
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Lavender Lotion Bars DIY ~ Easy to Make {Just Three Steps}

The light filtered in through the glass-paned windows. The morning sun was calling the mother and daughter duo into the kitchen to play...

This easy-to-make lotion bar recipe only requires three steps; measure, melt and pour! We used our homemade lavender infused medicinal oil to prepare it but you could also use your favorite body oil and simply add in some lavender essential oil if you like.

"{Lavender} Being an inhabitant almost in every garden,
it is so well known, that it needs no description."
~ Nicholas Culpeper, The Complete Herbal, 1652

Simple Supplies:

  • 1/2 cup of shredded beeswax or beadlets (which are easier to work with)

Homemaking Hint:

The packed beeswax comes out of the measuring cup easier if you grease or oil the cup first.

1. Melt together beeswax and your oil of choice on low heat (stir until blended and wax is dissolved).

2. If you want to add additional fragrance or medicinal properties, stir in some essential oils (but do so after letting the mixture cool off a few minutes so that the oils don't evaporate under all that heat).

3. Pour mixture into your molds (but let the mixture cool off for a few minutes or it may melt your mold if using a flimsy plastic one like I did). I now recommend using the silicone molds (you will find out why further down this post) or you could also use cupcake liners in a cupcake pan, tins, ramekins and/or ice cube trays. You could also pour some of this mixture into chap-stick containers for an instant lavender lip balm.

4. Once cool and the bar has set, remove from molds (you could also freeze it to expedite the process).

We interrupt this segment for some "blog bloopers":

#1 ~ I knocked the lavender flowers all over the floor when my skirt caught on the white runner during the "photo shoot". So much for the serene setting.

#2 ~ We poured the hot mixture too quickly (I didn't let it cool enough) into the plastic molds and melted a few of them (hence the un-perfect looking bar). This caused a "lava" trail of hot wax to stream along my kitchen countertop. One of those options shared above would have been a better choice for the mold! The poor plastic one shown in the photo above is no longer with us (R.I.P.).

You could imagine the laughter going on in the kitchen as I was attempting to make some presentable and "dignified pictures" all the while mayhem was actually taking place... I am grateful that more than lotion bars were made this day, memories were created also. {Happy kitchen-crafting, ladies!}

To use your lavender lotion bars, simply rub over your skin as needed. These are nice to have for the dry autumn and winter months ahead. I keep my little bar in a pretty dish on my nightstand to moisturize before bedtime. These would also make nice gifts. You can place a bar in a antique saucer or dainty plate (inexpensively found at second-hand stores or yard sales) and tie down with twine or...

"two yards of narrow lavender ribbon..."
~ Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

This post may be shared with some or all of the following link-ups: The Art of Home-Making MondaysModest Mom Monday'sHomestead Barn HopAmaze Me MondayMonday's MusingsMarriage MondayTitus 2sdaysTitus 2 Tuesdays, Tuesdays with a TwistRaising HomemakersMake Bake CreateWise Woman Link UpWow Us Wednesdays, Wildcrafting WednesdayThe ScoopCoffee and ConversationSo Much at HomeHomemaking ThursdaysHome Sweet HomeHearts for Home ThursdaysGrowing in Grace ThursdaysHome Acre HopFrom the Farm Blog HopFarmgirl FridayFront Porch Friday Blog HopSimple Meals FridayCultivate NourishingSimply Natural Saturdays and Clever Chicks Blog Hop. Thank you lovely ladies for hosting these.


  1. Oh glory, this was pleasant to read after many days of entertaining (I tried anyways.) and cooking for our sedentary house guests. I'm so glad you and your daughter enjoyed the process even with the little mishap (R.I.P little mold from me, too.) I have several of those molds and will definitely wait until the liquid cools a bit before pouring it into them. I've never made lotion bars, but I have all the ingredients for them and can't wait to get started. I think they'd make lovely gifts, too. Thank you for sharing how you made them.
    Have a great day!

    1. Hi Toni :) I am hoping you are resting up from your company (God does smile on hospitality)... Regarding the lotion bars, they are just too easy so I am sure you will enjoy making them especially since you already have the supplies! Happy kitchen-crafting :)

  2. Oh glory, this was pleasant to read after many days of entertaining (I tried anyways.) and cooking for our sedentary house guests. I'm so glad you and your daughter enjoyed the process even with the little mishap (R.I.P little mold from me, too.) I have several of those molds and will definitely wait until the liquid cools a bit before pouring it into them. I've never made lotion bars, but I have all the ingredients for them and can't wait to get started. I think they'd make lovely gifts, too. Thank you for sharing how you made them.
    Have a great day!

    1. Hi Toni :) I am hoping you are resting up from your company (God does smile on hospitality)... Regarding the lotion bars, they are just too easy so I am sure you will enjoy making them especially since you already have the supplies! Happy kitchen-crafting :)

  3. So pretty! It must smell delightful. : )


  4. Oh JES, you make me laugh! :) I loved the blog bloopers!

    Your soap is beautiful and I'm sure it feels wonderful on the skin. I would love to try and make some, but will have to try a different fragrance since Lavender does not agree with me...sad, I know :(

    Have a wonderful day! Hugs and blessings to you

    1. Hi Stephanie, you can make them with chamomile essential oil which is also excellent for your skin :)

  5. I love these. I keep one right next to my chair. It is so handy.

  6. Dear Jes, I so want to make these soap bars! I hope to try it soon as these would make a great gift and a hand soap for winter! Thank you for sharing this!
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. Thanks Roxy! ...but just to make sure you know, though they LOOK like soap bars, they are actually moisturizing lotion bars :) And would make great gifts for sure!

