
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Food for Her Family" ~ Inspirational Recipe Book ~ Free Printable

Do you keep your recipes in a binder? I love that concept as you can easily update and add recipes as you come across them. I wanted to encourage you to make an "Inspirational Recipe Book". The reason for the "inspiration"?

We used food and hospitality inspired Scripture to personalize our recipe collection. This is a great reminder that when we prepare a meal for our loved ones, the fellowship around that table should be done in remembrance of our Lord.

"And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying,
“This is My body which is given for you;
do this in remembrance of Me.”
 ~ Luke 22:19

We are sharing our updated inspirational recipe book with you if you are interested. Simple follow the link below to download and/or print at no cost (you can view our original Recipe Book here for the concept). 

List of recommended supplies:

Included in the Free Printable:

Cover Page Insert
Binder Spine Insert (shown below)
"Main Dishes" Section
"Side Dishes" Section
"Salads" Section
"Sauces" Section
"Soups/Stews" Section
"Appetizers" Section
"Desserts" Section
"Food Preservation" Section
"Breakfast" Section
"Yeast Dough/Bread" Section
"Notes" Section
Back Cover Page Insert

"She provides food for her family…"
~ Proverbs 31:15b (NIV)


  1. I bought a white binder with the intention to put my loose recipes into it. I had kept them for years in a big manilla envelope and eventually the sides burst out from stuffing too many recipes in. Yours is much more charming than what I had in mind for mine. I think it will also help make my recipe collection a lovely heirloom to pass down to my daughters. Thank you for the printable! God bless! :)

    1. Wonderful! The idea for myself was to also pass it down to my daughter. What I have been doing is that once she learns to make a certain recipe. I print it off for her and add it to her recipe book (yes, she has one too). Now any time she wants to make something, she digs through her own book (and feels quite special by the way). Thanks for sharing here today!

  2. Gorgeous, and I ♥ the idea to use appropriate scripture for each section. I'll admit, while victorian era design is pretty, it's not really me, so I'll pass on downloading these, BUT you've inspired me to create my own, using scripture as you did. Thank you!

    1. Making your own is a great idea to fit your taste :) Have fun!!! ~JES

  3. I love this! It's exactly what I was looking for! What a great way to keep those recipes organized and to be good stewards of the kitchen! Just you have a page or section for soups? I am hoping to add one to my cookbook, but am not computer savvy enough to figure out how to do it with your lovely design.

    1. Hi there! You know, I don't but "soups" is a good idea! Give me a few weeks and I will see if I can sneak that section in :)

    2. DONE :) Soup/Stew Section is now included in this printable… Enjoy!

    3. are awesome! Thanks!

    4. You are welcome! It didn't take long because I apparently started doing that section awhile back (we must have been literally on the "same page" at some point but alas distractions in life stunted that project). All I had to do was find a graphic and we were set to go :)

  4. I just discovered your blog....and I've been reading off and on all day!!! You have lots of great things here. Thank you for sharing them. I am a wife to an amazing man of 14 years and mother to seven children (our seventh just born on the 23rd). So thankful to have "met" you. I look forward to returning :)


    1. Thanks for introducing yourself Angela! Sounds like you are blessed with a wonderful family! I look forward to "visiting" with you in the future :) and am glad some of these things interest you. It makes it more fun for me to hear from others and what interests them!

  5. JES, thank you for all you provide. I have main dish recipes broken down by a few different categories. How do you organize your main dishes so you can find them easily?

    1. Hi Sue, nice to hear from you. I have the main dishes all together in that area (without breaking it down further). As I cook pretty simply, I don't have a problem with too many recipes. If you have that many, perhaps you want to add more stick on tabs inside the main dishes section to separate them by "chicken", "beef", "vegetarian", etc... Just a thought! Sorry I couldn't be of more help! Hope you had a lovely summer :)

  6. That was helpful. Thank you.

  7. What do you put in the notes section?

    1. I put substitution lists, measuring shortcuts and so forth... :)

  8. I told my friend about this printable. Her church is hosting a wedding shower and they give out a recipe book. These dividers are perfect!
