
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Homecoming for Husbands ~ Setting the Mood

"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home,
and let him make her sorry to see him leave."
~ Martin Luther

We had a long and hard day. The children are fussy, our head aches and the house is untidy. Your husband will be home in a few hours from work and who knows what you'll eat for dinner.

How will he be greeted?

We as wives always want to feel special and adored, but are we making our husbands feel loved and cherished as well? Are we greeting him each day like an encouraging "help meet" or a "hinder meet"? Do we build up our homes or are we tearing them down with our whining ways the minute he steps through the door?

"Better to live on a corner of the roof than to share a house with a quarrelsome wife."
 ~ Proverbs 21:19

Make your home a haven where your husband feels the pressures from the world melt from his shoulders! Let peace, love and order reign when that front door opens. Let him not dread his one and only domain! Sadly, many women complain that their husbands have so many hobbies that keep them from the home, in some cases it may have been the unpleasant homecomings that helped to create it.

I noticed that the more I give in my marriage, the more affection, love, and consideration is returned. It took me time to figure that out! I expected so much and one day realized that I was doing so little!

"Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands." 
~ Proverbs 14:1

Pray for wisdom, self control and tenderness when you greet your loved one as both of you may have had a long and hard day. Your actions can either make or break the rest of the evening for your entire family. The homecoming sets the mood in many a house. Your children are watching. How is mama treating their father? Make it a point to give the sweetest greeting you can when he walks through that door and watch the blessings of peace shower down into your home. Once he is nice and comfortable, I am sure he will take the time to make sure that the love of his life is well cared for too.

You may also be interested in reading other Matters on Marriage.

"A wife of noble character is her husband's crown…"


  1. Great post! Something I've learned also during our twelve years of marriage.

    1. Excellent! We are going on 15 years and learning more every day!

  2. How true! I find that the atmosphere of our home in the evening depends on how I greet my hubby when he gets home from work. And no matter how hard his day has been, at least I have been at home all day, while my he has been out in the world. I want our home to be his haven. :) Thank you for this post.

    1. Absolutely true Lisa! If we greet like a grouch, it is contagious. If we greet in a loving way, that is contagious too! If our home is a haven, then the world will not be enticing!

  3. And btw, I'm adding your blog to my sidebar. :)

    1. Ahhh… Thank you :) That is an honor Lisa!

  4. I noticed long ago that my husband has a happy response when he walks in the door to a smile from me (he likes supper to be going, house clean and smelling good too but the smile makes the overflowing trash can and kid messes melt away). I am so thankful that God showed me long ago that my place in life is to be a homemaker and help meet. I love my "job"!! Thank you for the sweet reminder!! :)

    1. So true, a smile covers a multitude of "messes"... Thanks for sharing Michelle :)

  5. Great post. Written with great wisdom. I wish I had read this many years ago!

  6. This is such a good post! One thing my husband has taught me (I am a "bit" of an overachiever!) is that he would rather me leave some things undone.... and still have some energy left for him in the evening. THAT was a shocking thought for me... but important. :)

    1. Yes, they want us to be peaceful with some time and energy to love them a little at the end of a hard day! Seems so simple but hard to figure out! :) Thanks for sharing Joy!

  7. Timely reminders to this newly-menopausal wife....I need His help not being so snippy. Thanks, JEs

    1. Yes, the hormones are a big foe but we can conquer with His help (and some deep breaths and lots or prayer)!!! :)