  7. Hi JES, what a great idea to make your own lavender lotion bars! So glad you had fun making them and thanks for the step by step how to make it!

    1. Thanks Julie, we sure did have fun with lots of laughter and lavender... What could be better? :)

  8. Dearest Jes,
    I just loved this post and have hopes to give this a try! :-D (most likely with similar blooper blunders hee)
    Actually I think the photo shoot came out marvelous and I can just smell the lavender and long for a dab the lotion ! Thanks for a wonderful post! Many Blessings, Linnie

    1. Imagine my surprise, I just finished reading your sauerkraut post to find you in my inbox. We were visiting each other at the same time :) We almost "met"!

  9. Good Morning Jes!

    I have been wanting to make lotion bars but haven't found the right recipe for them. I think I just found one! Yours looks way more easier than the ones I found while searching. Thank you for sharing!

    Have a blessed day!

    1. You are most welcome! Easy is the only kind of project that this homeschooling, homesteading, homemaking mother can do these days :)

  10. So pretty!! I'm sure smelling divine... and loved the bloopers. Makes/keeps life (and reading about it so much more) real...

    Blessings on your day!

    1. Thanks Bevy, trust me, there is plenty of "realness" over here!!! :) Have a lovely week!

  11. This is a great diy. Pinning for later. Stop by anytime. I found you via a blog hop. Theresa @DearCreatives

  12. Hi, I'm new here (and loving this site!!!) I have a question. I seem to be unable to print anything off this site. Might you know why? There are so many wonderful things I want to print, but can't print any :( Also, my hopes are that you NEVER stop this site! 3 of my kids are still so young that I seem to struggle even getting the basics done on top of homeschooling the olders. (especially with the energy they all have! oh my gosh..) There are SO SO many wonderful things that I want to do when I get the chance to home keep "better" that I need this site to be around when I can! I am so enjoying life now, but also looking forward to the time when I can home keep more and more to my likeing! :)

    Take Care and thanks so much

    1. Hi Amy, Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself :) I am glad some of this content is of interest to you! There has been some printing problems by a few others... When I had someone check it for me it worked but they suggested to try printing in a different browser. If this doesn't work, you can email me (located in profile on the side) and let me know what you are interested in and I can email you PDF's of what you like until I could upgrade this blog to a better system :) I understand the busy season you are in right now... and it is wonderful that you are enjoying the littles while you have them (they grow so fast!!! I miss that cute stage)... Don't worry though, your "time" of "time" will come and the funny thing is, you will be reminiscing to this current time when it does :) Thank you also for the encouragement regarding this site as it is very much appreciated!

    2. Oh my gosh I had found this comment! I just remembered your site and literally almost 10 whole years later here I am STILL not doing everything I wanted to do! Lol I still homeschool and still have younger ones, but not tiny little kids and yet life and freetime still get away from me more than I’d like. It’s crazy. I have such aspirations to do so much more homemaking and I did indeed remember this lovely website that I wanted to come back to! Hooray for it still being around!!👏❤️

  13. I had to smile at this post. I'll bet you had a lovely time despite the "bloopers". Those are the memories that linger in our hearts. I am definitely going to make some of these up . I hadn't tried to make any so far, but this looks so easy. I know I can whip some up fast. Thanks for the post and the smile!

    1. Oh they are easy Darlene, too easy!!! Have fun experimenting in the kitchen, lots of fun to be had there :)

  14. Oh these look wonderful. And yummy! LOL. Thanks for the diy. They are perfect for Christmas gifts! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Hi Jes,

    Your lavender lotion bars are so pretty and their scent must be refreshing and soothingly therapeutic.


    1. I like to think so! :) It is fun to make your own goodies knowing what ingredients are inside...

  16. I would love to do this, how I wish we had lavender plants here in the Philippines.

    1. You could still make them without the lavender Jang. They will have a delicious honey scent and still be an excellent moisturizer ;)

    2. yes ma'am Jes =), thank you maybe I can put whatever is available here like maybe roses,=) (laugh) it can be, right? experiment on things =)

    3. You could make "rose infused oil" using the "lavender medicinal oil" directions shared in the link above which would make a delightful lotion bar (just replace rose petals for lavender)! :) Or simply add rose essential oil to the ingredients above. And yes, experimenting is fun!

  17. Thank you so much for the tutorial. I'm off to go make a lavender infusion now! My girls will love these lotion bars [and I'll love the fact that the 2 year old can't pour a whole bottle of lotion out].

    1. Great thought on the less waste with the bottle of lotion for the little ones!

  18. Wanted to let you know that we featured these amazing lotion bars on our link up this week! Thanks for always sharing quality posts that encourage us in our homemaking journey!

  19. These look really simple and wonderful. They would make great gifts. Thanks for sharing at the HomeAcre hop. Be sure to stop by at or one of the other hosts to submit another this week.

  20. Hi Jes, I've featured your post on this week's HomeAcre Hop. Stop by to visit and pick up our "featured post" button. Have a blessed week!
    Kathi at Oak Hill Homestead

  21. OH Wow! I love lavender anything, I use it daily for for stress and it helps me so much, I'm going to buy the stuff to make it. Please share this on my Fabulous Friday Party today or this weekend.
    Also will book mark this blog too


  22. Hi these look like fun! Do you have printable labels for these also?

    1. Sorry I do not but I do have some blank "lavender labels" here at the bottom of the page:

      Hope this helps!

  23. Did you use the single or double infusion of the medicinal oil for this recipe?

    1. I believer I did the single. Patience isn't one of my strong points! :)
