
Monday, June 8, 2020

And a Time to Build Up...

Greetings to my old friends!

It has been awhile and the fresh spring air has brought me out of my reverie. It has been an interesting few years, full of many changes. We have moved back to our homeland. I have been watching a young girl turn into a young woman. I am seeing my strong young groom gently aging into a stronger but gentler man. We no longer have prairie fields in our midst but are currently surrounded by concrete and brick.

I am sorry I have not been able to answer any correspondence during my absence. When I stepped away from the computer, I had to completely give my all to what was ahead. Therefore, I kept clear of my blog email account as well. I do hope you understand ❤️ As a person who hates to offend, I found that part to be very difficult (so PLEASE forgive me)...

I am now in a new season. I have finished home educating. I don't have the same homesteading responsibilities. I am feeling a sense of calm (after quite a bit of a storm) and am hoping to once again step inside this little realm with the random parts of a home-making life. I am going to be sharing a bit differently in some areas and quite the same in others. While I won’t be posting as often as I used to, I hope to be able to enjoy it this time around with a better balance.

Also, as I relaunch the blog, I am going to include some giveaways to give it a fresh fun start! I think we could all use that right now! There will also be some lovely homemaking projects, recipes, pantry love, and all kinds of our favorite home-making subjects! The idea is to bring joy into our daily routines.

What is my new focus with all these changes? The same it has always been -- creating a safe and welcoming sanctuary within our home and to make it an enjoyable experience for the homemaker in the delightful little details. It means guarding the home, protecting its walls from uncomely influences, unhealthy lifestyles and negative attitudes. It means forging through the muck and mire we may find ourselves in and moving our way (and possibly -- figuratively speaking -- fighting our way) to higher ground. We are not going to wallow in the mud of despair. We will not give in to depression and sorrow. We will choose to be a beacon of hope in our home. ( I write this to encourage myself as well!)

How do we achieve this?

"Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name:
bring an offering, and come into his courts.
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness..."
~ Psalm 96:8-9

Our offering -- dear homemakers -- is ourselves. It is our reassuring smile (which says "God is in control") to our loved ones when they walk through the door.  It is the enticing scene of a nutritious, fresh meal waiting on a carefully set table filled with ceramic plates, bowls, sparkling silverware and lovely linens. It may be the scent of essential oils diffusing in the background or a flickering sweet candle glowing in our midst. It is laughter and love. It is giving a real, true and noble life experience to those God has entrusted in our care. We are worshipping the Lord in the beauty of holiness every moment we have on this earth. While surrounded with darkness, we are called to be a light. Burn brightly dear ladies for this is our time to shine, our influence is needed now more than ever -- it is our "time to build up"!

(Ecclesiastes 3:3)

Happy homemaking!

Love, JES

P.S. -- Pictured is my kitchen table. I like to decorate it with things we use and eat during the week such as pretty salt and pepper shakers, ruby red cherry tomatoes standing by for a salad, zucchini from the garden and any other fruit and vegetables waiting to be made into meals. The other items I keep displayed are a stack of napkins in a wire basket (this way they are convenient to access). Some households have a paper towel holder on the countertop so this is my version of ease. Oftentimes there is a pretty candle or a vase of flowers from the garden. I also keep a tablecloth on our painted table. It is of laminated cotton which wipes easily with a soap and water solution while maintaining the "real tablecloth" look that I love for its coziness.

P.S.S. I have also done a bit of housekeeping around the blog. I hope you enjoy some of the new updates. I changed my focus verse from one of my favorites (Jeremiah 6:16) to a new favorite in Isaiah. I also added somewhat of a bio picture (while still maintaining some privacy). I will also continue to slowly update and change in areas where needed. Please feel free to share the topics you are interested in hearing about most in the comments below... I am always curious!


  1. So excited for you! This is my favourite blog!

  2. So happy to see this post! Have missed your gentle, homey posts. They are so needed "for a time like this."

  3. Oh, dear JES, I am absolutely thrilled to be visiting your beautiful blog have been sorely missed! I eagerly anticipate your lovely, inspiring posts and think I should go back and read your old ones again too! I pray that you are well and that the Lord would bless you in this new season you find yourself in. With much love!
    ~ Kelly-Anne

  4. So glad you are back. I've missed your posts.


  5. This is so exciting! I have missed your posts so much and am looking forward to all that you will share. We need this now, more than ever. Thank you for allowing God to use you in this way.

  6. Was seriously just thinking about you last week! I have missed your posts.
    Blessings in Christ!

  7. Oh, JES, I am so thrilled at your return! I must admit that sometimes I despaired it would ever happen. :) Although we have never met, it feels like I have a sweet friend back in my life whom I have missed. Your practical and creative homemaking help and advice, combined with your love for the Lord and honoring His ways, have always been so lovely and appreciated. If you were here, I'd give you a warm welcome-back hug! Nancy

  8. Happy to have you back, being a light to those who need it.

  9. Wonderful to see you back, Jes. xx Jen in NS

  10. Welcome back JES! Life takes us through some tough things at times, for sure. I'm thankful you are back to blogging! Many blessings to you!

