
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Marriage ~ Forbearing One Another in Love

"The course of true love never did run smooth."
~ William Shakespeare

His eyes have wrinkles now but they are more beautiful to me than the day when we first met. They see more, perceive more and are more attentive to what is around him. They see the days I am tired and out of sorts. They see the moments when I need that special embrace. Yes, they are more attractive than ever before… I love his wrinkled eyes.

His hands are worn and rough now. The young and soft skin has faded away because of the years of hard work providing for our family. They are always busy repairing and bringing comfort into our home. They are constantly serving, helping and loving in their own masculine way... Yes, they are more beautiful than ever before... I love his rugged, rough, calloused hands.

But if I had surrendered our marriage in those first few years of frustration… If I had walked away when we were both young and passionately opinionated… If I had given up on that stubborn nature or his on mine…

Then I wouldn't have been able to see the man that God has made him into today.

"...With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering,
forbearing one another in love;
Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace..."
~ Ephesians 4:2-3

Though the verses above aren't specifically referring to marriage,
I find they are key verses to preserving one.

You may also be interested in reading other Matters on Marriage.


  1. I recently found you through Raising Homemakers. I really like the information you're sharing and your way of writing. I've pinned several of your posts to my Pinterest page ( I've also added your blog to my blog list on my sidebar at Harvest Lane Cottage.

    Do drop in for a visit!
    Laura Lane

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I will make a trip over :)

  2. There is truly something that happens when you endeavor together! Sweet, sweet post!

  3. Amen! Such a beautiful message! :)

  4. I am working with an elderly couple a couple of days a week. They are teaching me so much.

    1. What an awesome experience! I love the elderly, they are so full of gold nuggets called experience!

  5. Hi Jes,
    I just noticed that you're now following me at Harvest Lane Cottage. Thank you! I hope you like what you read.

    I met my husband in high school way back in 1981. I'm so glad that I stuck with him when at times I felt like I was stuck with him. ~grin~

    Love grows as years pass if we keep seeking God for our own growth.

  6. Thank you, my friend, for sharing this beautiful post! The words hit home - thank you :)


  7. Amen Sister! I wouldn't give up those rough, toddler-stepping first years now for anything. :) Beautiful piece.


  8. Beautiful words. I have seen this in my own marriage. :)

  9. This blessed my husband when I read it to him. It really is a treasure. Thanks for posting!

  10. Beautiful. 39 years for us this year...and the love is deeper, stronger and I am so very blessed. ~Pamela

  11. What a fantastic reminder of those words from Shakespeare! Blessings on your Monday!

  12. Thank you so much for this beautiful word picture of the "Potter and the clay". We are all a work in progress, and as wives need to impart special grace to our husbands as the Lord continues to mold and shape them into the men God has set them apart to be.

    Great encouragement here!

  13. Lovely, JES... I was just thinking about that last night. My hubby's been having a hard time at work lately, and while my heart hurts for him, I am so humbled and grateful for how hard he works for us ~ and how we've hung in there with each other for 30+ years now :-)
    Thank you for sharing this over on Coffee & Conversation - love seeing you there each week!

  14. Sweet friend, I remember when I read this post years ago and it was one of my favorites. It was such a joy to reread it and once again the words went straight to my heart.

    Thank you so much for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you!

  15. Great thoughts on this. I agree with Stephanie. I've been married 30 years now. I still remember when he asked me to go steady back in 1981.
