
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Popovers! Easy Bread in a Hurry ~ Printable Recipe

Ever hear of popovers? They are an interesting, fun, eggy bread puff. I can get a batch into the oven in three minutes when in a hurry! They are my last minute bread when I realize I have nothing in the house and am about to serve a soup or salad. They would also be tasty for breakfast or brunch with eggs, fresh fruit and yogurt. These little gems are very versatile which is why we love them. Here is our recipe:

Place the following into a bowl:

1 cup of whole wheat flour

1 cup of regular flour

Add 1 tsp. salt

Mix together.

Add 4 eggs...

2 cups of milk...

Stir with a whisk until nice and smooth.

Distribute batter evenly into greased muffin pan (will be close to full).

Bake at 425 degrees for 30 - 35 minutes until golden brown and puffy.

Serve warm with butter… These are best eaten in one sitting while they are nice and hot.

* Here is a printable recipe should you like to add it to your Recipe Book *


  1. Hmm!I love easy and quick recipe. We have too many sleepover and friends over. This recipe will be used more often in my house. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Yes, these are perfect for those sort of things :)

  2. These look very delicious and I love that they are easy and quick to make. I will have to try making them. Thank you for sharing.

    Blessings to you,

    1. They are almost too easy :) You actually have to get that oven going pronto in order for it to be hot enough to start baking them… You will beat the oven ;)

  3. Oh they look so good! Might have to try them! :o)

    1. I love the quickness, so next time you are in a hurry :)

  4. They look delish, thanks for sharing!

  5. These look good, though four full eggs sounds like alot. I don't usually use that many eggs when I bake. Despite that fact, I'm sure to try them because I am quite the bread eating fanatic! :) I like way they rise. Do they deflate quickly?

    Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Hi there! Actually, I think the eggs it what gives it the "puff" and makes them interesting. They are not a normal bread. If you make them, you will see what I mean :) Deflate quickly? No, I don't think so… They stay pretty puffy. I don't know how they would turn out with less eggs though… You could let me know if you end up trying :)

  6. Thanks, I want to try this recipe! I made a link to your blog today. It's in Dutch but you can use Google Translator on my blog. (on the right)
    Thank you again,


    1. Ah thank you Annemieke :) Sending a warm hug your way!

    2. I just want to let you know you that I've tried them once and made them again today when we discovered we did not have any bread in the house. It is such a great recipe! And it is fast! And after making them once I knew the recipe by heart. Did you think of this yourself or did you found it somewhere? We had them while they were still warm and put some butter and brown sugar on it...delicious!

    3. Hi there :) I saw a similar recipe in a cookbook but adapted it to fit our family needs. If I ever copy directly from a cookbook, I will put the source. Otherwise, the recipe is so much changed that I don't consider it the same as is the case of this popover recipe. I made it a bit healthier, if you will… I am glad you like it! It is quick but homemade at the same time which we think is great!!! :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Those look great! I have never thought to use half wheat flour in popovers. I'll try it the next time I make some.

    1. Just the little implements of healthier eating are bound to help :) Slow progress but we are trying… Hope it works out for you!

  8. I made popovers once and they were very bland - they didn't go over very well with my family. But these look quick and easy enough that I would be willing to try. I really like your rooster measuring cup!

    1. Really? To be honest, any hot bread item slathered in butter works for this crew. But of course, if you want a grade "a" bread roll, you need to bring out the yeast. This is for "in a hurry"... Have a wonderful weekend! and nice hearing from you again, Karate Mom :)

  9. I tried making these a while back ...epic fail! LOL
    I do want to give them another shot though.

    1. Oh dear! Someone one else has made twice with great success... Yikes! I wondered what happened? Sorry!!!

  10. Definitely going to try these, JES! Thank you!

  11. Oh, my! These sound both easy and delicious! Will they stick to cupcake liners or should I spray them. I am investigating a healthier version of Pam.

    1. Hi there :) I would spray if using cupcake liners. Trader Joe's has an olive oil spray that I used to use with good results… Also, those Misto sprays could be filled with your own healthy oils and used like PAM :)

    2. Unfortunately, these were incredibly eggy for us and rose too much. My husband said they had a "French toast vibe" and needed syrup. Bummer! Will search the blog for more recipes.

    3. Ah... too bad! I did mention though that they were an interesting, fun, "eggy" bread puff. Eggy is definitely a good adjective for them! Hopefully you will find more simple recipes that you will enjoy here! Happy homemaking! :)
