
Friday, October 25, 2013

Raggedy Ann's Room Spray ~ Clean & Sweet ~ For the Nursery

"Then she took Raggedy Ann into the house and showed Marcella and Mamma how clean and sweet she was."
~ Raggedy Ann Stories by Johnny Gruelle

This post is a tribute to the fun usage of essential oils in the home. With a drop of peppermint oil to sweeten up the nursery, this "Raggedy Ann Room Spray" will freshen the room. But remember, this is for the room only and not to be sprayed on baby who is already sweet (essential oils may be too strong on their tender skin).

"When the dear lady put the new white cotton in my body," said Raggedy Ann "she went to the cupboard and came back with a paper bag. And she took from the bag ten or fifteen little candy hearts with mottos on them and she hunted through the candy hearts until she found a beautiful red one which she sewed up in me with the cotton! So that is the secret, and that is why I am so happy! Feel here," said Raggedy Ann. All the dolls could feel Raggedy Ann's beautiful new candy heart and they were very happy for her.
After all had hugged each other good night and had cuddled up for the night, the tin soldier asked, "Did you have a chance to see what the motto on your new candy heart was, Raggedy Ann?"
"Oh yes," replied Raggedy Ann, "I was so happy I forgot to tell you. It had printed upon it in nice blue letters, 'I LOVE YOU.'"
~ Raggedy Ann Stories by Johnny Gruelle

The sweet but subtle scent is inspired by the beautiful red candy heart which was given to Raggedy Ann. Certainly it would smell of peppermint!

How to prepare:

In a small travel-size spray bottle, add the following ingredients in the order they appear:
  • 1/4 tsp. vodka (cheap kind is fine) OR lemon extract ~ It helps to disperse the oils, acts as a preservative and is also a disinfectant and antibacterial. Some people use rubbing alcohol but it is not as natural a choice as vodka. However, if you have a weakness to alcohol, then I encourage you to skip this ingredient altogether. Being this is only a 1/3-cup recipe, it will keep (meaning the essential oils will not lose their potency) for the time period it takes to use the spray up (shake before each use).
  • Approx. 1/3 cup of water (distilled is best but I use tap water) ~ Add to spray bottle after the ingredients mentioned above. 
How to Use:

Mist lightly around the room to freshen and deodorize.

Printables and Playtime:

A printable recipe for your herbal is found HERE which also includes the label. Simply follow the link, download and print.


I like to use travel size bottles for our room sprays. Glass is a superior choice when working with essential oils as it doesn't leach but feel free to use what you have. I often use plastic in a pinch. You can purchase doTERRA *quality* essential oils from Amazon (which helps to support this site). Thank you!

"So let us all remember and try never again to do anything which might cause those who love us any unhappiness!"
"Let us all remember," chimed all the other dollies.
And Raggedy Ann, with a merry twinkle in her shoe-button eyes, lay back in her little bed, her cotton head filled with thoughts of love and happiness."'
~ Raggedy Ann Stories by Johnny Gruelle

If you love the sweetness of Raggedy Ann, then you may be interested in this post as a way of enjoying your time with your little ones. You may also like these free, printable Raggedy Ann and Andy bookmarks.


  1. Can you use water instead of alcohol?

    1. Yes :) Being this is only a 1/3-cup recipe, it will keep (meaning the essential oils will not lose their potency) for the time period it takes to use the spray up (shake before each use). Have a wonderful weekend! ~ JES

  2. Sweet indeed. I've always loved Raggedy Ann and Andy. I sewed up a set of them for our eldest many years ago, and one granddaughter has a Raggedy Ann teaset. So adorable. Love the idea of a nursery spray, a great gift idea for a new mom. Thank you for sharing the recipe and for the label. Btw, word verification is probably preventing many of your readers from leaving comments. I turned mine off and have had no spam since. Details here: Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. If you by chance read this, could you let me know if it worked or if you still have to do the code? Thanks :)

    2. I'm pretty sure it's not allowing anonymous comments that prevents spam, so I think it will work out well for you as it did for me. :)

    3. Thank you for your time :)

  3. Hi there! Thanks for the tip! I will try your advice ~ JES

  4. Oh how lovely! Confession time: I've never read anything Raggedy Ann. Oh my goodness, I've been missing out. Such a sweet, sweet story, and such a wonderful idea to make a beautiful spray to match the heart. Blessings to you today... so glad I found your blog, what a great reminder I am a visitor here on planet earth! xoxo jules

    1. Thanks for taking the time to share here today! and it is never too late to read Raggedy Ann :) Have a wonderful weekend ~ JES

  5. Oh how fun and absolutely darling! I can almost smell the lovely scent of the essential oils :) Thanks for sharing, dear JES!

  6. I am nodding my head in enthusiastic agreement with Stephanie! What a delightful and whimsical post :) I am going to change up my spritzer bottle once it needs a refill (every 5-6 days). Love it, JES :)

    1. Sometimes we need a bit of whimsey with all that is going on out there… Happy homemaking ~ JES :)

  7. JES,

    I love Raggedy Ann! I read all of the Raggedy books to my daughter and I still hold on to them...You outdid your self with this cute idea! I will definitely get the stuff to make my own Raggedy spray (but for my room;)
    Amy Jo

    1. Ahhh… that makes me smile! I think she brings to mind all that is sweet which is what makes her a favorite with many of us. Have a wonderful weekend ~ JES :)

  8. Thank you for sharing this post on our blog hop!! We love essential oils, this is such a fun post. :)

    Have a wonderful day,

  9. I am so excited, I am adding this to my Making Herbal Gifts Class this week! Thank you for sharing on Wildcrafting Wednesday!