  11. You are a very timely blessing today. Praise the Lord!

  12. Welcome back!!! I am so happy you have decided to return to us! I have missed your posts so much and I am looking forward to seeing more!

  13. What a lovely surprise when I checked my emails to find yours. This may sound strange but it was like a long lost friend popping in. Thank you for the uplift it gave me. You have nothing to ask us to forgive you for. Hugs and prayers.

  14. Dearest Jes,
    From across the seas, here in Australia, I’m am overjoyed to see you back again. Your beautiful blog has been siting in my collection of writings from others whom I admire. I have often looked back on your wisdom and have missed you. Welcome back friend. It’s lovely to have you back writing to us.
    Blessings Gail.

  15. How wonderful to see your post today, for a moment, I thought I was seeing things. You have made my day a very happy one. The first in a long while. Thank you.

  16. Hi, Jes! This is sort of crazy, but I visited your blog about 2-3 weeks ago for your pinto bean recipe inspiration and really felt like God wanted me to pray for you to start writing again. So I did! Getting your latest post in my email this afternoon was such a pleasant surprise and an answer to much prayer! Glad you're back :)

  17. Welcome Back! I am sure many are pleased to see you blogging once again and we all look forward to your fresh view point!

  18. JES, welcome back! I am so pleased to know you are posting again. Your sweet and gentle, and also highly practical, blog was one of my favourites of all time. I'm so excited to see what you have in store for this space! And also, congratulations on your new home. :)

  19. YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pardon me while I do handsprings of happiness. You have been terribly missed my dear, and I am thrilled to have you back!!!!

  20. I am so glad to see you back and on Instagram! ;) Just love your site and missed my e-mail notifications...look forward to more loveliness from you. Thank you!

  21. Oh, how wonderful to have you back, JES! Welcome Back, sweet friend! I was just thinking of your blog recently, for some reason, and came here to see if there was a new post. It sounds like we have so much in common and entering into such a new and unfamiliar season of life. We have finished homeschooling, too, and it makes me incredibly said to think how quickly the years flew by. Yours was one of the blogs I became acquainted with when I first started blogging 8 1/2 years ago. So thankful you are back in blogland!

  22. It is lovely to see you back. I have so many of your labels on jars in my cupboard. My recipe book is full of your little rose recipe cards. I look forward to reading more and being inspired by your efforts.

  23. So happy you are back!!

  24. JES,

    I am so excited that you have returned to blogging! Your blog was always one of my favorites. I have revisited your posts over the past couple of years. I love all of your homemaking tips, recipes and thoughts on Biblical womanhood. Thank you for sharing and being a blessing to me!

    May you have a blessed day!


  25. Yay!!! You're back! I am so glad. Never were you more needed! xxx

  26. Welcome back! You have been missed. I look forward to reading anything you have on your mind. And believe me, we all try to find balance, it's a hard thing to do. I think we tend to give things our "all", and then we are out of balance somewhere else. Just keep listening to the Lord, and you'll find your balance. I know I find my calm and serene, when I listen. I need to listen all the time, but I don't. I am a 'work in progress', as we all are.

    God Bless you and yours,

  27. I am very glad that you are back and posting again. So many good ideas you share. Nancy from Indiana

  28. What a delightful surprise to find your post in my inbox. You really made my day.
    Can't wait to hear about all you've been up to.

  29. I am so excited that you are back to blogging. I have thought of you often as I have so many of your beautiful labels on my pantry goods. Looking forward to more blog post. Cindy in Alabama

  30. I have missed all your creative home-making ideas and godly inspiration. Welcome back, JES.

  31. How happy I am to find you in my inbox. You have been missed.

  32. So nice to open my inbox and see your blog post. Always an encouragement to be a godly homemaker. I look forward to your posts again!

  33. Welcome back! You have been missed

  34. Oh, to have been kept from our dear friends so long during these difficult times, and then to find YOU!-your love of God, your inspiration and sharing. Thank you for the courage to serve us all once again. Love from Oregon!

  35. Welcome back, dear JES! Oh, how delighted I was to see a new post from you! I have often visited your blog since your break, with the hopes that you had returned. Even though there wasn't a new post, I enjoyed going back and reading your old writings and gleaning the wisdom that you shared in them. However, today, I was so excited to see that there was, indeed, a new post from you! You are so very welcome back in the blog world...I am looking forward to returning here often for encouragement and inspiration! Bless you ♥

    Grace and peace be with you,

  36. So blessed to see a new post, update and encouragement for sure!

  37. JES,

    I am so excited that you have returned to blogging! Your blog was always one of my favorites. I have often visited your blog over the past couple of years to review some of my favorite posts.


  38. Welcome back ❤

  39. Welcome Back!
    Missed you so very much!
    May the Lord Bless you for coming back!
    Looking forward to your posts!

