
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Soul Enjoy Good" ~ A Homemaker's Day Inn

Woman Reading on Couch by T. F. Simon

Her husband has taken the family for a few hours but mother has stayed behind.

When she was younger, she would rush to the automobile in order to do some frivolous shopping.

That is no longer her love…

She has grown fond of her own little retreat, her quiet home.

As she stirs her green tea, the ice clanks against her glass like an old set of chimes. 

She gently stretches her tired body across her daybed. She pulls the light afghan over her flowing skirt. It keeps her company.

Today she will open a new, hardbound volume. It is lovely to her with its red and beige toile pattern. She carefully fingers the crisp, canvas cover before she delves into her devotional.

She no longer has guilt for these seemingly idle moments, for she realizes the impact they have on her health, her spirit. She feels restored…

She makes her way into the kitchen, plays some inspirational music and begins to stir the ingredients.

Soon the home is filled with a delicious aroma and a hungry set of faces. They smile when they smell mother's cooking. They smile when they see mother.

This is her new day out, it is a "day inn"... 

“Oh, I can't describe my home. It is home, and I can't put its charm into words.”
~ Elizabeth Gaskell,  North and South

"There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink,

and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour.
This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God."
~ Ecclesiastes 2:24

Proverbial Homemaker Series:


  1. I just love to read you!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much.
    Sandra a reader from France

  2. This is so encouraging. I've learned to enjoy just such hours when I get the infrequent treat.

    Harvest Lane Cottage

  3. What a lovely post. Makes me feel good to be a homemaker and aren't there so many lovely devotionals for wives and mothers these days. Thank you for the effort you put into this beautiful site.
    Blessings Gail
    [from Australia]

  4. A beautiful post, sweet JES! I can relate - I love staying home, enjoying the peaceful moments. Lovely quotes as well. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful day. Hugs!

  5. Yes! and Yes! You always inspire me to greater things with the help of God and His Holy Spirit. I pray the Lord will bring many from far and wide to be edified with the beauty and grace of our Lord Jesus! I have thought of you so much and miss you, dear friend! Hope all is well and would love to hear what's up in your busy lives :)
    In Him,

  6. I love this!!!!!! I'm out enjoying a writing date with my computer..haha, but I think I may take a deep hot soak when I get home.

  7. Love this post and the painting. Actually, if you could put a pair of glasses and a smattering of silver hair streaks in the painting that would be me for sure. :) Have a great day!

  8. more guilt :). We are trying a few new side ventures so I am craving time like this. I just need to get to bed before midnight (or 1:00...) & get up early to have this "day inn" before the kiddos awake. I am always so blessed by your posts! Thank you for working to encourage women!! -Erin

  9. Hi Erin, thanks for taking the time to leave a comment today :) I do hope you get in before midnight... it is hard to run on fumes ;) As far as in the morning... this post is for that heavenly moment:

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Ah, yes, a lesson I have learned as an "older mom". Wish I had realized it as a mom of littles!

  11. I love this. I no longer feel like a hermit. someone understands : ) thank you for sharing.
