
Friday, January 1, 2021

November/December 2020 Newsletter (Country Diary Edition)

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is time for home."
~ Edith Sitwell

And all at once, we are in the middle of winter... and with another monthly newsletter in which we chat about books read, things watched, homemaking projects and any other ponderings which really don't fit into its own post! However, this monthly edition will be a bit different based on our little departure into the countryside. Without going into too many details, consider this entry more of a "The Country Diary of an Old Fashioned Homemaker" as our time away from home put me into a poetic state of mind... It is a collection of a few of my homemaker's musings. 


Feeding the body,

Nourishing the soul,

Making a piece of the world more beautiful.


In the early part of the morning, when the sun peeks in its rays, we are reminded of His glory and all His faithful ways...

“From the rising of the sun to its going down, The Lord’s name is to be praised.”

~ Psalm 113:3

Choose to see the light today...

Happy homemaking 🤍


Baking the world better, one pie at a time...

And alas, I did enjoy watching a movie this month! I had been interested in seeing it for quite some time as it is the new adaption of Little Women! I have watched almost all the versions and wasn't sure this was going to offer anything new but it certainly did! It told the story from a different angle than the others had (more of a flashback) while still staying somewhat true to the original content. Of course, there was some "modern thinking" ideology in it that Hollywood embellished for the modern viewer but overall I found it delightful! Have you seen it?

Let us welcome in another new year with new possibilities! Let us hold on to the simple daily rituals of homemaking as it is always an endearing topic for encouragement. With that being said, what about you dear reader? What wholesome and lovely things have you been reading, watching and/or working on? As always, recommendations are much appreciated and hearing about your homemaking projects always inspires me! Until next time...

Verse of the Month:

"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, 

that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost."

~ Romans 15:13


  1. Such a lovely post, thank you. Happy New Year too :) I saw the new Little Woman movie and would probably have described it exactly as you did too. Yes homemaking is a joy. I was just having a conversation with my husband yesterday, regarding how many people (wife and husband) work every hour that God sends these days, and how on earth would they keep their home clean? Maybe people don't worry about it. When our children were small and money was very tight, I had a small part time job, which I took my youngest daughter to with me. I cleaned homes of wealthy people and I must say, the mess was over whelming !! Each time I went back clothes were strewn for miles, toys everywhere, dishes piled high all around the kitchen, dirt, dust, fluff, stains, spills, everywhere. After a couple of months I resigned. It was too distressing to face the mess, make it clean as a whistle and then come back next week to the same horrendous squalor. Personally I understand it's hard with young children to get around to all things, that's fine, but to live like that all the time, to me is sad. Those houses didn't feel like 'home'. There was nothing comforting, peaceful or haven like about them. My mother always did and still does keep a lovely welcoming home. I think she inspired me, and my nana. We are blessed, those of us that find joy in making a lovely home for our families. Yes it seems to be old fashioned now, but I know those who come to our home always say, your home is so peaceful. (It's the spirit of the Lord) and the Love. Blessings to you ~ Linda. Your writings and images are so beautiful and always encouraging and inspiring x

    1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful sentiments 🤍 I definitely agree!

  2. What a treat to read this beautiful post after a full day of fluffing my own nest! I spent a little extra time today in giving my home a more wintery feel and hopefully, a more cozy feel. Would you ever consider making a post on feminine fashion? I’m afraid I learned this way later in life and I’m always inspired by others. Thank you again and God bless! ~Yvette

    1. Sounds like a lovely day and my favorite kind 🤍 Your idea is a nice one! If something comes to me I definitely will... just not sure exactly what ladies are interested in seeing...

  3. My husband got me a couple of my favorite Hallmark movie DVDs so it was fun to see those again. The Christmas Card and Journey Back to
    I've been having a hankering to see the old Anne of Green Gables so I may have to order that from the library.

    I moved my craft room upstairs so I'm looking forward to the reorganizing and making it work better. I haven't been doing much creating.

    Happy New Year!

    1. That sounds lovely 🤍 I especially like the organizing part 🤍🤍🤍

    2. I, too, have just moved my craft room and am in the throes of reorganizing it. Hopefully it will motivate me to get some of the sewing done. :) Since I moved it out of my bedroom, I've been able to set up a cozy little reading nook since one of my goals for this year is to read more.

    3. I love the idea of creating a cozy reading nook! Especially during the winter/autumn months!


  4. I enjoyed your snippets. Homemaking and the Word are so healing in themselves but tied together they speak of a good life.

  5. I watched a show on PBS about Laura Ingalls Winder - "From Prairie to Page" I think it was called. I love her books and whenever I need to slow down and dream of a simpler life (though not necessarily easier!), her stories always inspire me.

    1. So true! I actually had that movie on my wish list... thanks for verifying that its a good one! 🤍

  6. What a lovely post and Happy New Year!
    I've been working on my January/February "Month of Goals planner". I made one for the Fall and another for Christmas and loved them so much that I'm starting the new year with one! I just take a three ring binder, insert pretty, seasonal paper on the cover and throughout as dividers with sections for ideas and plans for home, health,beauty,recipes, books and movies and celebrations. I then fill it with a calendar of the month and notebook paper for journaling, and stickers for embellishments and I end up with a beautiful scrapbook of the season.

    1. Beautfiul! I love that idea of a seasonal homemaking scrapbook! Thanks for sharing! I want to try something like that too now 🤍🤍🤍

  7. I liked the last version of "little women" too but I liked series on bbc first better!! Thank you for the monthly verse, I'm going to write it down as I do with a lot of verses!! 🙋🏻‍♀️

    1. It is hard to say on the Little Women movies as they each have their own charm!

      I was thinking an inspiration journal of verses would be nice to start up again.... I did have one which also included my favorite quotes in general but it somehow got lost in our move... I think its beautiful that you rewrite them 🤍🤍🤍

  8. This was a lovely post. I have been working on my homeschool cabinet and organizing it for the new part of the school year. I love homemaking! I am going to try to work on my library and reorganize it soon as well. Of course, I have been trying to fill my planner out and organize it for the new year too. That is always a good thing to do in January.

    1. Oooohhh, the reorganizing for the brand new year of homeschooling was always a favorite of mine!!! Enjoy! :)
