
Friday, May 15, 2015

The Blessing$ of Old Fashioned Work ~ Part Three

She cuts the lengthy lawn with strength and purpose, in straight, orderly rows. The green grass spurts from the machine and the aroma is fresh and earthy. The dew has slowly evaporated but her shoes are still wet with the heavenly waters. 
Though she sweats, she smiles. 
She does contribute to the income, in these old fashioned ways, by "working willingly with her hands".  
No need to hire a gardener. No need to purchase a gym membership. 
She "works out" at home... and for the home... 
She is a "keeper at home".

"He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand:
but the hand of the diligent maketh rich."
~ Proverbs 10:4

When considering the bountiful blessings of old fasioned-labor, we mustn't forget the sweetness of $avings, especially in todays challenging economy. Taking some tasks into our own capable hands might be a financial incentive for those who are struggling. Not only will you receive the benefits and satisfaction of a job well done, health for the exercise it provides, but you are also rewarded with monetary compensation. Instead of money going out, you have kept it "in".

It is ironic how we pay a gardener to mow our lawns because we have no "time" to maintain them. Yet at the end of the day, many of us "spend" the time and head out to the gym to exercise. Some pay out funds to sit inside a sauna to sweat. We rely on indoor machines and equipment in a stale room while the mower, hedgers and clippers could have provided physical activity the old fashioned way, in the fresh outdoors, in manageable daily doses while being productive and economical at home.

"It has been said that the best cure for hard times is to cheat the doctor by being temperate; the lawyer, by keeping out of debt; the demagogue, by voting for honest men; and poverty, by being industrious."

In the same way, growing your own vegetables will save you a pretty penny! There is also the task of washing your own car, cleaning your own house, cooking your own meals from scratch and the labor list goes on.

"The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing:
but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat."
~ Proverbs 13:4

Perhaps we should consider going back to "work at home" and reduce the excess spending:

A weekly lawn service can cost between $65-$90 for cutting, leaf blowing, hedging and shrub trimming.

A monthly fitness club membership averages $35-40 per month.

A car wash costs on the average of $5-15 for a basic service.

Using the clothesline instead of a dryer will also offer significant savings.

This totals at least $200 per month and doesn't include half of what is spent in many homes on "old fashioned labor".

"Simple industry and thrift will go far toward making any person of ordinary working faculty comparatively independent in his means. Almost every working man may be so, provided he will carefully husband his resources and watch the little outlets of useless expenditure. A penny is a very small matter, yet the comfort of thousands of families depends upon the proper saving and spending of pennies."

"Washington and his lady were examples of industry, plainness, frugality and economy - and thousands of others of the wealthy, labored in the field and kitchen, in older times, before folly superseded wisdom, and fashion drove comon sense and economy off the track." ~ The Royal Path of Life, 1882

The old fashioned way of working with our own hands makes "cents" in many ways! Not only does it bless the bank account, it blesses you with health and the sweet satisfaction of a job well done.  Dear ladies, when you labor at home, you are contributing to the family income! Being a keeper at home is a beautiful, noble and rewarding profession. Let us not forget the benefits that come from your dedicated hands and the advantage your home has financially because you invest your time and energy into it!

"The noblest man of earth is he who puts his hands cheerfully
and proudly to honest labor.
Labor is a business and ordinance of God."

{See part one part twopart threepart four and part five of this series.}

*Note: I realize that many of you are in challenging stages with many responsibilities, specifically those caring for little children or with an illness. I am suggesting and encouraging these opportunities for women who have the extra time, have become sedentary or are in financial need. 

This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: The Art of Home-Making MondaysModest Mom Monday'sMonday's MusingsMake Your Home Sing MondayGood Morning Mondays,  The ScoopTitus 2sdaysTitus 2 TuesdaysRoses of InspirationTuesdays with a TwistRaising HomemakersWise Woman Link UpHomestead Blog Hop Wow Us Wednesdays, Wildcrafting WednesdayCoffee and ConversationSo Much at HomeHomemaking ThursdaysHome Sweet HomeHome Acre HopFrom the Farm Blog HopFarmgirl FridayFront Porch Friday Blog HopAwesome Life Friday Link UpSimply Natural Saturdays and Clever Chicks Blog HopThank you lovely ladies for hosting these.  Some of the laundry paintings are by Charles Curran.  Source of information for monthly fees. 


  1. I love your post Jes. This could make me cry as its beautiful.
    Mimi posted the other day that you can pay an army of people to do all this work for you then pay to go to the gym to get some exercise. lol If you look at it like that its all kind of crazy!
    I honestly feel that most of the time the amazing amount of money I save by doing things myself I would never earn that much out of the home. Also a penny saved is a penny. A penny earned is taxed so you end up with less. Thats how I look at it. xxx

  2. Very inspiring post Jes! Being a keeper of the home is hard yet rewarding work.

    1. Yes, for those women who are diligent and seek to bless their homes, it certainly is! :)

  3. I just remarked to a friend not too long ago that one of the things that is really wrong with our world is that we don't really "work" anymore... we have devices to do everything for us, and we busy ourselves with things that don't cause the sweat of our brow, which in turn bring great satisfaction. So many children (and adults) do not know what it is like to work, but spend hours watching TV or playing video games, and who never get to enjoy the satisfaction of knowing a difficult job has been well done. Wonderful post as always my friend, and I hope many read, and take it to heart. Getting back to the simpler things of life will bring the happiness that those on the busy "treadmill" of life may never experience.

