
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Thoughts on Raising Children ~ Link Up Love

"It is a great thing to take these young and tender lives, rich with so many possibilities of beauty, of joy, of power—all of which may be wrecked—and to become responsible for their shaping and training, and for the up building of their character. This is what must be thought of in the making of a home. It must be a home in which children will grow up for true and noble life—for God and for heaven."
~ J.R. Miller, The Family (aka Home-Making), 1882

I feel so much sorrow for the children growing up in this era. They are missing the wholesome lifestyle that we had when young such as climbing trees, riding bikes and building forts. Though we can't change the time period that they were born in, we can make a difference in our own homes. Here are some inspiring posts pertaining to child-raising that were shared on our second edition of The Art of Home-Making Mondays

This was an interesting article concerning the way we raise our children on praise. Gail at Bible Love Notes requires only a minute of your time to re-evaluate the latest parenting trend. What are your thoughts on this?

This post by Jacqueline at Deep Roots at Home spoke the very concern of my heart! So much stimulation from electronics and so little time in the real world with us! Are we starving the souls of our children? I hope this challenges the reader to reconsider how their family spends their time.

The question is, do you have a parenting plan? What are your goals? What kind of family life do you hope to provide? Will you allow video games? Free access to the remote control? Unguarded internet access? These subjects are worth conversation. Sunshine by Channon gives a garden analogy that will remind you of the importance of biblical vision when raising your children. Thank you ladies for sharing your wisdom with us! I invite you all to join us next week at The Art of Home-Making Mondays

"Childhood comes but once with its opportunities.
Whatever is done to stamp it with beauty, must be done quickly!"


  1. Thank you for sharing this difficult topic here, JES. It was so hard to write, and yet it needed to be said. Sometimes one is afraid to write for fear of being called judgmental, but it is rather shared from an attitude of love.
    God bless you and yours, dear one,

  2. Dear Jes, Loved the way you used both these ladies excellent articles and used them for a train of thought and message! I read them both!
    Blessings, Miss Roxy

  3. I really liked this post. It is a difficult topic but one needed to be addressed. I agree with the fact that I feel sorry for our children today. They don't play outdoors, hang at the park. I think the starvation of our society is happening the farther we get from "family" centered living Today some parents send kids to their room to be on the computer or video game. Gosh we had to actually lay on our beds and "think" about what we did. I think parents need to be parents and not our children's friend.

    1. I agree. Unfortunately, it takes work to parent and the path of less resistance is often followed because so many fathers and mothers are exhausted from the daily grind and don't have the time and energy to follow through. With prayer for God's wisdom and strength, we can persevere... one day at a time.
