
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Easy Way to Label Glass in the Refrigerator and Pantry

Practical Tip Tuesday

Our farmhouse fridge feels a bit like a laboratory at times! There are so many jars of home-made creations, we often have no clue of the contents or how fresh they are. There is the kefir, skimmed milk, raw cream, homemade mayonnaise, handmade ricotta cheese, whipped cream, leftover meal containers, etc! It can be especially challenging to keep track of our milk supply when our goat is lactating (which jar has the oldest milk?). This is where our handy tip comes into action! My sister-in-law taught it to me while staying here for the week a few month's back (don't you love this kind of bonding where you can learn from one-another?).

Using a basic marker (like a Sharpie), simply write the contents (and date if necessary) on your glass containers and jars before adding the foodstuff (as the marker won't work on a damp or moist glass). The writing will come off easily with a sponge and soapy water (no scrubbing is necessary)! This will work on any glass surface and can conveniently be used for other impromptu labeling in your kitchen cupboard and pantry as well. It is so simple, yet why hadn't I done this before?


  1. I posted a couple of tips today too! I linked again. Thanks for the party. I'm off to visit the other links! Have a good week.

  2. Hi Jes, I've been a bit absent as I've had my granddaughter here. This is such a good little tip. I can see myself writing jam flavours on the bottom of my jars of jam! Mimi xxx

  3. Perfect tip for me today. I store leftovers in jars all the time, but never know exactly what date they went in. I've been writing on the lids, but it requires some scrubbing to get the marker off the lid. Will definitely try this!

    1. Oh yes! Way easier to remove than the stubborn lids! I hope this helps! :)

    2. I tried it and it worked beautifully. My kids were skeptical, but so excited when they washed the dishes and it came right off!

    3. Wonderful! Thank you for the feedback! :)

  4. Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A GREAT way to mark everyone's (mason jar) glass at a picnic/meal time... so we don't forget who's is whose. I wish I had known this for over the holiday - as you might imagine - I say that because we had "issues" keeping up with our glasses... (kinda funny!)

    1. Oh dear YES! That is an excellent idea Bevy! Who wants to wash hundreds of cups in the same day and used by the same person!

  5. Yes, I love this idea and even take license at times with little bits of artwork that anyone, no matter at what stage of learning, can read. The drawer next to the refrigerator has several markers waiting at the front. Oh, I hate it when I forget to label before filling a jar. o.O
    Have a lovely week!

    1. So you already used this trick! I guess some of us were still in the dark ages! :) My daughter likes to draw pictures on the jars too!

  6. We've done this with our fresh, raw goat's milk. Once I learned about marking the jar with a Sharpie, and how easy it is to clean off, I've used this method with homemade salad dressing and chicken stock too. It's especially helpful to have the date on there!

    1. Yes, I am loving this for our fresh goat's milk! Now we know exactly which jars are the older milks to use up first! Great idea with the stocks and dressings! I also have been labeling (via the marker) my vinegar and medicinal oil infusions that are sitting in my windowsill! The dates are a must! :) Thanks for stopping by Carol!

    2. I always enjoy your blog, JES!

    3. A-ah, thank you Carol! :)

  7. Due to jobs have had, mark everything, even when I make new password, add date, any other pertinent info. Has helped so many times. Hubs wants to shove boxes into shed with no idea what's in them. I mark on all sides and top of box with date/contents. Am bit of detail oriented person anyway. Is excellent tip, can't rely on memory too often with busy lives. Thx for sharing and have good rest of week

    1. Very good tips! Thank you for sharing! :)

  8. We really use glass for everything, and have been using sharpies for some time... so easy and quick when life is full! :)

    Really like the comment tips too!

    1. We pretty much have converted everything over to glass too except for a few items and our freezer contents. I have not had good experiences freezing jars and won't do that again! Thanks for stopping by Andi! :)

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment! :)

  10. My Gertrude sourdough starter is in the fridge and she has a date on her....when I remember :-)My water kefir is usually on the bench before being put into a bottle in the fridge but that is drunk within a day or so as I don't make a huge amount as I am the only one who drinks it. I need to do more fermenting soon. Actually the fridge is warmer than our house on some days in winter.

    1. Yes, I know that feeling about going inside the fridge to stay warm! Our kitchen is the coldest room in the house in the winter!

  11. I also use sharpies to mark my plastic containers (like the ziploc brand that you buy in the store - NOT my good tupperware). The sharpie will come off easily with a magic eraser when cleaning.

    1. Wow, good to know! This would be helpful for my freezer contents! Thanks for sharing Michelle!

  12. We use this idea when my son brushes egg onto the loaves of bread he sells- the rest of the egg which is unused goes into the fridge with the date is was cracked written on the container, as we kept forgetting how long the egg had been in there, and having to throw it away! Your lacto-fermented mayonnaise looks nice :-)

    1. Thanks for sharing Gwen! Dates are priceless in a fridge with dairy and poultry products!

  13. I use the blue painter tape to label my jars with a marker & then I can just pull the tape off and when reusing the jar just remark with a new piece of tape. Thanks for your tips.

    1. Thanks for sharing Marla! Have you ever tried writing directly on the jar? It is VERY easy to remove! :)

  14. Great Idea! thanks for sharing! Found you on Our Simple Homestead blog hop

  15. Where do you get your glass jars?

    1. Hi Stacie! If you are referring to the larger half-gallon jars, they were purchased at either a hardware store or a Walmart/Target in the canning section. They are actually Ball canning jars for juices. Here is the Amazon link:

      If you are referring to the middle jar, it is recycled. Hope this helps!

  16. So simple, yet very clever! Thanks for sharing this tip at Tuesday with a Twist! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
