
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Gift of Time ~ A Mother's Treasure

Drift off to Dream by Daniel F. Gerhartz

The best gifts in life are made up of minutes and seconds. 

It is the time and energy you give to your children.

It is the moments poured from your soul and into their little hearts.

It is something that money can never replace and “things” can never satisfy.

It is you, dear mother.

It is those mornings you sit with your child as you read together from books. It is those afternoons spent stirring a batch of cookies. It is the evenings spent embracing them, showering them with kisses. 

It is your investment of time.

It is precious, invaluable.  Just like your children... (for they are your eternal gems).

They are the only treasure that you may take with you to heaven.

Forego the fancy toys and the glittering electronics…

It is the memories spent with you that will always be cherished.

Won't you wrap yourself up these next few years (for truly the moments go quickly) and offer yourself to your family?

Your time, dear mother, is the best gift that you can ever give.

"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
making the best use of the time…"


  1. Tearing up! Time is so short with them. Thank you for the reminder that every second counts!:)

  2. Thank you, just printed this! :) The investment of time in the valuable vs investment in endless "running around" is so important. We are having a "slow" Christmas season this year and it is wonderful.

    1. Wonderful!!! Your children will remember family time and what a blessing that will be!!!! :)

  3. Oh, my! I have thought these very words many, many times and knew I was way too busy at times...even now, but I have learned to put aside my own plans and go in the direction of deeper relationship, quiet time, rich spiritual and personal closeness, healing touch, and the mirth of joyful laughter! Such an exhortation will move mother's hearts, I pray. Hugs!

    1. Beautiful words you shared here today, thank you :)

  4. Very sweet (and true) thoughts to accompany this lovely image of a mother reading to her children. Reading to my children was one thing I always enjoyed. We even read books aloud together when they were in high school. Now in the empty nest stage, my husband and I read aloud together. There's something about enjoying a good book together like that.
    May your Christmas be filled with these kind of moments.
    Gail : )

  5. What a wonderful reminder to put first things first our babies grow up and we will not wish that we got the dishes done more promptly we will wish we read another book, hugged another blessing and kissed another bo-bo...too soon our homes will be too quiet. Thanks for your precious words!!

  6. Beautiful thoughts and true.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  7. This brought tears to my eyes! It goes by so fast!

  8. This is so important to remember... especially in the busyness of everyday life. It is so easy to give up the best for something not as important. Thank you for the reminder. :)

  9. Exactly! What a blessing to have this reminder this morning!

  10. I'm so grateful to have come across this. Thank you for the obvious, but often forgotten embrace of the daily grace of our children.

    1. What a beautiful way to explain this... Thank you for sharing!

  11. I like the investment of time, because time waits for no one. Therefore I should use it wisely.

    1. And it is a free gift we can give also! :) Thank you for sharing :)
