
Monday, November 11, 2013

"Give Thanks" ~ Free Inspirational Art Printable

Beautifying your home is a very pleasant part of being a homemaker. I personally love the challenge of a frugally prepared project! You will find some autumn inspired ideas here that you can create inexpensively from your surroundings.

We are also sharing this printable of a "Scripture Picture" using chalkboard art. Perhaps you can use this as a thrifty way to decorate your home. It would also make an encouraging gift. Search for frames in second-hand stores and add your artistic flair with paint, items from nature or craft supplies. We printed ours on white card-stock, cut it down to size (leaving some white border as a "matting") and placed in an 8 by 10 inch frame.

To use, simply download from the LINK HERE and print. Happy homemaking, ladies! 

You may also be interested in our "Study to Shew Thyself Approved" Printable Art.

"The family is an art form.
A family is an exciting career, because an art form needs work."
~ Edith Schaeffer, Excerpt from What is a Family?


  1. Love this! I have a thrift store frame waiting for me :) (Found you on New Life on a Homestead Hop)

  2. I love it and it would be a nice addition to the home :) Thank you, dear JES, for sharing. Blessings to you, friend!

  3. The print is beautiful, JES! Thank you for sharing. I'm going to grab a copy for the dry sink where I display my ceramic turkey during the month of November. Have a great week!

  4. Perfect for a Thanksgiving table! Thanks for doing this.

    Amy Jo

  5. This is beautifully done! Thanks so much. I'm in the midst of a series called A Season of Thanksgiving on my blog, and I've done a number of free Thanksgiving Bible verse printables I'd love for you and your readers to enjoy! Here's the updated index:
    I hope you get a chance to stop by, but happy Thanksgiving regardless!

  6. I love this so much, JES, thank you for sharing it! I hope you don't mind, but I just did a post with links back here, and I borrowed your picture (and it links back to this post, also). I hope that's okay! :)

  7. Nice! Joining you from The Journey Back fall linky party.

  8. Hi again. I just noticed Joanne came over from the linky! Yea!
    Have a good week.

  9. Scheduled a Tweet to share this! Beautiful!

  10. Oh Jess. I love this! Thanks for linking. I am sorry I haven't been able to come by and join you. I am having computer problems. I have to go to the apartment office to post! Thanks so much for linking. Have a wonderful week.

  11. Nice! I'll be adding this to my Thanksgiving and winter decor.

  12. Great print! Thanks for linking up over at Homemaking!

    God Bless,
    Sarah (

  13. I love the simplicity of such a powerful statement! It will make the perfect framed holiday decoration in our house this holiday season. Thank you for sharing.

    Lisa at Dreams and Caffeine

  14. JES...How pretty! Love this! So glad you shared it at Monday's Musings. :-)

  15. Thank you for sharing this quote. Printed it out on pearlized off white card stock, that paper gives things such a pretty soft presentation. Will hang in living room to remind myself daily.

    Have lovely week
