
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Most Creative, Most Important Job on Earth

“A true home should be the container for reviving real hospitality, true culture and conviviality, real fun, solid comfort, and above all, real civilization. And the most creative thing that anybody can do in this world is to make a real home. Indeed, the homemaker is as important as the house, and being a “housewife” is the most creative, most important job on Earth.”

~ John Seymour (aka "Father of Self-Sufficiency")
"The wise woman builds her house,
But the foolish pulls it down with her hands."
~ Proverbs 14:1

Visit here for more encouragement and inspiration.


  1. I love that! So encouraging!:) thanks for taking the time to share it. Have a creative week!:)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Sandra for taking the time to share :)

  3. Love the painting and the quote. It's a rainy day here in Tenn. so I think I'll perk it up with a batch of homemade fennel see crackers. ;) Love my stay-at-home life.

  4. Hi, JES,
    I'm just stopping by to wish you a wonderful weekend and Lord's Day! I hope you are well and thriving in the Lord :) I think of you and pray for you often. My husband and son are spreading chicken manure fertilizer on the fields all today and it S.M.E.L.L.S out there! The rains should come tomorrow night and wash that stuff deep into the grasses and soil! Hopefully :) Blessings and love! J

    1. Thanks for stopping by to visit and your pleasant update! And I sure hope that rain came :)

  5. That painting and quote is beautiful!

    Amy Jo