  4. JES, This is such a wonderful full of Godly wisdom and advice and is really helping me. I love the modest apparel that the women wear in the pictures, too. It is all so wholesome and really inspires me to be more Godly, live more frugally, and do more for Him. Thank you so much for every post, JES. You are a true blessing! God bless you, in return!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to share and encourage Cheryl. I also love the clothing in the pictures! :)

  5. Lovely post, JES. I agree that we who are able to stay at home should do our share of the work. The benefits are so rewarding that it doesn't really seem like work to me anyway. Well, mowing does maybe, lol, but I mow all the time, too. I really enjoy home life and wouldn't want to live any other way.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. There is no place like home! Thank you for sharing! :)

  6. There is something very satisfying about going to bed tired from a day of good work. :-)
    In my home, we do everything that we can (though we usually call in professionals for repairs and such that we can't handle ourselves). A lot of our motivation is to save money, as this allows me to stay home with our daughter. It is so important to me to be home with her that I'll gladly do the work!

    1. Great point! This lifestyle affords us the opportunity to stay home with our families! That is the best blessing of all! :)

  7. Jes,
    A very interesting post and one that I enjoyed reading...
    I am trying to go part time because of numerous health issues and to prolong knee replacement surgery. But in my case, I am the major bread winner so it would be like a husband coming home to his wife and saying that he is going part time. We have been planning for this and taking financial steps in regard for this but I need to do this faster than I anticipated.
    Thanks for sharing and thanks so much for stopping by!!


    1. May everything go smooth for you in your transaction!

  8. Another lovely post, as always. I will have to re-read it again. That book The Royal Path of Life sounds wonderful too--I ordered one through your link! :)

    1. It is full of old fashioned values! I think you will enjoy it :) Thank you for sharing!

  9. Your posts are always so beautiful, and of course, inspiring! I feel it so true that going to work would be false economy for our family. Yet the societal pressure to get a 'real' job can be great at times. It is so wonderful to have blogs like yours to keep me inspired and content that being a homemaker is the right path.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to share Jayne! I appreciate it ;)

  10. I enjoyed this post so much!

    There is much wisdom and inspiration in the thoughts you conveyed.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment Karen! Have a lovely week :)

  11. Jes, this is so inspiring! I'm currently pregnant with baby #3 and find I need to keep active or put up with the aches. A day housecleaning/sorting/etc yesterday was plenty to help that issue… and put me to sleep on the couch by 8:30pm:)
    Both my husband and I were raised to do everything we can ourselves and to make do… a true gift to give your children!
    Thank you for inspiring me as my weary limbs are not as motivated today… better get to it!!

    1. You are so very right, it is a true gift to pass down to your children! Thank you for sharing Adelaide :)

  12. We are getting older now and things are getting a little harder to do but so far God has blessed us with the ability to get things done on our own, praying that last a bit longer

  13. This was a wonderful post, because it put so many things into perspective. Whenever I don't want to shovel the snow or mow the lawn I always think to myself "exercise." Gym memberships are a complete waste of money for me, because I never went when I had one. I get plenty of exercise by walking and doing the household chores. I've lost 40 lbs. since November by changing my attitude. Now if I could live more frugally.....That is something I really need to work on.

    1. Very true Kelly, thank you for sharing! About being frugal, I think of it as a challenge and it becomes quite enjoyable and addicting to save money :)

  14. Dear JES, I simply loved this post! Such wisdom you shared! I believe there is indeed a great reward for hard, 'old-fashioned' work...
    Ever since I can remember, my dear parents have raised us, their daughters, to not only do, but enjoy our work - mowing the lawn, tending the garden and cleaning our own home. We are so thankful, for we have come to love our tasks and the satisfaction we derive from a job well done.
    Thank you for your beautiful series on this subject...I am sure it has been a great blessing and encouragement to many.
    Oh, and I love what you shared from 'The Royal Path of Life' true and inspirational...:)
    Have a lovely week ahead and so much love!

  15. Sweet JES, I am always blessed and encouraged by your posts. It doesn't matter what you write, I always, always, always learn something new. This post was so encouraging and packed full of wisdom. Thank you for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. This will be featured at tomorrow's party. Hugs!

  16. Thank you so much for your beautiful and thoughtful posts! *hugs*

    1. And thank you for your kind comment! :)

  17. I loved this post... I wish it was old times. :) I love doing yard work. I am a strong believer in making the house tidy before my husband comes home. Mowing the lawn is a great way to work out. I actually taught my husband how to start the lawn mower. :) I am still working on saving money. I pray that one day I will have money saved up for a rainy day ...Thank you Jesus for making Women. I love being a Woman... Thanks for inspiring and sharing.....
