
Monday, January 24, 2022

Strangers & Pilgrims Posts Now Delivered to Your "In-Basket"

Dear reader,

I had sent out an email awhile ago sharing that Google Feedburner would be discontinuing the email subscription service.  I am now happy to report that I have found a replacement service. You will be able to subscribe to our blog and receive email updates every time something new is published. Simply type your email into the subscription box located on the right hand side of the blog (underneath my picture and bio - where it says "Get New Posts by Email"). I have also included the sign up at the bottom of this post for convenience. I hope this works out better for everyone! I know we are all busy and it is definitely more convenient to have something delivered straight to your "in-basket" rather than having to hunt it down.

Plus, we homemakers love our baskets, don't we? 😉

Happy homemaking!


“Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl."
~ Deuteronomy 28:5

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  1. Dear Jes, Happy New Year. I love your lace apron. Did you make it yourself. My MIL literally just gave me two big bags of lace curtains......

    1. Thank you! YES, I did! With leftover thrifted lace curtains! I thought it had such a feminine feel that I couldn't resist ♥️ I think I have words to go with the picture. I suppose I will post them on another day. I completely forgot...

    2. I have that exact same fabric. I used it to replace the glass in the screen door for a more welcoming and old fashion look to the screen.

    3. I love that idea! I'm sure it's beautiful ♥️ and I love how that humble little curtain fabric inspired us to do different things ♥️thanks for sharing!

  2. .... from Clare I meant to put

  3. Hello from country Australia! I was packing up various parts of our home today in preparation for moving next week. I had a pretty floral apron over my work clothes and it just made me feel as if things were going well and that I was in control. I often get comments from people walking their dogs when I am outside in the garden or putting out the bins, and I have on an apron. Of course you could not resist lace, it is very feminine indeed. Keep well everyone. Cate

    1. Dear Cate, thanks so much for sharing! I agree with you completely… wearing an apron puts you in a certain mode and you almost feel productive the minute you tie on those strings ♥️

  4. I love it! I never thought of sewing an apron from a lace curtain! Hugs

  5. I hope I subscribed to you the correct way! Nancy

    1. I'm sure you did! It's nice to have you along ♥️

  6. I just discovered your blog a week or 2 ago. It's a WEALTH of information! THANK YOU!!!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself!!! Nice to have you hear and I hope you find something useful in this little place ♥️
