
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Create Your Own Gluten Free 72 Hour Emergency Kit ~ Giveaway

“It is not often that a man can make opportunities for himself.
But he can put himself in such shape that when or if the opportunities come he is ready.”
~ Theodore Roosevelt

I am excited to share a give-away that Katie of Simple Foody has offered two of our readers! (Enter giveaway at the bottom of this post ~ I will notify the 2 winners by email :)

Some of you already know that I have been working on some sort of preparedness through our pantry. However, we really don't have a plan for quick meals which don't require cooking or heating. This is where Create Your Own Gluten Free 72 Hour Emergency Kit comes in handy. Katie has done all the work for you! I was a bit leary with the "gluten-free" part because honestly, we love gluten! However, the food list she gave was very doable, eatable and balanced (our family enjoys all the items she lists except for one).

The best part was that this e-book is quick to read, to the point and easy to compile! She includes the list of what to buy for a single person and a family of 5 so you can work out the math easily for your home. There are also tips on where to store and a handy rotation idea that I really liked!

"Be prepared." ~ Boy Scouts Motto

Some ways to implement this guide in your home ~


Every prudent homemaker desires to be prepared under all circumstances but time is often limited. Thanks to this e-book, all you need do is collect the items and store them using the suggestions and tips. 


One of your first emergency responses may need to be organizing any craziness on the homestead. With potentially limited time and resources for preparing your supply of foods, the Create Your Own Gluten Free 72 Hour Emergency Kit is ready to consume (if you follow its suggestions now). No need to muster up a cooking pot and heating sources, etc., leaving you time and energy to focus on your farm.


We did a two week study on fire safety, earthquake safety, etc., in our homeschool and prepared an emergency food kit. Our items didn't make sense but this e-book would allow you to collect an efficient, well balanced array for your family as you teach valuable safety lessons. Make it a classroom project! The bonus is that your children will understand the reasons for this supply and can access it if need be. 

Special! For a few more days, they have lowered the price over 30% to $1.99. But hurry, because November 4th the price goes back up to $2.99. 

Bonus! You will also want to visit Simple Foody which has a special give-away of its own right now of many wonderful products in honor of this new e-book (hurry to sign up as there are only a few days left of this too). I encourage you to visit her site for healthy and easy food inspiration!

“Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past
have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable.”
~ Gen. George S. Patton

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
~ Benjamin Franklin

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you to all who participated! The winners will be emailed shortly :)

Visit here for more thoughts on preparedness.


  1. Wow! This sounds great! I love how you incorporated it into your school studies. I also love the quotes you used!

  2. I didn't know Simply Foody existed until I read this post. Thank you!

  3. I like the articles on filling your pantry, unit studies and the wholesome books and videos. I appreciate the work that goes into this site!

  4. I appreciate the hard work that goes into this site. I enjoy the articles on filling your pantry and unit studies the best.

  5. I love the preservation and preparedness posts you write. I'm working on this too:)

  6. i really love the Homesteading section. i love DIY cleaners and i am interested in making my own home fragrance!

  7. I am very interested in the articles you have on bees and chickens. Also, i am looking forward to reading your post on body scrub!

  8. Preparedness is a recent interest of mine. Ihave also enjoyed the series on herbal remedies which also ties in very nicely with preparedness

  9. Though we do not homeschool, I know my children will benefit from helping with this project.
    Rebecca Ayers

  10. I read for the food preservation!

  11. I'm allergic to wheat so this would come in handy in case of emergency!

  12. I love the organizational items!
