
Monday, October 5, 2020

Letters of Comfort ~ Sympathy Mail ~ Free Printable

"Rejoice with them that do rejoice,
and weep with them that weep."
~ Romans 12:15

Sending Sympathy...

There has been some measure of sadness and sorrow surrounding many of us in these unprecedented times. Often it’s hard to console or say the right thing. A phone call can get awkward, a text may feel cold but a letter in the mail always feels appropriate.

You can pray about the words before you write them down and it shows extra care when you take the time to send them. 

In difficult circumstances, I will often tuck a dainty white handkerchief inside, a special Scripture and even a sprig of dried lavender for an extra bit of love.

For our free printable letter inserts, visit here:

for the smaller size and here for the larger size...🤎

And for those of you who are housebound, what a beautiful blessing this can be... what a heartfelt ministry you can have! What a lovely homemaking hobby! 

"What a wonderful thing is the mail,
capable of conveying across continents a warm human hand-clasp."
~Author Unknown


  1. This is beautiful, Jes! I shall keep your post in mind for its ideas!

    You are right. There is not much that can be said. Scripture is the most beautiful, and full of purpose! People must be allowed to take steps as they are ready.

    This is an excellent piece of yours! Thank you! .... It is also a reminder of beauty and life when people are broken.


    1. Thank you Rachel, I know you write this with a delicate heart...💛

  2. Hi Jes! What a beautiful idea the little bottles with verses. I love them. I can't seem to print them out though :( Both of the links just bring me back to my profile. Is there some other way to get them? thank you :)

    1. Thank you for pointing that out Peg! I don't know why that happens as I tested the link but somehow it reverts to blogger... I think I fixed it! Please let me know if it works on your end now... Love, JES :)

    2. Thank you Jes! It works fine now. I have a few people in mind that I am going to send this to that need encouragement. Thank you for such a sweet offering :) love, Peg :)

  3. Jes, what a lovely idea. A little something is always much appreciated.

    1. Yes and more than the thought that counts, as it is a bit of a loving action...💌

  4. An unexpected letter can bring gladness to the heart. Thank you for your generosity with the printable. Have a wonderful week.

    1. 💌💌💌♥️Thank you...

  5. This is a lovely post about a hard subject. Finding the right words is not always easy, but with prayer, is possible. I think getting a card in the mail lets the receiver know they are being thought of. And I think we all could use the feeling of someone thinking of us and letting us know. Kind of a "hug in the mail".


    1. Exactly a hug in the mail 💌💌💌
      ❤️ Thank you for sharing that...

  6. Thank you, Jes. Lovely as usual!

    1. You are so very welcome ♥️ I hope you find something useful 💌

  7. Thank you, these are beautiful! However, when I click on the links it brings me to blogger settings instead of the pictures. Is there another way to download them? Thank you again!

    1. Yikes! It’s doing that again? I had fixed it earlier and don’t know why it’s reverting... please give it another go tomorrow and let me know... it shows it on my end 😬🙃

    2. Hi again 👋 also please retry from this updated page and not through a blog feed... that may show the old links...💌

  8. Hi Jes,
    So glad you are back blogging again, I’ve missed your inspiring posts!
    I love this idea, there is something about a handwritten note that warms the heart.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Wendy! I really appreciate it ♥️

      And yes, I agree, a handwritten note warms the heart!!! I save every single one! 💌

  9. What a lovely idea, JES. I love the things you include in your letter- what a blessing it would be to someone to receive something so thoughtful. I'll be using this idea for sure. Thank you for the printable, too!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to share here today Kelsey! And I am glad if this gives some ideas 💌♥️. You make up such pretty cards that I know would be a blessing to many!

  10. This is a lovely printable. I have a very old book bought some thirty years ago at a thrift shop with sentiments for any occasion. The wording has to sometimes be reworked a bit to make it fit today but it is so helpful at times. It is nice to picture someone a long time ago sitting at a beautiful desk looking up the appropriate words for a letter of condolence or any other occasion.

    1. What a neat book to have! And I agree, if we were to see the concern and time it went into someones words the card would mean that much more to us!
