
Monday, January 2, 2012

"Good Steward" Record Binder ~ Free Printable

I want to share with you, lovely ladies, my "Good Steward Record Binder". It's really not as fancy as it sounds but simply a place to corral all my manuals, instructions, receipts and warranties from our home purchases. This is the easiest way I have found to organize these items and I hope it may be of some help to you.

Using a three ring binder with plastic page protectors inside, simply file each manual, warranty or instruction book inside each plastic page and place inside binder according to the appropriate category.

I prepared a printable title page for each applicable home category. Some examples are main appliances, small appliances, electronics, etc… You just file your plastic page containing the manuals, instructions or receipts, behind the appropriate section.

What is nice is that you can slip the paperwork in and out as you need to use them, replace them or resell them. This allows for very easy access instead of fumbling through a drawer and having manuals fall through the cracks or inside other manuals. I also place the purchase receipt inside the appropriate page so that all the pertinent information is gathered together.

Attaching clear index tabs onto each category page is very helpful to find what you need in a pinch.

A spine insert is also useful so that the contents of the binder are understood as it rests on the shelf.

Would you like to make one?

List of supplies:

    There are two ways to organize your binders.

    One way is to do MAIN CATEGORY sections in which you would divide your records into the following subjects:
    • Main Appliances
    • Small Appliances
    • Gadgets
    • Electronics
    • Furniture
    • Baby Items
    • Garage & Garden
    • Automotive
    • Tools
    • Seasonal Items
    • Misc.
    • Blank Label

    The other way is to do ROOM CATEGORIES for each section such as:
    • Kitchen
    • Family Rooms
    • Bedrooms
    • Baby Room
    • Bathrooms
    • Laundry Room
    • Craft Room
    • Garage & Garden
    • Misc.
    • Blank Label

      For the sake of different storing systems, I included printables of both and you can use what works for your home filing needs. Just click on the style below that suits you for your own free set of printables (a gift from me to you!):


      I have also included in the printables above, a cover page (see first photo), spine insert page (fifth photo) and a back cover page (shown above) for extra decoration and with a verse for added inspiration. (Thank you to the Graphics Fairy for all the beautiful clip art!).  An organized home is just a few clicks away! Well, the beginning of it, that is...


      1. This is a great organization tool!! Thanks so much.

      2. Now I would make something like this but not stock it- but it could be lovely like yours. Thanks for the nifty idea!

        Smiles, Suzanne at WhyCuzICan in NW Illinois

      3. This is such a great idea!! I have all of mine in a folder in my file cabinet and it takes up way too much room! I will have to make one of these!!

      4. What a great idea! Love the Graphics Fairy graphics, you've made something workable into something attractive (and workable). Also love the title of your blog, your sharing scriptures, and your obvious love for our Lord. ~ Mary

      5. I'm hosting a blog roll for household notebook related posts, and I'd love to have you link up! Great ideas for your notebook. I'm wanting to update mine before our new baby comes in March (baby #3). Thanks for the ideas. Here's my link:

      6. I'm such a sucker for a good use of a binder and, my friend, you have a wonderful use here! Thanks for sharing! I love that you call it "The Good Steward Record Binder". I may have to "steal" that name to put on my financial records binder as a reminder to be a good steward of the money that God has blessed us with. Thanks again!

      7. What a great idea! I do something similar and have a household binder. I could probably add to it to include your above categories.

      8. What an excellent idea as well as a great way to stay organized! I really should do this, as I have booklets for appliances here and there, but it would be so much nicer to have them all in one handy-dandy 3-ring binder! :)

        At any rate, thank you for stopping by my blog today and leaving a kind comment. It was a pleasure to "meet" you, and I am sure to come back for future visits, as I'm your newest "follower." :)

        -M. Wildflower

      9. What a great idea! I have all of mine tossed in a file pocket, but they're not organized. This would be something I could just leave on my recipe shelf in the kitchen for easy access too. Stopping by from Wise Woman link up--thanks for sharing!

      10. It's a lovely binder! I apologize for not coming by sooner. I want to thank you for linking up with Make-It-Yourself Monday! Be sure to come back next Monday and link up your beautiful projects!

      11. Dear JES!!! Wow~ I LOVE this! I am impressed by the thought that went into it. I am blessed and may just have to do this for myself and revise my system. Also, did you change your 'look' here on the blog? Oh, wait, I have 2 blogs! Lovely taste you have. It is beautiful to my eye.
        It just makes me wonder if you would ever be open to guest posting for me using one of your past posts or a completely new one? Sometimes I am SO tired, and at 60 it would be nice to know there is something I really feel would be helpful for others. Pray about it and let me know in my comments. Blessings!!

      12. nice post! thanks for sharing! blessings soraya

      13. This is one of my favorite organizational posts. Very helpful and also pretty :)

      14. These are lovely but it wouldn't let me download without spending money to subscribe to scribd. They gave me an option for a one day pass, but I thought these were free.

        Maybe it was because I just downloaded your recipe binder pages on Heroines of Faith.

        I'll try again in a couple of days, but I thank you for offering these. I was going to use them a bit differently-to write down what needs to be done room by room-daily, monthly and seasonally!

      15. Oh! They are supposed to be free! Thanks for letting me know! I will look into that and I am glad you are able to use them and get creative to modify for your own needs :)

      16. You are so clever! I was just wondering today where on earth I put the manual for my electric range... :P Thank you for the printable.

        1. I am so glad you can use this! :) Thanks for sharing! Now if you can only find that manual...

      17. That is a great idea. Right now I have everything in a drawer and need to shuffle through everything to find the one item in the "haystack". Thank you for sharing the tutorial and printables. Have a great day, Heather

      18. Uh how perfect! Mine are all in a cabinet but this would make them neater and easier to find the one I am looking for!

      19. This is such a fantastic and helpful idea! I tend to lose my manuals and other paper work that comes with a new appliance... This is just what I need, JES :) I am so happy you shared this at ROI. Hugs to you!

      20. We have started trying to do something similar to this. It has made finding warranty information so much easier.

      21. Scribd says these are no longer on the site - are they available through another link? Thanks
        PS - I'm really enjoying your site!

        1. Thank you! :) I just updated these printables to the new system. They should work now! :)

      22. This is a great organizational idea. Mine are all just in a single folder, but I like that you have even further organized it. If I have some time I might try to do something like this!
