
Monday, July 22, 2013

Summer Inspired Beauty for Your Home

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To have your home pervade the pleasures of the sunny months is very relaxing therapy for the homemaker. These seasonal decorations can be prepared with zero expense and an abundance of love.

A simple vase of flowers from your backyard is always a cheerful welcome!

Don't forget the simplistic beauty of summer produce in a vintage style basket.

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Some sand and shells make a delightful decoration.

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Add a candle for a dreamy scene...

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A mason jar with sturdy wire will make a lovely lantern.

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“If you have been afraid that your love of beautiful flowers and the flickering flame of the candle is somehow less spiritual than living in starkness and ugliness, remember that He who created you to be creative gave you the things with which to make beauty and the sensitivity to appreciate and respond to His creation.”

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  1. Those are beautiful and SIMPLE ideas! I love them all!

  2. I love each idea! The sand and starfish are very pretty together and I have a weakness for fresh fruit sitting out :) I like to pick my crab-apples and put them on the table for some nice color.

    Thinking of you! Hugs :)

  3. Those are pretty and peaceful looking pictures.

  4. I love your very pretty ideas. Your photographs captured them beautifully!

    I love Edith Schaeffer and had never read that beautiful quote before. I especially loved when she said, "remember that He who created you to be creative gave you the things with which to make beauty and the sensitivity to appreciate and respond to His creation.”

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. That is a beautiful quote too! Thank you for sharing Karen :)

  5. Love the candle with the shells and sand!

  6. What wonderful ideas. I too love the candle with the shells and sand. So pretty.

  7. These are all so pretty! I'm a sucker for beach themes.
