
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

DIY "Liquid Morphine" Topical Pain Reliever Essential Oil Blend Recipe

Today we are sharing an essential oil blend recipe from the Essential Oil 101 Guide and Recipe Book by Caroline Vencil ! What I like about this book is that she includes recipes for blends. Using the proper dilution method, your essential oils will last longer as well as achieve more surface space on the skin (making them more effective) when you utilize a carrier oil . 

Instead of paying for the pre-made expensive blends, she shares many useful make-your-own recipes such as an allergy blend, headache blends, fight the flu blend, tummy blend, etc. She also shares diffuser blends, pregnancy blends as well as many ideas for using essential oils in the home. Today I will be sharing her "Liquid Morphine" Blend (aka Topical Pain Reliever Essential Oil Blend).

DIY "Liquid Morphine"

Topical Pain Reliever Essential Oil Blend Recipe

(shared with permission by the author)

For convenience, place ingredients (in order given) directly into a 10 ml rollerball bottle. You could also recycle an essential oil bottle for this recipe but will need to adjust the ratio according to the size of the bottle (and you will want to make sure that the bottle you are using is compatible (property wise) with your recipe. For instance, don't re-use a chamomile oil bottle (which is a relaxant) for a "Get Energy" essential oil blend! :)

Add to 10ml bottle:
Note: There are some sources that think the oil blend might be too strong (specifically the lemongrass dosage), please read the comment section below for a varying opinion, options and an alternative recipe. I have shared what was printed in the Essential Oil Ebook but please use your own discretion. There are so many theories about safe usage of essential oils and we must all judge accordingly.

Fill the remainder of the bottle with the carrier oil of your choice such as fractionated coconut oil, almond oil, sunflower oil, etc. Make sure to cap the bottle tightly (especially if using the rollerball bottle) and your topical pain reliever blend is ready to use! For a quick label, use a sharpie and write the name of the blend directly on the glass bottle. 

All the fine print. This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: The Art of Home-Making MondaysModest Mom Monday'sMonday's MusingsMake Your Home Sing MondayGood Morning Mondays,  The Scoop, Tuesdays with a TwistRaising HomemakersThe Homesteader HopWise Woman Link UpHomestead Blog Hop Wow Us Wednesdays,  Coffee and ConversationHomemaking ThursdaysHome Sweet HomeOur Simple HomesteadAwesome Life Friday Link UpFive Star Frou Frou Friday, and Shabbilicious Friday. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these. This post may contain affiliate links (which are merchant links that help to support this site at no additional cost to you if you purchase an item through them). 


  1. Proverbial Homemaker Planner looks interesting.

  2. This bundle looks like it could keep me busy for years! I especially like the aromatherapy essentials.

  3. I'm very interested in the homeschooling unit studies!

  4. Shared to Pinterest. We have enough land that we would be able to homestead, which is an important goal for me. So, anything in the bundle related to that would probably be my first read. :O)

  5. Please be aware that Lemongrass has a dermal max of 0.7%
    In a 10 ml bottle, 3% would be 9 drops TOTAL essential oils, of that you could do 1 drop of Lemongrass and the other oils.
    For 5%, you would have 15 drop TOTAL essential oil (5% is safe for brief use, acute conditions, and small body area) and you could use 2 drops max of Lemongrass and the rest the other oils.

    A safer variations that is very effective also nicknamed Liquid Morphine is equal parts Frankincense carterii or serrata, Copaiba balsam, and Balsam Fir, (or Siberian Fir)3 drops each for 3%, or 5 dropseach for 5%. It also works well with 5 drops each in an inhaler.
    Hope this helps; I really look forward to reading your articles :-)

    1. Thank you for the information Davette! I just shared a recipe from one of the Ebooks... We are pretty liberal with the oils when pain is involved so I didn't think anything of dosage. Thank you for sharing your version with us!

    2. Hi Davette, I have also submitted your comment in the post for people to refer to. Love, JES

    3. Thanks Jes! I suffer from chronic pain so I'm always reading up on what to do for it. The certified aromatherapists in several of the essential oil and aromatherapy groups help keep us safe. The most I use is a 10% dilution and that is only for a very short time and for very severe pain. Then I try to work my way down to 3-5%, depending on the issue. As a retired nurse, I hate to see anyone suffer, but I also don't want to see anyone taking unnecessary risks.

      If you like the above combo, just mix it in more carrier oil, then just pour what you need in the rollerbottle (I'd still cut the lemongrass in half, because the smell is overpowering). I rarely use rollerbottles since it is about 3 uses on my knees, so I just mix up my blends in 3oz. travel bottles. HTH

    4. Great suggestion and thank you for taking the time to share! You are quite right... we need to be responsible when we take health care into our own hands.

  6. The more posts I read about this bundle, the more I get excited about it! Thank you for sharing an inside view of this bundle. I am looking forward to budget friendly DIY homemaking!

  7. JES, this bundle looks overwhelmingly valuable! Since I am not tech savvy, can you confirm that this is only accessible if you own an e-reader device? I assume it cannot be downloaded onto a computer? Thank you! Nancy D.

    1. Hi Nancy, Don't worry, I am not tech-savvy either and this is an easy to use Bundle format with great customer service! Anyways, you can download it straight to your computer or any other electronic device such as an Ipad and so forth. I downloaded everything on my PC and saved it to my desktop so that all the resources are easy to access. Hope this helps! :)

  8. JES, please disregard my last question about needing an e-reader device to access this bundle. Alas, if I had dug a little deeper into how it works, I needn't have asked. Again, thank you for this incredible bundle offer.
    Nancy D.

    1. No worries! I answered it anyways in case anyone else had a question! We have been enjoying the free 3-month online courses today through the schoolhouse website. Such fun options for everyone in the family! :)

  9. I am interested in the homesteading back to simplicity info

  10. What a wonderful bundle offer! Thank you for showing what is included.

  11. Thanks for sharing, friend! You've really encouraged me to get back into using oils!


    1. They are an amazing resource for the home-maker!!! :) Nice to hear from you Sarah!

  12. I can't wait to try this blend out, I am so excited because I have all three of these oils on hand now. So glad I saw this on the Simple Homestead Blog Hop!

  13. My tennis elbow is playing up after grappling with sheep yesterday so I am going to give this a go. Visiting from Simple Homestead blog hop.

    I run a monthly linky called Going Green on the first of every month and would love it if you would like to join in.
