love,

  10. Nice labels. I have a little strawberry patch. I freeze most of my strawberry and make jam mixed with rhubarb. Thanks for sharing. xo

  11. Thank you for sharing your recipe and your beautiful labels too Jes!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Hi,
    your post is so interesting and the labels for the jam jars are very nice !!!!
    Un baiser
    La Sportina

  14. OH how I love strawberries! I have never made freezer strawberry jam, but my mother did growing up. I think I'll make some this year when strawberries come into season (usually about June). What a lovely post, and strawberries are my favorite fruit!!! :)

  15. Great strawberry post! We have u-pick fields of strawberries in our area. We pick strawberries as a family & make homemade strawberry jam.

  16. Wonderful post on strawberries. We always have to purchase our strawberries and they won't be ready for another month at least. I always freeze them now, however I use to make strawberry jam and strawberry/rhubarb jam. Love them!

  17. Good post. :Love you printable labels. Thanks for sharing them. This is the season for strawberries. My husband loves them with just a little honey on and eating them from a bowl. Visiting from Homestead blog hop. Twitted.

  18. Hi Jess, I commented previously....but I don't think it went through. Would you mind sharing your mailing address? I'd like to send you a package. Blessings, Angela.

    1. Hi Angela! :) I did get your precious comment and responded via email :) Perhaps I am in your spam box? I didn't publish it because I didn't know if you wanted your email public... Please let me know if you get it :) You are a sweetheart!

  19. I'm having email difficulties. Could you try sending to


  20. Great stuff JES! My strawberries are just coming out of hibernation. I can't wait!

  21. Good morning, JES,

    I just had to comment on this sweet strawberry post, since these berries are not only adorable, but extremely tasty and versatile, despite the fact that you have newer posts after it. Charming pics of these petite pretties and their accompanying labels and recipes! Thanks for sharing and wishing you a warm and wonderful weekend!


  22. What a beautiful post Jes, thank you for sharing it with us at Good Morning Mondays. We are wanting to plant strawberries in our aquaponics when we get more fish, so I am definitely going to book mark this for later. Blessings