  40. Welcome Back, We missed your sweet and wise presence in Blog Land...
    May we all encourage you as you encourage us!
    I, always respected you for knowing to focus on your family and home!
    I was just thinking about you the other day, as I have some Bookmarks I made from your Blog you shared with us!
    Hugs, Roxy

  41. You have no idea how happy this makes me to see you here. I'm slowly reviving myself and blog too. It's the longing for community - again. I believe. Welcome back!!!

  42. JES, what a treat to discover your e-mail in my inbox today! It is good to hear from you, and I look forward to what you will share. Your beautiful, calming blog is one of my favorites!

  43. Oh my, so very glad to see you! You have been dearly missed. :)

  44. Hi Jes...I'm so happy you are back again and to hear you are doing okay!! So happy to find an email in my inbox, I always learn a lot here and enjoy reading al those things you are writing about!! Also happy you are on intagram too!! Lots of love from Holland...Angela

  45. Dear Jes,
    You have returned, what a delight. I actually was browsing through all the old posts during this time of lock down. I had been checking once a week the entire time you were gone, hoping you would return at some [point. When I saw "Stranger & Pilgrims" pop up in my email this morning I was so thrilled. I enjoy everything I see here.
    God's blessing to you and yours,

  46. Welcome back. Your challenging gentleness has been missed in my life.

  47. Jeeeessss!!! Welcome back. I actually just peeked in on your blog a couple weeks ago while needing a positive site. Any topic you bring to the table seems good ~ there is always a kindness in your voice and words that I very much appreciate. I'm glad you are well and have "weathered the storm." Also, that is an amazing hydrangea! Thank you for returning. You've made my day:-)

  48. Jes, welcome back to our homes. It's truly a blessing, we surely missed you!! Looking forward to learn together and to grow in our faith!!

  49. So glad to see you back. I've been combing your recipes lately for ideas of what to do with beans--and we've been enjoying the frozen bean burritos I made based on your recipe. :)
    I'm so glad life has settled down for you enough for you to return.

  50. It is so nice to hear you are doing well and will be writing here once again. I look forward to reading more of your posts which have been very helpful, encouraging, and lovely!
    ~ Lynnea

  51. I can't tell you how glad I am that you're back!!!!!!
    Interestingly, I was browsing your blog yesterday in search of some inspiration. I could feel your presence - and here you are! Yay!! Hugs from southern Oregon.

  52. How happy I am to see you back! I have been 'using' your blog while you have been away as it is just so inspirational. Look forward to seeing more!

  53. Dear Jes!

    Your beautiful, peaceful, homely theme in this post made me smile as I set out on a large floor cleaning job! These simple ways of faithfulness are so very precious!

    You are a treasure!!


  54. So happy to see you back Jes! We have missed you.

  55. Thrilled you are back!

  56. Dear Jes, I really needed some inspirational help this morning as I am afraid the current situation has been getting me down. I looked up your blog this morning and was thrilled to see your new post. So now for me, chin up, carry on, and get some lunch on the table. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. Clare, Australia

  57. What a delightful surprise! I revisit this precious space often as it refreshes my spirit every time I visit. I am so glad to see you back! You were so very missed❤

  58. OH my goodnesss---you're back! I literally teared up when I saw you in the blog roll! Welcome back friend! I'm so excited to see what you've got to share in this new season of your life.

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  59. What a blessing to have you back! I have kept you and your family in my prayers while you were gone. Your blog has been a blessing to me so many times in the past. Thank you for keeping it going!

  60. I'm só glad that you are back!
    Love, Carolien

  61. So very glad to see you back. I got your email and wondered why I hadn't seen you in awhile! I'm getting back to blogging again, so I know the perseverance you need to jump back in! But, thank you! You're a much needed presence in the world today! (My blog used to be A Mom's Many Lessons)

  62. With the turmoil that is central in all newscasts your blog brings me back home with simplicity and scriptures to prop me up! I am thankful to find you are returning. Your blog is refreshing and encouraging, thank you! God bless you!

  63. Welcome back JES! I'm thrilled to see you posting again.

  64. It is really wonderful to see you are posting again JES, we have missed you so.

    God Bless,

  65. Dear Jes, i am so glad, that you are back. I discovered your blog a few years ago. Your thoughtful posts have changed my attitude towards homemaking. I did not like it very much, i often said, that i don`t want to be a housewife. But the work has to be done nevertheless. So why not enjoy it?!
    I was and am also impressed by the discipline and knowledge you had to have to be a homeschooling teacher.
    I hope, that you are very well and greet you gratefully from Germany.

  66. I have missed your blog SO much, and have recently re-read through much of it during the quarantine. SO happy to see you back!

  67. I love grinding fresh coffee beans for my guests.

  68. What a great reminder of what’s most important. Looking forward to your future posts.

  69. My favorite blog is back! Thank you!❤️

  70. I am so happy you've returned to blogging. I have missed your presence. Looking forward to all you have to share. Lisa

  71. I want to know more how you grew spiritually while homemaking.

    1. Hmmm.... I've never thought of that in those regards... but I feel there is something in that that rings true... will have to ponder on that awhile...

      Thanks for your interest and for sparking some deep thinking!
