
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Ebook Tutorial Tour, Free Printable Tabs & Other Tidbits! :)

“And to all this she must yet add something more substantial,
in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.” 
~ Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

Hello there, dear reader! Today I wanted to answer some of the questions I was getting on our ebook (100+ DIY Projects to Make with Fruit Scraps) as well as highlight some of the tutorials from the ebook from other lovely bloggers. I also wanted to share some printable tabs for your convenience along with some other idea-like tidbits! :)

photos courtesy of Annabel at The Bluebirds are Nesting

For instance, I was asked if the buyers were permitted to print the ebook out. The answer is YES. If you purchased it, feel free to print it out for your household! Annabel at The Bluebirds are Nesting had hers printed out in full color and bound. Her copy looks really nice (she shared pictures above)! She also wrote up a review for those who are interested in more information. Her blog is one of my favorites and I encourage you to make a visit over!

I printed ours in black and white and had it spiral-bound with a plastic cover. I found it less expensive to take a copy of the PDF file to a printer-shop than paying for our printer ink. I personally love a hard copy of this type of information, for around our area, electricity isn't taken for granted. Another thought with the black and white copy, is that you can color in the matching labels yourself if you would like to have a brighter and prettier product display (as that was initially my drawback for having a black/white copy).

My daughter wanted a color copy (and also wanted to have it for her hope chest). At this point (because our printer ink is expensive), I suggested she print out each recipe as she uses it so that we are not wiped out of ink and it affords us the ability to not pay for ink on recipes she isn't interested in using at this time. She can place the recipes in a binder and conveniently add to it. She can slide in the "cover page" into the front binder insert slot. This may be a solution to some of you who wanted to print out color copies but were concerned with the printer ink; just print the recipes you need as you go along to ease the "printer-ink pain" and store them in a 3-ring binder.

Many had hoped for a hard copy but once I put the figures into Amazon self-publishing, the book would have ended up costing over $35 with all the full-color photographs and labels (yikes!). I wouldn't even pay that! The idea of the ebook PDF format is that you can choose what you want to do with it depending on your budget and needs. 

For those of you who have chosen to print it out, I have prepared some tabs which you can glue onto each chapter for convenience should you desire them. Just follow this link: free printable tabs. The tabs are best printed on card stock, folded in half, affixed with glue to each chapter section and staggered as you attach them.

photo courtesy of Jan at The Nerdy Farm Wife

And lastly, I wanted to present our "Ebook Tutorial Tour" which share some of the posts that featured a few of our recipes from the ebook by some lovely ladies. Jan at The Nerdy Farm Wife shared a beautiful tutorial for our Lemon Honey Bee Balm. Her blog is filled with many neat bath, body and herbal recipes and I am sure you will enjoy your visit there!

Photo excerpted from our ebook, 100+ DIY Projects to Make with Fruit Scraps.

Shelle at Prepardness Mama shared this quick recipe for our Spicy Seasoning Blend. It is fun to fill the pantry with homemade mixes such as these and our Ebook is full of them!

photo courtesy of Lynn at Quaker Hill Farm

Lynn at Quaker Hill Farm shared her rendition of our Autumn Simmering Potpourri. Her pictures are just gorgeous and I can practically smell the potpourri from here! Can't you?

Sandy at Herbs and Oils Hub shared our recipe for the Mulling Spice Medicinal Honey. This is a flavorful and medicinal electuary which is perfect for cold and flu season and/or preventative health. An "electuary" is simply powdered herbs and medicinal spices mixed with honey (or other sweeteners). Such a pleasant way to make the medicine go down! 

We shared a guest post at A Wise Woman Builds Her Home of our DIY Frugal Version ~ On Guard® or Thieves® Protective Oil Blend. For those of you who purchased the ebook, this tutorial shares more detailed pictures for making a medicinal oil which may be helpful to you.

We also shared a guest post for our Lemonade Lip Balm at Raising Homemakers. For those of you who purchased the ebook and wanted a quicker way to infuse your oil, visit here for an easy method!

Did you know that you can make your own cleaning products from fruit scraps? Here is a tutorial recipe we shared from the ebook of our DIY dusting spray.

And finally, we shared our recipe for this Apple Cinnamon Scrap Syrup right here on this blog for those of you who are interested. It is one of my favorites! 

Susan R. from Tasmania kindly shares a picture of her homemade Lemon Astringent from the ebook.

Well, that is it! I hope you have enjoyed the tutorials we have shared or the Ebook if you purchased it. If you did purchase the Ebook and were willing, I would really appreciate if you would take a moment to leave a quick review on Amazon here! It would be VERY helpful!

If you liked these recipes, you will find 100+ more frugal ideas on how to use up those nutrient-rich fruit scraps in our Ebook here (which also includes printable labels making it a great gift-giving resource)!

Happy kitchen-crafting, ladies!
All the fine print. This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: The Art of Home-Making MondaysModest Mom Monday'sMonday's MusingsMake Your Home Sing MondayGood Morning Mondays,  The Scoop, Tuesdays with a TwistRaising HomemakersThe Homesteader HopWise Woman Link UpHomestead Blog Hop Wow Us Wednesdays,  Coffee and ConversationHomemaking ThursdaysHome Sweet HomeOur Simple HomesteadAwesome Life Friday Link UpFive Star Frou Frou Friday, and Shabbilicious Friday. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these. This post may contain affiliate links (which are merchant links that help to support this site at no additional cost to you if you purchase an item through them).


  1. It looks just lovely Jes. Also, have to say how glad I was to see your post this morning in my reading list since the blog hop didn't show up yesterday. I was afraid the blogger update did something. Now off to see some of the other blogs you suggest:)

  2. I am looking forward to the day when I get to purchase this house hold blessing... thank you JES! Truly an inspiration!

  3. Dear Jes, I love the tabs! Thank you!
    I have lemon peel dried ready to grind up, lemon glycerine ready to go.
    Thank you for mentioning Bluebirds! I have more pictures to send you soon as some of the girls have made the lip balms and other recipes. I am about to make the liquid hand soap too! With love and thanks,

  4. I just can't say enough good things about this wonderful book! I now have made several of the recipes and I truly can say they all have been wonderful! Thank you for mentioning Quaker Hill Farm! Blessings to you dearest Jes! You have truly been a blessing to me.

  5. Jes, the book is gorgeous, and I must get started on some of the projects! This is a great overview, and I hope that you generate lots of sales. The time involved in producing something like this is enormous, and you deserve credit! Love, Mimi xxx

  6. Hi Jes,
    I recently bought your Ebook and wanted the tabs but every time I try to print them it says I need to request access 🤷🏽‍♀️ Could you please lmk how to print them thank you so much 🙏 wonderful job on the book by the way I really love it and cannot wait to start making some of the bath and body products.

    1. I am so glad you are enjoying it! It makes me so happy to hear!!! Thank you for letting me know about the link. I have fixed it and it should print for you now :)

      Happy kitchen-crafting! And thank you for your support!
