
Friday, August 26, 2011

Our Wholesome Video List

This is a follow up to the article, What to Read and What to Watch.

Below is a list of wholesome* media that our family has appreciated using the criteria above (with more to come). We have attempted to list the movies by age since we are all in different stages with our children (but every child is different so this is truly flexible). Most movies were introduced when we started homeschooling and have been valuable educational resources (teaching topics are shared next to the titles). Do you have any to add?

Ages 4 and up
Ages 6 and up
    Ages 8 and up
      Ages 10 and up

        Ages 12 and up


        * Keep in mind that though these movies are considered wholesome, some content is more mature such as the World War II and missionary themed videos since the subject matter is based on historic events which can be harsh and intense. But what you won't find in this list are children in romantic relationships, nudity, profane language, magic and/or ungodly lifestyles being praised.

        What are your favorites that I didn't include? Please share! 


        1. Just visited your blog and I loved what you had to say about these videos, I too watch what my family is allow to watch and what they are allow to read. I really enjoyed this post and my visit here I will be visiting as often as I can..

        2. Thank you. I love hearing from involved parents. It makes my day!

        3. nice post...thanks for sharing...happy holidays...blessings soraya

        4. Just found your blog and I'm loving reading through a lot of your older posts too. Was glad to see several movies in our collection on your list too. It's quite a hunt to find stuff that is not just NOT BAD, but actually GOOD.

          I would add Where the Red Fern Grows on there. There's several versions of the movie that we've seen and they've all been "safe and appropriate" and conveyed the simple faith and values of the book well.

          I also really like the older Disney version of Swiss Family Robinson. It's true to the story, so there's a lot of adventures that parents might want to review first and there's a little bit of romance, but no inappropriate scenes and it also stays very true to the family values, respect, and faith of the original book.

        5. Love seeing the video list. I've been thinking of adding one to my blog also geared more towards boys since that's what I have :)! We love the Daniel Boone series with Fess Parker, Disney's Davy Crockett and Johnny Tremain(Revolutionary War). These are great for boys! I like that you broke your list down into age groups. Very helpful!

        6. Your post is great! The links to the Field Trip dvd's are broken. Do you have new links?

          1. Thanks for pointing that out. I provided new links :)

        7. Wonderful list, I'm always looking for good videos to recommend for the moms in our church and for our church library. My children are grown, but I have little grandchildren and a facebook page for moms, which I will put a link there. Many thanks. I do have some to recommend, but will come back another time to add them. ~ Abby

          1. I would LOVE to know your recommendations!

        8. Sheffey is AWESOME! Nothing bad content wise at all. Story of the conversion of a young man turned circuit preacher. Very closely follows his real life accounts. Must see! By BJU which is saying a lot. They are very conservative in their entertainment!
          this is the first opportunity I've had to search out you blog. Looks great!

          1. You know, I did see that movie a while back and remember how good it was. I love the historical films. And I think I listed others by BJU above which I really love. I will have to rewatch it and add to list :) Thanks for sharing!

        9. I should mention on Sheffey: Older Children and Adults! There are some scenes which would be unsettling to youngsters!
          But it is a really worthwhile movie!

          1. Yes, we always preview our movies first. Thanks for pointing that out to the readers though!

        10. Did I forget the link? sorry to keep posting!

        11. Wonderful list! We have movie at least 3 times a month, and it can be hard to find decent movies.

        12. WOW, I ran across this blog because i was looking for autumn clip art! I am so happy i found this, I don't want to click off because there is so much to look at. We also have a 20 acre farm with about 45 chickens and our goats just had the first kids (one boy and one girl we named Taco{husband's idea} and Belle). We have homeachooled our four girls for 14 years now. Wanted to know if you ever read "Maidens of Virtue", I am pretty sure you will love it! I do not Tweet or Facebook either! Could there ever be such thing as a blog soul mate? LOL!

          1. How sweet Susan! Thank you for sharing! It sounds like I found another kindred spirit! :) Goat kids are so adorable! We just had another set of twins as well, The Count and Trouble... Your names are darling... I like the Taco and Belle, very clever! And guess what, I do have Maidens of Virtue... It is on our reading list for my daughter this year! I hope to hear from you more in the future :) Have a lovely week and thank you for introducing yourself!

        13. How about "I Remember Mama" with Barbara Belle Geddes? It's an oldie about an immigrant (Swedish) family who settle in San Francisco at the turn of the last century.

          1. I will have to check that one out! I love oldies!!! Thanks for sharing Mary! :)

        14. I second "I Remember Mama" and Sheffey! :) We have also enjoyed "Runner From Ravenshead" and "Sergeant York" with Gary Cooper (a true story about a pacifist soldier who gets saved and becomes a war hero)

          1. Thanks for seconding "I Remember Mama". Perhaps I can find it on iTunes. And we really enjoyed Sheffey too but it has been awhile since we watched it. We actually own "Runner From Ravenshead" (I need to rewatch and add it to the appropriate area of the list). Thanks for the reminder about that one. We have never seen "Sergeant York" either... Thank you for your contributions and taking the time to comment ;)

        15. Glad I found this list; I needed some new recommendations. There's an old Heidi one we really liked, but I can't remember which version . . .

          1. Yes, that is the key (which version). Some of them I was disappointed with as the book was a gem with a beautiful biblical message which is often downplayed the movie versions. I hope this little list helps out a bit :)

        16. "The Boxcar Children" is my son's (4 y.o) favorite movie. It doesn't have any references in it to anything bad at all and is an uplifting, heartwarming movie! I wish more were like it! It is now on Netflix. Thanks for the movie lists :)

          1. Thank you for sharing!!! Those books are family favorites as they were our first chapter books! :)

        17. How thoughtful of you to compile this list for other like-minded families! I recognize the titles of quite a number of the films you listed from some we have seen over and over and most we own.
          Thank you!

        18. I've been getting into the Love Comes Softly series lately and it is so good!! I love the costumes, story, and how wholesome it is.


          1. Yes, whenever I need to wind down, I pop some corn, cuddle up in a blanket and go back to the past in that series :) Thank you for sharing Christina!

        19. Thank you for posting Time Changer on your list. My goodness, I think that is one of the most powerful movies I have ever seen. We ran into it years ago at the Creation Museum. I could watch it once a week and not grow tired of it. God bless and keep you as you serve Him with your beautiful blog.

          1. So glad to hear of someone else who loves the Time Changer! I rarely hear it talked about but it is one of my absolute favorite's for the message! Thank you for taking the time to share! P.S. We also enjoyed the Creation Museum! :)

        20. I've just recently come across your blog and, so five years after this post, I must add a movie that all of my children loved: Swallows and Amazons ...a 1974 British movie based on the classic book by Arthur Ransome. It shows the adventures of a group of siblings who are vacationing at the Lake District in the early part of the 20th century (920's ???) There is absolutely no profanity and it was so sweet. It appears that they are making a new version, set to release in 2016...but no telling how much charm will be lost in the remake.

          I am enjoying your blog very much!

          1. This sounds right up our alley and I can't believe I haven't heard of it until now! I just found it on Amazon and put it into my cart! Thank you for sharing! :)

          2. Wonderful! As it is a 1974 movie, think of those lovely movies that came out around then: Old Yeller, Where the Red Fern Grows, Swiss Family Robinson, etc. (maybe late 60's, but same style)

            Enjoy :)

          3. P.S. It's just astounding how much freedom children had in another era...and how relatively mature and responsible they were to handle it.

          4. Yes! And I think there were also less "weirdos" out there as well! It often saddens me that I can't allow the same privileges of freedom I had as a child to my own.
