
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sample of Our Nature Study Notebook Journal Pages

“Consider, too, what an unequalled mental training the child-naturalist is getting for any study or calling under the sun — the powers of attention, of discrimination, of patient pursuit, growing with his growth, what will they not fit him for?” 
Charlotte Mason, Victorian Era Educator

If you are curious about Nature Study, then you may be interested in seeing some samples of our nature journal pages (especially because we aren't that artsy family which means anyone can do this!). Maybe they will bring some inspiration for you to start one!

Decorate your own composition book cover (art). 

Sketches with scientific naming of parts (science, nature and art).

Being more artistic with your nature entry (science, nature and art).

Include Scripture (science, nature, character building and Bible).

Hatch butterflies and record your learnings (science, nature, art).

Include the latin names (science, nature and art).

Nature inspired poems with decoration (nature and language arts, arts and crafts).

Opportunity for learning new words (foreign language).

Learning the life cycles (science, nature and art).

Fun facts about God's creation (science, nature and history).

Colored pictures showing characteristics (science, nature and art).

Sometimes, seeing is encouraging.
I hope that these pages can give you an idea of what fun keeping a nature journal can be…
An educational keepsake at it's best!
Visit this post for more ideas and here for 40 Journal Entry Ideas.


  1. Hello Jes,
    I have made a link to this blog because you inspired me to start a nature notebook. I hope to do this later with my children too. Thanks for the inspiration,

    1. Oh that makes my day! Thank you for sharing that!!!

  2. Starting later with middle school and high school students. Thank you for your ideas!

    1. You are welcome! It's so much for ANY ages, even us ❤️
