
Saturday, May 24, 2014

What to Do with Dandelions ~ Link Up Love

“You cannot forget if you would those golden kisses all over the cheeks of the meadow, queerly called dandelions.”'
~ Henry Ward Beecher

Today we are featuring three posts from our latest edition of "The Art of Home-Making Mondays" link up. They concern that "pesky" plant we call dandelions. I loved seeing how many wonderful ways a prudent homemaker can utilize this so-called "weed"!

Annie at Annie's Place shares all about dandelions in her herb series. She shares the medicinal properties and the many uses for this humble plant. She shares how you can make them into tinctures, vinegar, dry them for capsule form, make them into meals, etc. You will learn much from a visit to her blog.

Jan at The Nerdy Farm Wife shared how to make a moisturizer from only two ingredients; coconut oil and dandelion flowers. That sounds delightfully dandy to me!

She also shared how to make dandelion lotion bars which would be a blessing for chapped and rough skin. This looks like a fun project and a great gift idea.

After reading these informative posts, I am sure you will come away thinking that a dandelion is anything but common! You may also want to add this information into your herbal. Thank you ladies for sharing your wisdom with us! I invite you all to join us this upcoming week at the Art of Home-Making Mondays

It gives one a sudden start in going down a barren, stony street, to see upon a narrow strip of grass, just within the iron fence, the radiant dandelion, shining in the grass, like a spark dropped from the sun.
~ Henry Ward Beecher


  1. I love dandelions and can't wait to make the lotion bars! It sounds really easy! Thanks for sharing such great posts!:)

  2. I love the way you have organized this post with you darling pictures and nostalgic quotes. Thanks for featuring my post and more recipes to add to my dandelion arsenal - can't wait to try those dandelion lotion bars!

  3. These are fabulous recipes! I did not realize you could do so much with Dandelions. I greatly appreciate this :)

    Blessings to you!

  4. We had such a long and hard winter this year (at least compared to what we're used to). When the dandelions started popping, we were thrilled to see them. Thanks for sharing these ideas with us. ~ Abby

  5. Beautiful the vintage images!!
