
Monday, December 14, 2020

The Special Forces ( Have you enlisted?) ~ Snippets

There is a small band of women, silently building up the kingdom in their own humble homes. There is no worldly acknowledgement, glory or praise.  They are motivated by a higher duty. A higher calling.  Their leader is the King of Kings. And like the heavenly league of angels in heaven, they are silently serving with all their strength on earth.

They are a gentle band of soldiers.

"No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier."
~ 2 Timothy 2:4


(Note: I'll be sharing some little "snippets" here and there from some of my more special Instagram posts that I feel some of you may enjoy that aren't on it.. Since I have been out of town for the last month, I  hope you don’t mind these series of snippets all in a row.... I usually try to post a variety but it hasn’t been possible this month..)


  1. I have seen this year that so many do not know how to do this for their families. I think we have all had times when we have had no extra money but we still made our homes a place of peace and comfort by doing the best we can with what we have. It is truly sad that this has been lost and families are floundering because they do not have the funds to buy and do what they have traditionally done.

    1. Yes, it is very disheartening... I'm thinking I will share something soon on living in lean times... this is where we have to tap into our resourceful energies and it is work! But definitely worth it!

  2. I am curious why your mail always comes across as "Strangers &amp" in the title. Even when I open it, that title is still there.

    1. I think it has something to do with the HTML code and the ampersand I have in my title... it does the same in my inbox (sorry!) ♥️🥀

    2. No big deal...just curious.

  3. These “snippets” are much needed reminders in our daily life. Thank you 💖

    1. You are welcome my friend! ♥️🥀 so glad you like them!

  4. I love that you're sharing these little snippets :) This one is one of my favorites.

    I've also been transferring some of my more special IG posts to my blog <3

    1. I think it's a good idea since I'm not sure what will last in the long run and I want all the special things in one place for my daughter (she may appreciate this little homemaking diary one day when I am gone...) ♥️🥀

      What is the name of your blog Paulina?

  5. How lovely, one of my favorite scriptures :)
