
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Free Unit Studies for Your Homeschool

"Education would be much more effective if its purpose was to ensure that by the time they leave school every boy and girl should know how much they do not know, and be imbued with a lifelong desire to know it." 
~William Haley

We love doing unit studies in our homeschool! We find it kindles an interest to learn. When children are given stacks of "living" books, activities and ideas about a certain subject, that subject comes alive! And anything that may have seemed dull at first glance suddenly becomes interesting! Here is a list of the free unit studies that we have prepared on this blog. Even if you have a curriculum, sometimes it is fun (and even necessary) to change things up (with a unit study in between) to avoid monotony. These would also be fun to do in the summer at a slower and enjoyable pace.

You may also be interested in our World History Series:

Creation Study (History of the World ~ Part 1)
Noah's Ark and the World Wide Flood (History of the World ~ Part 2)

For more information, visit our article "What is a Unit Study".


  1. Jes, these are just wonderful! You are so generous with your time and expertise, sharing all the wonderful resources you do. Your blog really is a one stop shop for everything I love! I cannot thank you enough for all you do here. You are a blessing indeed.

    1. Thank you for the time you take to leave encouraging comments ;)

  2. Bookmarking this! I'm still at the "Explore Creation With Littles" stage of things, but there are so many wonderful resources for homeschool. I've been slowly building a little library!

    1. That is such a fun stage! We love creation studies! :)

  3. What a resource you've shared, JES. I would have loved free unit studies when we homeschooled our youngest. Love the image you shared - those girls are too cute.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I loved the painting too! Thank you for sharing :)

  4. Love the quote! It's going in my commonplace book.

    1. Thank you for sharing! I was smitten by it too! :)

  5. Thank you so much for sharing these JES, I am pinning this page and hope to use one of the studies later in June.

    1. Oh, that would be wonderful!! I hope you enjoy them! :)

  6. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!!


  7. What a wonderful quote by William Haley! Certainly something to ponder on... And it is so sweet of you to share your homeschool unit studies! Homeschooling is such a blessing and also great fun! :)
    Hope your weekend has been lovely so far, dear JES!

  8. Dearest JES, I so appreaciate your resources and your willingness to share them with us. Thank you for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Blessings to you!

  9. Thank you Jes for all your work and for being so willing to share it with us all. I appreciate it also that you take the time to share this at Good Morning Mondays. Once again you are such a blessing. Have a great weekend. xxxx

  10. Thank you Jes for all your work and for being so willing to share it with us all. I appreciate it also that you take the time to share this at Good Morning Mondays. Once again you are such a blessing. Have a great weekend. xxxx

  11. Oh these are so wonderful! Forgive me if this has been asked already, or if it seems silly, but when you do these unit studies, approximately how much time do you spend on each one?

    1. Not silly at all, that is a great question! The time we spend all depends on the unit (and sometimes even the interest of the children). For instance, owls would be one or two weeks until all the materials are read and most of the activities are completed. However, when we study a huge topic like Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, or the Middle Ages, we can spend as long as 3 months! Most of the time, once I have read the main read aloud titles, then I begin wrapping it up. Hope this answers your question. Please feel free to ask anything else. We LOVE unit studies in our homeschool!

    2. Thank you! We will definitely be using these in our home education.

  12. Found you on Raising Homemakers! We also love to do unit studies, and I've written some as well. I'll be pinning this for future reference!

    1. Aren't they fun? Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful homeschooling year! :)
