
Monday, December 19, 2022

The "Art" of Home-Making Mondays ~ Inspiration #13


"What are some of the secrets of happy home life? The answer might be given in one word—Christ. Christ at the marriage-altar; Christ on the bridal journey; Christ when the new home is set up; Christ when the baby is born; Christ when a child dies; Christ in the pinching times; Christ in the days of plenty; Christ in the nursery, in the kitchen, in the parlor; Christ in the toil and in the rest; Christ along all the years; Christ when the wedded pair walk toward the sunset gates; Christ in the sad hour when farewells are spoken, and one goes on before and the other stays, bearing the unshared grief. Christ is the secret of happy home life."

P.S. I also wanted to say thank you to those who shared with me some ideas, encouragement, suggestions, etc., in the comments of my last post regarding the continuation of the blog. Your input was very helpful! I look forward to share here and there (in both large and/or small doses) and I appreciate all the kindness you sprinkled here on this little space ♥️



  1. For some reason I missed your last post :-/ As far as nothing new, I too have felt that, but find it encouraging to know others are doing this or that. Often it's just a good reminder. Also, long or short posts, it's like a visit from a friend - both are pleasant 😊 Wishing you and your family a Blessed Christmastime.

  2. Please continue your writings. Very inspirational. Modern society puts little value on homemaking. I believe it is the lifeblood of our society. Please continue

  3. I have always appreciated JR Miller's writings regarding the value of the home and my work in it!

  4. Thank you for the snippet of inspiration and reminder towards where to realign my focus. :)

  5. Hi Jess, it would be a terribly sad day if your blog was no longer here !! I remember about 10 or more years ago when we went through some hard financial times and personal troubles; I found your blog and all its helpful hints and it was such a blessing to me. Truly truly, I felt like I wasn't alone with it all. But even more than that, your blog has a beautiful presence of loveliness about it. A little place of holiness in this crazy world, where traditional values and Godliness are upheld and where being a wife and mother are still considered of worthy. Blessings to you ~ Linda

  6. We are a family...and others long to find the peace we walk in..His name is Jesus..a warm hearth in a very chilly world..thank you for your Shirley 🎄🎶🎁

  7. I somehow missed your last blog post. There may be the same information on the internet, but there are only a few who present this information with the same godly spirit that I find on your blog. Your blog offers much more than just information. I always find inspiration which makes me want to honor Christ in the small things that make up daily living. Please continue with your inspiring posts. I know it takes time and energy to write as well as include all of the homemaking hints, printable labels, recipes, etc. However, those are the things which make your blog special because they are done with love and concern for your reader and always point me to Christ and why I should always try to make my home a place where Christ is honored. I will be praying for you to find the proper balance. Blessings! PJ

  8. Dear Jess,
    I had missed your P.S. from your time-before-last post and I feel SO bad, as you need to know how important your blog spot and emails are to me and my 15 year old home schooled daughter!
    I often tell her and my husband that you are my most favorite blog/newsletter out there... a true kindred spirit. ❤ I get lost in your Beatrix Potter labels and projects and I love all the beautiful print outs you share. I have put together a binder cookbook for my daughter with your old fashioned prints so that we can keep filling it with family and favorite recipes. When she is grown she will have a treasure for her "hope chest".
    This is probably selfish for me to say to you, but if your blog ended it would be nigh impossible to find anything even closely akin to it on the ever darkening abyss of the internet. I know, because I try to look and even though there are a few sweet ones I've found, they are not the whole package!
    I know it is probably a lot of work to do and to keep up, but your work is beautiful, inspiring, needed, calming. I jump with joy every time I see a Strangers and Pilgrims in my inbox. Even if it is a picture with caption or verse or just one paragraph- ANYTHING you can do is so appreciated.
    Thank you and we pray you will keep your lighthouse burning for us as we navigate the stormy seas!
    Angelina from Maine

    1. AMEN!!!!!!!!! i second this!!!!!!!! you are truly a lifesaver!!!!!!!! peace of Christ to all yall forever.

  9. You have created a lovely space here. I hope that you will continue to share. I know what to expect when I stop by. Your light (or the light of Jesus) shines bright in this spot. Thank you for all you've shared so freely!

  10. I have been inspired by your blog for years now...navigating through homeschool to empty nesting you have been there to encourage, share high ideals of homemaking and spread the love and beauty of Christ. There is no other kindred homemaker like you. Thank you for sharing your heart and creativity with us for all these years. 💗

  11. Hi, JES!
    Just stopping by to wish you and your family a blessed 2023!
    Lots of hugs!

  12. I can smell those citrus blooms now. It is refreshing to see the fresh blooms and I hope to try this recipe. Happy New Year!

  13. I made this yesterday and the family loves it! Thank you!

  14. Thanks for these inspiring words. They bring calm and peace to my soul.


  15. I JUST found your blog and I am loving everything about it! You are such an inspiration to me! I’m reading through the older posts but I sincerely hope you keep adding to it. THANK YOU SO MUCH
