
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

My Only Chance ~ Snippets


My Only Chance...

I remember embracing her, kissing her, dressing her up and always rocking her.

I remember bathing her every night and reading and saying prayers with her every evening.

I remember playing games with her and helping her make all kinds of kitchen messes. I drank so much tea and ate many homemade pastries around the table with her. And then I began to home educate her.

I remember one day when she was 7 she said, “mom, you kiss me too much... you hug me too much... you squeeze me too much, you love me too much”.

But I only smiled and squeezed her again because that second one never came. That moment of anticipation never arrived. That next baby was not to be and only He knows why.

My only consolation in all of this was...

I took every chance. 

I didn’t hold back one ounce of love or give away my time to other “important“ pursuits. I was her mother and I took every. single. chance. to be one.

Dear young mothers, don’t rush through these crazy and turbulent childhood years... don’t assume another is coming to fill those empty arms. Just be there and love them as if they are your last.

Take every chance.

(Note: I'll be sharing some little "snippets" here and there from some of my more special Instagram posts that I feel some of you may enjoy that aren't on it...)


  1. Heartbreaking and so true. Be here now. Love them. Be there. These days pass so quickly. Enjoy them!


  2. Agree completely! I had just one child, our son, for 11 years, before being gifted with our daughter. I have essentially raised each one as a single child, due to their age difference. There is nothing that is more important to me right now than being a mother to my now 16 year old daughter. We have just two more years after this school year before she will be entering college. I want to make every single moment count!

    1. Beautiful! And you are right... 16 year olds need their mothers more than ever in this disturbing culture! More than they realize for sure...🧡

  3. I read this with a lump in my throat, JES. So beautifully expressed. I would guess, in looking back over her childhood, that your daughter no longer feels she was loved too much? :) Thank you for sharing this "snippet" of wisdom. Nancy

    1. You are quite right Nancy... she rather loves the love🧡🧡🧡

  4. Beautiful Jes and so very very true!!!

  5. I was a stay at home mother for all of their growing up, despite my primary school age children saying I could go back to work for more money and they would be fine. We lived off little and managed and I would do it again. Sadly it is difficult for families to live off one income these days with house buying costs to high but I am glad I was there and did not miss anything.

    1. Thank you for sharing Kay... sadly it is difficult as you said... especially with property prices in some of our States!... have a beautiful weekend 🧡 🧡 🧡

  6. So beautiful. Such truth. Thank you

    1. And thank you for taking the time to encourage here today 🧡 🧡 🧡

  7. I enjoyed every moment as a stay at home mother once I quit my job to there with them. It was worth every single dime I didn't make. I only wish I had done it from day 1.

    1. I like how you put that... "worth every single dime you didn't make"... 🧡 🧡 🧡

  8. Beautiful post, JES and so true. I have had a similar experience. My husband and I had hoped/planned to have a large family, but after 7 years of marriage our precious little girl, who is now 6, is still an only child. We have three little ones in heaven that we look forward to meeting someday. Each loss has caused me to realize what a miracle our daughter is in our lives. I am so grateful that I have the privilege to enjoy her each and every day!

    1. Yes! My heart goes out to you! We too planned on a large family... in fact, I hesitated to ever type this in hopes that a change in circumstance would come ... though it does for some, it was not to be for our family. Being grateful for the child we have is truly a joy to hold onto... and then I enjoy my little nieces and nephews that much more also! Thank you for sharing your heart on this very hard subject... 🧡

  9. Dear Jes, your post touched my heart deeply. I met my husband a bit further on in life but not too late for babies. All I had ever wanted was a family. I was so excited to conceive quite quickly and dreamed of the 2 or 3 little people to follow. My niece announced her first pregnancy to the family just as I was about to. We were due within a week of each other. My daughter was born happy and healthy. My great nephew was born two days later. It was discovered quickly that there was something wrong with his little heart. He was flown to our capital city. My niece did an amazing job loving him through two major heart surgeries, she never left his side. After three months, just when it looked like she could bring him home, he went to heaven. He had spent his whole life in hospital hooked to things. The doctors said he had fought so hard and credited the love of his little mother for this. I had wanted my daughter so much, when that gorgeous little boy left, I loved her even more. No matter how tired I was, if she cried in the middle of the night I jumped up - grateful for that cry. I loved rocking her to sleep in my arms looking out my kitchen window. I never needed a "break". I loved every moment. And then, for reasons I don't understand it turns out she was my one chance. No more babies arrived. I have struggled to accept this. My daughter is 14 now, a gorgeous young lady. I too take comfort that I did all I could, I soaked up every moment. Much love to you Jes for sharing. Clare

    1. Oh dear... how heartbreaking! Thank you for sharing! I hope this encourages other mothers who reads this to love while we have...

      As far as your situation goes, it is difficult to understand when you can have one (what stops another from coming?)... each month the pain strikes anew... I did hold on to hope for many years and now must face reality. I think this post was a part of healing and accepting for me. But I will share Clare that your daughter needs you much more as she is growing up than she did in diapers. I found this time period of 14-17 to be very challenging. We have so much against us in this culture and it is hard to navigate through it all. All they desire is to fit in and unfortunately fitting in does not always fit with His ways... praying for wisdom for you and comfort also... and many grandchildren when the time is right! 🧡 🧡 🧡

  10. Yes, this is so true...I always thought we would have more, but my last two babies are in Heaven. So each day with my older kids, especially the youngest of those who is now 9, is so precious to me because I know this time is going so fast, and there aren't going to be any more little ones for me. At age 42 I think I must face reality. But I am so grateful to God for allowing me to be a mother to four children here on Earth! I've loved every minute of it.

    1. Yes, I’m at the age where I must face reality too... I think this post os does just that for me... ♥️🥀
