
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Linens {An Old Fashioned Day} ~ Whatsoever Thy Hands

Today she has tried something different, for that is the luxury of a homemaker.

She created a "linen day". Perhaps dear reader, it was simply a melancholy moment.

She brought out her Sunday best, pleased to know her Sabbath would start with a smile.

She also washed the curtains, special cloths and lace-adorned runners that were sleeping in the cedar chest. She aired them on the line to dry and brought them into her home in large heaping baskets. Such a lovely fragrance filled the room as the breeze has its own fresh charm.

She gently places the pile of laundry on a creamy painted chair.

She turns on some inspirational music and heats up her iron till it sings its lonely, sentimental song.

She sets up her station. 

One by one, one by one... the garments and linens are placed on the board and she begins the quiet rhythm of ironing.

Back and forth… back and forth.

Steam hisses from the iron.

Generously, she sprays her lavender water and the fabrics soak up the sweet, floral scent.

She inhales and exhales the aromatherapy.

Her nerves began to unwind. Her body releases its tension. Her prayers unfold as the moments go by.

These simple moments remind her of more peaceful times. They remind her that being a keeper at home is a romantic vocation. They remind her that the old fashioned work of a homemaker can be a blessing when one chooses to view each occasion as one.

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might..."
~ Ecclesiastes 9:10a

"She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands."
~ Proverbs 31:13

“Washing is a necessity, ironing a luxury.” 
~ Old Saying

For more gentle homemaking inspiration, visit here.

For Mimi's lovely post on how to make ironing more pleasurable, visit here.


  1. Your love for homemaking is so involving and recalls ancient times, my darling beloved, admired JES, I so love you and your blog for this, first of all, you can teach so much with this love of yours, which talks about past times ... nowadays the figure of a woman 'housewife' is declining, but this is our principal task, I think, inside the family, thank you for giving value and importance to this duty of ours, a family without a woman at home is a sad family !

    Hope your week is off to a great stat, I wish you most wonderful days to come, sweetest friend, sending blessings of you to you


  2. What a lovely post! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Oh dear heart, I love this post !! It connects with me on so many levels..
    God bless you.. xo

  4. This was a delight, I will be her today.

  5. Lovely post, JES. Ironing is, indeed, a luxury, and inspirational music really helps us get through it quickly. Have a great day!

  6. Very well put! I don't care for ironing, but I can still appreciate the satisfaction of a job well done. Thank you for the encouragement!
    Blessings, Leigh

    1. Leigh, ironing linens and other straight articles are fine for me. It is ironing of clothes (with all the nooks and crannies) that is my least favorite chore. I write this to myself! :)

  7. I've always enjoyed ironing. Something about it is very soothing to me. But I have never used lavender water to enhance the experience...perhaps I should give that a try :)

    1. That is what makes it so special to me! Do give it a try Jennifer :)

  8. My dear JES ... This post was so special to me. It convicted me dear friend, to return to my first love. You know for so many years I loved homemaking, fiercelesly! But then I became enthralled with the world's comings and goings. Now my heart is longing to return to what is most important to me, as a woman and as a wife a mother ... The keeping of my home. Thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™‚

  9. Lovely post. I don't iron enough. It's kind of my lest favorite job. I guess it's the iron. I have very few clothes that need ironing and wear them last. HeHe. Thanks for sharing this. I always enjoy visiting.

  10. Lovely Jes! I am not an ironer but I appreciate the putting of things in order, the meditation and soothing calm of it. And the results. Bliss. And I love how homemaking is a ministry. Hence finding your blog so lovely! Have a very good weekend! xxx

  11. I love this! simple, soothing, and practical. Each of the simple things we do for our families are so important.

  12. Loved this post!! Thanks so much for sharing and thanks so much for stopping by!!

  13. Beautiful and inspiring post. You have a lovely blog.

  14. Such a lovely and delightful post, sweet JES. I agree that every little or big thing we do for our family is so important and special.

    Blessings to you, dear one!

  15. Dearest JES... This morning I felt I needed to come here for a visit, and this beautiful post was such a delight to read - I have truly been inspired by it! Homemaking is a noble work, and sometimes one neglects to view it is the treasure it is...thank you for the gentle reminder! At the moment the ironing is overflowing out of a large woven basket, and as my dear mother cannot stand for such long periods of time at present, it has become my work... I never used to enjoy ironing, but now I find it quite satisfying, and I will always remember the words you shared and be encouraged to enjoy every moment of the task before me!

    I hope you have been well, dear JES...? I have missed stopping by for a refreshing visit! Life has been extremely upside-down lately, but we are hoping that our little one will make his appearance sometime this week... {{smiles}}

    Sending you much love - thank you for the beautiful encouragement!

    {Beautiful Girlhood}

  16. What a beautifully inspirational post!

    My mom always found ironing relaxing. (I found it frustrating.) But I do find washing dishes relaxing! ;-)

    Thank you for reminding me that in all work it is our attitude and our mindset that makes anything pleasant. After all, the Lord is with us in every activity, whether in a crowded room or in solitude, we can commune with the Father and there in lies the pleasantry.

  17. Jes, this is a sweet and inspiring post. I love it so much. The ways of our predecessors in the ancient art of homemaking are to be valued. Caring for our clothing and linens and honouring them enough to make them beautiful, recalls a more gentle time, does it not? Thankyou for the mention. My post is more pragmatic, but still speaks of the care we pour into our homes. Love, Mimi xxx

  18. Such a lovely post. It is my guilty secret that I quite like ironing :-)

  19. I've never before thought of ironing as a luxury, but thinking of it that way certainly increases gratitude, which in turn elevates the task. I found your blog through the Homestead Blog Hop and will certainly come back. It is refreshing to see someone championing homemaking when most of the world scoffs at women in this role.
